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danielusa 14-1-2023 09:29 AM
wow, great post. it gave me a lot of useful information. I look forward to your next posts.
news247 16-9-2022 08:27 AM
cmf_premierleag 21-11-2021 07:47 PM
salam sisthurssss...aku bukak link ke profile sarah. ada any latest news ke? tak nmpk any updates pun
MsOren 21-11-2021 01:50 PM
Salam dari kuburan. Happy reading.
SelakLangsir 31-7-2017 04:09 PM
cmf_premierleag: sis , ko nak belajar cara2 beli rumah ke?
iols bleh tlg ajarkan
iols pun belajar dr kawan2 opis dan porem ni
sis. ajarin aku sis.
i want your guidance
juliez 23-1-2013 07:42 PM
cmf_premierleag : noks, aku ni mmg x penah la masuk tred psl bloggers2 nih so, skang ni baru la nak jengah ke part 3 bloggers ni so nak tanya, apa yg kecoh2 sgt psl bv ... Al kisahnya these ppl dok bg satu blog ni suh baca sbb katanya life minah tu mcm perfect jer, mix, anak org kaya, cantik, pandai masak, ada bela anak angkat etc semuanya indah belaka So bila we all baca blog, ada la few of us speku ni mesti blog tahyul, coz the way she berce ... ...
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