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Share 涉京華城案被羈押禁見朱亞虎認罪李文宗否認收賄
jki356879 30-9-2024 11:42 AM
華夏經緯網9月30日訊:根據新加坡《聯合早報》報道,台北地檢署針對京華城案展開第二波大規模偵察,台灣民眾黨主席柯文哲擔任台北市長期間的辦公室主任李文宗,以及前台北市政府兵役局局長、京華城開發商威京集團子公司鼎越前董事長朱亞虎,因涉案而被收押禁見,其中朱亞虎承認行賄。 台北地檢署27日展開偵查, ...
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Share 兩岸祭孔共同傳承中華文化意義非凡
jki356879 30-9-2024 11:37 AM
9月28日,是孔子誕辰2575年,北京四海孔子書院舉辦隆重的禮樂祭孔典禮。台灣中華儒學總會,台灣孫文南院等文教團體及書院學生家長,各界關心四海孔子書院的師友,以及來自北京大學、清華大學、北京外國語大學、在京台灣大學生、台灣青年代表等200多觀禮,親身感受這場盛大而富有教育意義的禮樂典禮,共同緬懷大成至 ...
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Share 台灣電價審議會30日登場工商團體呼籲今年內勿再調漲
jki356879 30-9-2024 11:32 AM
華夏經緯網9月30日訊:根據台灣《中國時報》報道,台當局經濟部門30日召開台灣電價費率審議會,預期將再度調漲電價以緩解台電虧損問題。台灣工商協進會29日發布聲明,強調以用電量大小為標準,針對用電大戶訂定較高電價調幅,不盡公允,且目前全球景氣的不確定性逐漸提高,盼今年以及近期內勿再調漲電價。 針對 ...
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Share Which is Safer: Medication Abortion or Suction Aspiration?
xgrlyh 30-9-2024 10:38 AM
Abortion is a deeply personal decision that can arise from various circumstances, and understanding the safety of different methods is crucial for anyone considering their options. Among the most common abortion methods are medication abortion and suction aspiration (also known as suction curettage ...
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Share Customization Trends in Telehandler Manufacturing
johnthomas 30-9-2024 08:12 AM
The telehandler manufacturing industry is witnessing a significant shift towards customization, driven by the diverse needs of various sectors. As businesses seek to enhance operational efficiency and productivity, telehandlers are becoming increasingly tailored to meet specific requirement ...
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Share Why lfp battery manufacturers Aren’t Unnecessary
johnthomas 30-9-2024 08:00 AM
In a world where energy storage solutions are becoming increasingly vital, it may be tempting to dismiss the role of lfp battery manufacturers as unnecessary. However, this would be a grave misconception. lfp battery manufacturers play a crucial role in meeting the needs and expectations of vari ...
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Share How Industrial Robot Controllers Are Driving Innovation in Manufacturing
johnthomas 30-9-2024 07:49 AM
Hey there! If you’ve ever marveled at how factories can produce goods at lightning speed, you’re not alone. One of the unsung heroes behind this efficiency is the industrial robot controller . These nifty devices are revolutionizing manufacturing processes and pushing innovation to new h ...
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Share The Dynamic Versatility of Wholesale Blinds for Windows
johnthomas 30-9-2024 07:36 AM
Step into the future with wholesale blinds for windows , a cutting-edge technology that is revolutionizing the way we control light and privacy in our homes. These innovative window coverings offer a seamless blend of style and functionality, providing homeowners with an unparalleled level of co ...
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Share Can Total Quality Management (TQM) Improve the Efficiency of Industrial Control
johnthomas 30-9-2024 07:26 AM
As an industrial control company , I have always been interested in finding ways to improve our efficiency and productivity. One approach that has gained significant attention is Total Quality Management (TQM). In this article, we will explore how TQM can potentially benefit industrial control ...
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Share Colorful Innovation: TFT LCD Module Shakes Up the Industry
johnthomas 30-9-2024 07:21 AM
Are you tired of dull and monotonous displays? Look no further! The tft lcd module is here to revolutionize your visual experience. With its vibrant colors and crystal-clear resolution, this cutting-edge technology will leave you in awe. The Rise of TFT LCDModule Gone are the days of gra ...
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