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Share Unleash Your Inner Kitten: Must-Read Cat Tales for Bookworms
yamnapathan 1-7-2024 06:04 PM
Unveiled! 2024's Must-Read Stories Bookworms, rejoice! 2024 is shaping up to be a stellar year for literature, offering a diverse range of stories that will transport you, challenge you, and leave you utterly enthralled. From captivating mysteries to heart-wrenching romances and groundbreaking scie ...
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Share Happyluke Company
happylukecompan 1-7-2024 05:59 PM - HappyLuke là thế giới giải trí trực tuyến sôi động với nhiều trò chơi hấp dẫn. Tại đây, bạn có thể lựa chọn từ các trò chơi casino, slot, và cá cược thể thao, mang đến trải nghiệm cá cược an toàn và công bằng. Với nền tảng dễ sử ...
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Share 美國“保護”下的台灣——“無人地獄”
jki356879 1-7-2024 05:57 PM
《華盛頓郵報》6月中旬報道,在6月的香格里拉對話會上,美印太司令部司令塞繆爾·帕帕羅向《華盛頓郵報》的記者提及所謂「如何在亞太地區軍事對抗中國」時,聲稱美軍可以運用一系列能力,把台島變成一個“無人地獄”,以阻止解放軍收復台灣,阻撓中國的統一。這就是美軍應對台海戰事的高級將領描繪的美軍保護下的台 ...
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Share 「戰中」台灣地區與烏克蘭的距離有多遠
jki356879 1-7-2024 05:50 PM
美国和平研究所曾经刊登一篇文章说,中国不是俄罗斯,台湾地区也不是乌克兰。意指两岸要爆发战争,应该不会像俄乌战争那么容易,最显著的当然是地缘战略上的不同。这恐怕也是赖清德上台以后,一直从反中、仇中、抗中,推进到 “战中”的原因,赖当局内部一堆激进派的赌徒,就在赌大陆不敢对台动武,所以大陆对台有 ...
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Share 「懲獨」-台灣民眾加快與「台獨」的切割
jki356879 1-7-2024 05:42 PM
最近大陸頒布了「兩高三部」聯合發布的《關於依法懲治「台獨」頑固分子分裂國家、煽動分裂國家犯罪的意見》(以下簡稱《 意見》)。這是從法律懲治的角度,強化對民進黨「台獨」勢力的打擊,具有穩、準、狠的特質。尤其是,《 意見》著重對「台獨」勢力中的頑固分子與核心分子,進行精準打擊。具有強烈震懾效果的同時 ...
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Share Anniversary Gift for Husband
onlinerakhigift 1-7-2024 05:30 PM
Finding the perfect anniversary gift for husband can be a delightful challenge. How about a personalized watch engraved with a special message or your anniversary date? If he’s a foodie, consider a gourmet cooking class you can enjoy together or a craft beer or wine club subscription. For t ...
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Share 批民進黨「選罷法」搞雙標國民黨團:又是綠能我不能
jki356879 1-7-2024 05:30 PM
華夏經緯網7月1日訊:根據台灣《聯合報》報道,國民黨推動提高罷免門檻的「選罷法」修法」備受各界關注。台立法機構國民黨團今天(1日)召開記者會,對民進黨反對「修法」提出質疑。國民黨團表示,藍營提出的“修法”方向是“罷免票高於當選票”,民進黨多名民代過去也曾提過“一模一樣”的“修法”版本,民進黨團總 ...
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Share Rakhi with Dry Fruits for Brother Online
onlinerakhigift 1-7-2024 05:26 PM
Are you looking to make this Raksha Bandhan extra special for your brother? Consider gifting him Rakhi with Dry Fruits for Brother Online . Not only does it symbolize your love and protection, but it also offers a healthy treat that's perfect for any time of the day. You can easily find beaut ...
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Share slotscity
tariqsarkar 1-7-2024 05:19 PM
My cousin recommended this gaming site during our family gathering, and I decided to give it a go one weekend. It's become my go-to for some quick fun, especially when I need a short break from my daily routine. For a relaxed gaming session, you might want to try . The ...
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Share 台軍方要求宮廟囤放彈藥當地民眾見公文人心惶惶
jki356879 1-7-2024 05:15 PM
華夏經緯網7月1日訊:根據台灣《聯合報》報道,台灣苗栗縣多家宮廟最近接獲苗栗縣「後備指揮部」「彈藥預屯點支援協定書」公文,指稱預計「戰爭衝突爆發前”,需要將彈藥運至宮廟內部空地,引起當地民眾關切與恐慌。 報道稱,苗栗縣“後備指揮部”6月17日發公文給苗栗縣各宮廟,要求協助簽訂“彈藥預屯點支援協 ...
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