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What is xiao menstruation and how long does it take?

Viewed 142 times11-12-2023 02:24 PM

1. What is a menstrual period?

When accidentally pregnant after surgery usually need to rest half a month or a month, this is called "small month".

This is known as the "baby moon". It is also important to take good care of the baby moon.深圳人工流產 If you don't take care of it properly, it is easy to cause vaginitis, adnexitis, acute and chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, cervicitis, cervical erosion, salpingitis, fallopian tube blockage, infertility and other diseases.

2. How long do you have to do the small moon

Experts pointed out that after the abortion, women should not rush to go out to work, the body recuperation needs at least 2~3 days, of course, if you can ensure that the majority of the month for postoperative physical rehabilitation,不孕檢查 I believe that the likelihood of falling into a minor problem after the operation will be smaller. You should rest for at least 2 weeks after the abortion.

3. How long can you have sex on the first day of the month?

The appropriate time to have sex is 2 months after delivery.深圳人流 It takes about 8 weeks for the female reproductive organs to return to normal after a miscarriage. The mucous membrane of the vagina, which has been enlarged, becomes thin and easily damaged, and it takes some time to recover.

4. Can Xiao Yue Zi cure menstrual diseases?

Although when the human body is pregnant, after a period of pregnancy, some of the body's potential functions will be activated, as if a small rebirth, I have heard that there have been female athletes abroad in order to make their bodies stronger, using pregnancy recuperation exercise to restore the body, clinically it is also true that some people are pregnant after the birth of some of the original disease magically disappeared.

But the role of the small moon is not great, because and production compared to the time is too short to achieve the effect, and a little carelessness may aggravate the previous months of disease, we recommend that you go to find a good Chinese medicine doctor to treat the previous months of disease, do not use this method, months of disease is not no way, just that you did not find a good Chinese medicine.

5. What to eat in the small months

Appropriate drinking brown sugar water, iron, diuretic. Brown sugar has a high iron content, but also contains a variety of trace elements and minerals, can promote the discharge of bad dew, to prevent urinary incontinence. However, drinking too much will cause new mothers to sweat more and lose salt in their bodies. Therefore, it should not be consumed for too long, not more than 10 days at most.

Slowly overdo from liquid food to normal diet. After giving birth, the function of the digestive system takes some time to recover, so you can choose some easier-to-digest food for a few days after delivery. You can transition from congee and noodles to thin rice, then rice and pasta.

Eat small meals, not gluttony. Because new mothers spend most of their time lying in bed inside the month, they should not eat too much at each meal and can eat when they are hungry.

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