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Active profile

  • Administrative Group: Moderator
  • User Group: Moderator
  • Registration date: 26-5-2011 01:05 PM
  • Last visit time: 1-6-2024 08:31 PM
  • Last activity time: 1-6-2024 08:31 PM
  • Last post time: 1-6-2024 09:45 PM
  • Last sendmail time: 0
  • Time offset: (GMT +08:00) Beijing, Hong Kong, Perth, Singapore, Taipei
  • Space visits: 93
  • Friends: 25
  • Posts: 361032
  • Threads: 236
  • Digests: 4
  • Doings: 0
  • Blogs: 0
  • Albums: 0
  • Shares: 0
  • Used Space: 0 B
  • Points: 696248
  • Credits: 696248
  • EXP: 1086
  • Cpoint: 0
  • Warrior Level: 0
  • CCash: 0.00
  • Buyer rating: 0
  • Seller rating: 0


Moderator   Best Guardians   The Big Boss   Oldtimer   Legenderer  

Please became my friend, and you can know my surrent interests and communicate with me. Feel free to contact me.

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