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mgsolution 16-2-2017 09:28 AM
whats wrong with my post..
darwin1 7-1-2017 10:24 PM
Hello seribulan,
my username is darwin1
Why have you removed me so many points?
[Credits -999 ] your post in the thread YourClix -
This site is new and not SCAM. You never me before did not take points. Why now?
I am a member here of a several years.
Please review your decision again. PLEASE!
I don't really understand why?
Please restore my credits.

best regard
Tashu 14-3-2013 09:46 AM
seribulan: banner di pertandingan bod komunikasi nampak jelas dan tak berserabut sangat..tapi URL Cari tu salah..kenapa letak, kalau search gun ...
dah selalu buat banner, mmg mcm tu la yg sy tulis....tu pun ikut contoh kat bod tanya wanita buat, momod sendiri pun tulis mcm tu. sy xde simpan versi asal sebelum ditambah text, dah dilit semua....itu aje yg ada.
cecurut 8-2-2013 01:26 PM
Ini satu komen dari forumer lain di thread tu terhadap gangguan posting XPDCKELATE. Pls remind him if he still entering our thread action will betaken. We really hope if you could bann him from enter our thread. It was so fun and everybody are happy and he has SPOIL it. Busuk hati dan dengki sebab his old thread started from 2008 until today baru 30 pages ajer tak ada sambutan gomo kelate gomo punya thread. Motif dengki dan busuk hati...

sarajevo   8-2-2013 01:20 PM
ambo pon rasa tak seronok baca posting dio...thanks for the reminder, anyway
cecurut 8-2-2013 11:31 AM
Salam moderator

Need a big help. Ada budak XPDCKELATE kacau kita orang punya thread 'DIMI PETRATOS 'IMPORT HENSEM TRW' yang telah membuat provokasi harrassment gangguan spoil kan thread kita orang cari gaduh.. Please block him from entering our thread. or cut his points.  It is so happy to see the thread can attract more viewer but because of him, we lost our interest to continue posting all the interesting information overthere. Minta pihak admin moderator ambil tindakan tegas terhadap XPDCKELATE yang buat kacau dan merosakkan dan mendatangkan gangguan kepada pihak kami. Terima kasih.
myfish 9-11-2012 09:44 AM
salam seribulan.aku nak tnye skit.ari tu ko ade move topik aku sal ustaz tokyo tu kan?ko kate lebih appropriate.
tadi ak ade bukak 1 topik trauma bercinta tapi kat board masalah cinta. then tetbe ade sorang moderator ni remark topik bermasalah sebab lagi seswai ke bhgian masalah peribadi.ok ak trima je kalo tak seswai.tpi yg aku tak puas at nape thread ak tibe2 ilang?!apesal dia tak move thread aku mcam ko move?!aku tbe2 rse mrh ni.ak mmg tk phm so tolong explain blh?..cmne aku nk dpt thread aku balik?
otakotak 3-11-2012 06:23 PM
hai kawan-kawan
o2 ada jual buku sikit
jemput tengok


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