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tutorial2 9-3-2016 12:01 PM

I want to share my experience online purchase China goods

As we know 70% of products in market made in China. There are variety of online shops and websites in China. In Malaysia, buying China good can cut down our costing. Purchase China goods using agent (purchase on behalf) save a lot of problems, they make the purchase flow easier and safely to operate, help us save our time and money. All we need to do is looking for products, make payment and waiting the goods send to our house.

I using agent (purchase on behalf) to help me make order in and
This agent is quite good, they have complete ordering system that shows you all your transactions and your expenses
I have been using their service for quite some time, so far so good
They are registered company in Malaysia and they provided customer commercial invoice and tax invoice for those who buying goods for business purpose
All information provided in their website, including rate(left top), shipping cost and terms & conditions
If you are interested, you can have a visit to their website:
ip_lepat 10-5-2014 08:44 AM
ciksurie: bizi + takdok geng nak moyan
aper nak segan..takder org..aku dgn lala jer
kadang2x che tan menyelit
biasanya ramai kan?
penah usha ari tu masa nur ngajak msuk sana.
ip_lepat 10-5-2014 08:39 AM
ciksurie: sihat..alhamdulillah...tak selisih dgn aku tue...
lagipun aku jarang moyan dah

lala selalulah singgah ghumah aku kat penang   
nape dah kurang masuk? sibuk ke?

segan nk msuk sana, tk kenai ramai org. nur pun lama tkde sana.
ciksurie 10-5-2014 08:31 AM
aku dah reply tadi  
ciksurie 10-5-2014 08:31 AM
awatlah jadi lagu nie  
ciksurie 10-5-2014 08:31 AM
ip_lepat 10-5-2014 08:28 AM
ciksurie: lepat...lama tak nampak kau :)
dah 3 kali reply ni. kosong je
ip_lepat 10-5-2014 08:27 AM
ciksurie: lepat...lama tak nampak kau :)
ada cik su. hari2 ada kat sini.
cik su apa habor? sihat?
ip_lepat 10-5-2014 08:26 AM
ciksurie: lepat...lama tak nampak kau :)
ada cik su. hari2 ada melepak kat sini.
cik su apa habor? sihat?
chomel77 4-11-2012 12:34 PM
ciksurie: okies bolehlah....petang karang baru surie bank in..nanti surie snap bank in slip..kira confirm yer...detail nanti surie email
Ok, confirmed, apa2 nnt PM or emel je  
ciksurie 4-11-2012 12:09 PM
bolehlah....kasi total amount & detail bank
chomel77 4-11-2012 12:01 PM
salams, nape ek sy tak leh nak reply PM awak, asik kuar error msg, kalo dh tersend byk, sowi ye, semua buku2 tu ada lg n postage dlm RM20. kalo jdik PM balik ya, thanks
amadeus 18-9-2012 10:16 AM
ehh......bukan email link....please email the ebooks to [email protected]

thank you..muah..muah..
amadeus 18-9-2012 10:15 AM
nak mintak tlg emailkan link ebook SEP baru boleh?
kalau ada rachel gibson yg baru pun nak juga..:)

thanks darling..
ciksurie 8-8-2012 08:06 AM
w'salam kaka...okies..sat riri tukar
sfhzuraz 8-8-2012 02:26 AM
as salam riri...

kt pahang thread kaum hawa tu...
kalo tajuk bazar ramadan tu dah kurang dibincangkan boleh tukar tajuk baru...lagu2 raya semakin rancak kedengaran...mari bincangkan...minggu depan dah boleh tajuk balik kampung semakin terasa...


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