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cecurut 8-2-2013 11:29 AM
Salam moderator amazed,

Need a big help. Ada budak XPDCKELATE kacau kita orang punya thread 'DIMI PETRATOS 'IMPORT HENSEM TRW' yang telah membuat provokasi harrassment gangguan spoil kan thread kita orang cari gaduh.. Please block him from entering our thread. or cut his points.  It is so happy to see the thread can attract more viewer but because of him, we lost our interest to continue posting all the interesting information overthere. Minta pihak admin moderator ambil tindakan tegas terhadap XPDCKELATE yang buat kacau dan merosakkan dan mendatangkan gangguan kepada pihak kami. Terima kasih.
aduhh 19-1-2013 06:28 PM uuu laaaa
spiderhoo 16-10-2009 06:24 PM
hello hello


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