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ummimon 11-3-2013 02:16 PM

my son, mula2 dr suspect his disorder was his paed. umur dia 3 tahun jumpa E&T to ensure dia takde hearing problem.
then jumpa psychiatrist Dr Rose Peng di Seri Kembangan. mula2 therapy (occupational and speech) kat Gleaneagles. pastu tak blh nak cope with us both working, makin jarang pegi terapi. he eventually started speaking umur 5+yo. masa umur 6 tahun, i took a year leave to prep him for school. dia pegi persatuan dyslexia malaysia, ada kelas untuk ajar baca tulis kira. for 3 months (july-sept). then sambung ajar sendiri kat rumah. oh ya, terapi kat gleneagles yang terbengkalai tu sambung kat HUKM.

my son mild ADHD with some ciri2 autism. he'll be 9 this year. attends normal school, normal class.

makan saya tak berkira sangat. his picks very limited, kang kot limitkan lagi makanan, takde apa pulak dia nak makan :D. he was once on medication (ritalin) tapi we all stop kan.

anak you umur berapa? very advisable not to wait, buat terapi cepat2. :D
syamlin 11-3-2013 11:10 AM
salam ummi..
saya baru je dapat tau anak saya ada mild autism..
saya dah pegi few places and masih mencari kaedah dan tempat yg ok nak hantar anak saya..
first saya jumpa paed genetic disorder dr choy sdmc.. dia yg confirmkan pasal mild autism
(dah pegi eip kota damansara (jauh dr rumah..saya tinggal di klang)
esok saya nak jumpa psychiatrist an nur , and kalau dia confirm saya nak minta refer letter untuk bawa dia for speech therapy

nak minta pengalaman ummi.. dulu u hantar kat mana etc..pemakanan yg kena jaga mcmana
nsya 4-11-2012 12:46 PM
promosi telekung



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