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btg 10-11-2019 07:14 PM
Saya tengah cari sebuah lagu awal 90an, cuma ingat sedikit iramanya, tapi tak ingat liriknya langsung.  Saya ada klip piano bagi irama yang saya ingat, tapi forum ini tak boleh pula pos mp3.  Macam mana saya boleh minta orang tolong beritahu nama lagu itu??
nurmazlinda1991 23-3-2016 07:04 PM
menipu orang je muntz ni
tutorial2 9-3-2016 12:00 PM

I want to share my experience online purchase China goods

As we know 70% of products in market made in China. There are variety of online shops and websites in China. In Malaysia, buying China good can cut down our costing. Purchase China goods using agent (purchase on behalf) save a lot of problems, they make the purchase flow easier and safely to operate, help us save our time and money. All we need to do is looking for products, make payment and waiting the goods send to our house.

I using agent (purchase on behalf) to help me make order in and
This agent is quite good, they have complete ordering system that shows you all your transactions and your expenses
I have been using their service for quite some time, so far so good
They are registered company in Malaysia and they provided customer commercial invoice and tax invoice for those who buying goods for business purpose
All information provided in their website, including rate(left top), shipping cost and terms & conditions
If you are interested, you can have a visit to their website:
tutorial2 13-1-2016 05:30 PM
Hi, I want to share my experience purchase China goods with you
I using agent (purchase on behalf) to help me make order in and
This agent is quite good, they have complete ordering system that shows you all your transaction and your expenses
I have been using their service for quite some time, so far so good
They are registered company in Malaysia and they provided customer commercial invoice and tax invoice for those who buying goods for business purpose
All information provided in their website, including rate(left top), shipping cost and terms & conditions  
If you are interested, you can have a look for their website:
budak_sukan 27-1-2014 12:05 AM
Mod, camne nak deactivated account kt forum CARI ni?
cruz2 10-11-2013 08:10 PM
Sy tak buat multiple posting la muntz..pi check sape bukak dulu thread tembak di kuantan tu..harap mak long  
AdamBillionaire 7-9-2013 05:43 AM
muntz, aku minta maaf bagi pihak aku sebab kau terpaksa layan karenah aku. tp untuk pihak macai abaikan jeklah. aku nk kurangkan layan provokasi macai.

kita ye kan je macai2 forum ni   ok lah. jom.. solat subuh. wasalam..
AdamBillionaire 7-9-2013 05:06 AM
ok muntz. aku dah tekan butang report. kalau kau momode yang adil berhemah sila ambil tindakan jangan berat sebelah je mcm yipun dan macai forum  
AdamBillionaire 7-9-2013 04:52 AM
Muntz: Nok. Aku takleh trace IP ok. Bab2 trace IP nie ko apply kat supermod atau admin. Aku mod biasa jah. Mana yg termampu aku buat, aku buat jah. :D :D
muntz. terima kasih potong kredit aku   harap kau tak berat sebelah sebab org yang provokasi aku kau tak potong kan? kih3.. standard momode yipun sama jee. sorang geng macai sorang berat sebelah
AdamBillionaire 6-9-2013 03:59 AM
muntz. kau kena kerja lebih sikit. sebab macai umno dan BN dengar cerita dpt gaji hari ni.. nnti sure mereka kerja spam cari forum lebih masa.. harap kalau susah2 kau ban je ip address macai umno ni. mereka ni parasit2 yang merosakkan keamanan forum cari.. mmg patut pun di ban.. kita patut jaga ketuanan cari forum bersama..    tanpa macai kita semua dpt hidup aman damai dalam forum..
roblucci 8-7-2013 12:18 AM
aku dah ubah avatar aku tapi apsal avatar kat posting masih stay yang lama?
Acong 12-6-2013 05:17 AM
Muntz: Dah ada. Aku siap highlight lagi.
iye laa........  
Acong 7-6-2013 01:10 AM
oit...... dah ada thread jambatan runtuh ke???
True-X 27-4-2013 10:42 PM
salam muntz...

aku appeal utk open balik.. memandang kan artikel tuh sgt relevan dengan musim pilihanraya skrg ni....

thank you
bskl2020 15-4-2013 11:09 PM
gua bukan main-main bro, gua tak kacau jangan kacau gua.....kalau gua start attack tu baru tahu tak tido malam.....gua boleh tabur pic ini tidak hanya di forum cari, bahkan di forum2 lain yang mana lu takde kuasa langsung....
sayawifenikmie 14-4-2013 12:03 AM
Muntz: Saya dah bagitau admin6 tentang perkara ini. Mgkin dia akan usahakan utk delete pic tu. :)
thanks muntz .. mod red devil kata dia dah delete .. tak sangka pulak Acong boleh buat  macam tu .. dia yang mula quote pos kak lid dan cakap  bukan2 ...  

apa pun .. thanks so  much
sayawifenikmie 13-4-2013 07:05 PM
Muntz: Saya dah cuba delete link tu tapi gambar tu tetap keluar, kak. Mgkin saya akan mintak pertolongan admin dalam kes nie. Saya dah ban post tu supaya for ...
thanks Muntz. Appreciate it very much.
sayawifenikmie 13-4-2013 06:50 PM


AdamBillionaire 13-4-2013 12:23 PM
Muntz: Ko kena faham board Isu Semasa tu utk apa. Kalau boleh sukati tepek artikel dari wikipedia, blog bagai, baik tak payah label Isu Semasa jah, dan tak p ...
muntz. adam tengok.. thread2 lain.. momode tolong pindahkan kat board politik PRU.. kau tak boleh adjustkan ke? banyak lg benda adam nak upload ni
AdamBillionaire 12-4-2013 10:24 PM
Muntz: Ko kena faham board Isu Semasa tu utk apa. Kalau boleh sukati tepek artikel dari wikipedia, blog bagai, baik tak payah label Isu Semasa jah, dan tak p ...
tak pe.. tunggu keluar utusan  nanti.. adam bayar utusan jadikan isu semasa   khas tajuk besar2 isu semasa

ok.. mekasih momode kerana jelaskan hal sebenar...  


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