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Function and maintenance of bathroom shower curtain

Viewed 156 times18-10-2019 11:22 AM |Personal category:shower curtains| shower, curtains

First, the introduction of the bathroom shower curtain

The bathroom shower curtain, as the name implies, is the curtain used to cover the bathroom when it is bathed. This bathroom shower curtain has a lot of practical effects. In addition, Xiaobian will explain some of the use of bathroom shower curtains, the choice of bathroom shower curtains, and the cleaning and maintenance of bathroom shower curtains. A lot of knowledge about these bathroom shower curtains can also alleviate the troubles of our living room decoration.

Second, the function of the bathroom shower curtain

The function of the traditional bathroom shower curtain is mainly used to block. Because the bathroom shower curtain is set in the bathroom, it can prevent water splash or foam splashing into other places when taking a bath. The bathroom shower curtain can be placed to protect other equipment in the bathroom, and unnecessary cleaning can be avoided. However, until now, many bathroom shower curtains can also be used to decorate the house because of its beautiful appearance, making the bathroom look less monotonous.

Third, the bathroom shower curtain cleaning and maintenance

Generally, it is easy to grow bacteria in a humid place. Where can these bacteria depend? That must be the bathroom shower curtain. Therefore, it is important to keep the bathroom shower curtain clean. For the cleaning of the bathroom shower curtain, the material must be divided into materials. The bathroom shower curtain can be hand-washed or washed in a washing machine. But for some plastic bathroom shower curtains, we can scrub with vinegar.
The shower curtain is a household item that prevents light, dust and light. The bathroom with shower curtain is not only safe but also full of fun. However, due to the dampness of the bathroom and the breeding of bacteria, the shower curtain should be cleaned and descaled. Generally, every time, the shower curtain should be removed and cleaned.

Because the bathroom is damp and splashed with dirt, after a while, the shower curtain should be cleaned. Pine oil is recommended. This kind of cleaning can also clean the stains of the pen and the hard-to-wash stains, and also play a role in sterilization. Then pass the water, just wipe it and wipe it, it is very convenient to use.
Soak the cheap hower curtains in the washing powder water, soak it for 10-15 minutes. Then use the laundry brush. If it is not clean, you can use the brush to wash the brush directly. This will wash it. If you are too lazy to brush For the shower curtain, you can add the shower curtain to the washing machine, add 4 cups of vinegar, and let it stand for one night before handing it to the washing machine for cleaning. This method can not only sterilize, but also neutralize the dirt, and it can save the trouble of brushing the shower curtain.

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