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marla69 22-6-2018 08:52 AM
Tq for the kredit. Moga murah rezeki selalu. Aamiin
ezrinmarsh 16-4-2018 11:22 PM
just like to know why my thread was deleted?

saya baru  disini and am not sure abt the rules so pls tell me which rules has been broken?

thanks for your kind attention

ezrin marsh
SummerAutumn 13-3-2018 11:26 PM
Thank you for the generous credits, kaka :)
msamyrazi 6-3-2018 02:14 PM
tq seri bulan sebab sudi rate ..  
torsotiger 2-1-2018 02:08 PM
Salam seribulan, nak tanya kenapa delete topik sy buat tu?? sbb dah ada
siputmerahjambu 30-12-2017 10:35 PM
Thanks seribulan...rase terharu bile seri bagi credit...mcm org bace cite kite...
kuihbakar 1-11-2017 04:57 PM
terima kasih seribulan,,, bagi kredit bnyk2...lebiuuuuu
noorhairiahma 2-10-2017 02:39 PM
thank you, seribulan.
i sayang seribulan sebab bagi i kredit banyak2.
rocknburn 10-9-2017 01:37 PM
lebiu kaka. bg kite kredit  
ablishan 24-8-2017 07:54 AM
TQV M Seri Bulan.....
minahsanggul 20-8-2017 04:28 AM
Tqvm dpt point
Piramida 13-8-2017 10:12 PM
Tq akak...  kita dpt point.
ablishan 3-8-2017 02:00 PM
Teemah88 28-7-2017 09:50 PM
tq kaka bg kite credits  =)
ablishan 6-7-2017 05:02 PM
TQ momod
pin0t 21-5-2017 10:39 AM
Thanks for the credits  
nafizzz 6-5-2017 07:27 PM
Thanks for the credit :)
cludynine 13-4-2017 05:38 PM
i am very sorry for trouble i make to you..can i get credits back so i can berforium dengan aman??
i swear i takkan buat kacau lagi.
harituh laptop i rosak
can you forgive me this time ?
seribulan 24-3-2017 08:18 PM
I did not cut your credits dear. I just move your thread to Siti Norhaliza board.
cludynine 24-3-2017 05:12 PM
oh my..i am terribly sorry on causing so much trouble..I come to CARI just to gossiping and interact with SITIZONERS..I am terribly sorry for opening 4 threads..I dunno how to erase them..Terribly sorry and I will space myself from this board for a while as you guys are just so terrible..removed me so many points while you don't message and ask me what i am doing..


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