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Share 童子賢、賴清德扮黑白臉? 王鴻薇質疑民進黨核能政策分裂
jki356879 2-7-2024 05:55 PM
根據台灣「中時新聞網」報道,台灣及碩集團董事長董子賢近日出任賴清德辦公室「氣候變遷委員會」副召集人,不過其對核能的立場是否與台當局領導人賴清德相左,持續受到關注與討論。國民黨民進黨代表王鴻薇就質疑,這難道是民進黨對於政策搞分裂嗎? 童子賢近來談到,台灣能源政策被「非核家園」的口號卡住了,還 ...
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Share 台灣新冠疫情預估7月中旬將達高峰掀起防疫物資購買潮
jki356879 2-7-2024 05:49 PM
根據台灣「聯合新聞網」報道,島上新冠疫情升溫,台當局「疾管署」預估7月中旬疫情將抵達高峰。基層藥局藥師表示,最近又掀起一波防疫物資購買潮,前五大產品為口罩、快篩試劑、酒精、維生素C及喉糖,其中口罩銷量增加五成之多,之前不少人還會挑花色、圖案,現在則是“什麼口罩都好”,因為馬上就要戴。 開幕藥 ...
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Share Are You Aware About WHIZZINATOR And Its Benefits?
beirthionghadyn 2-7-2024 05:47 PM
The Whizzinator is an aid to assist individuals in passing urine drug tests without being caught. It mimics natural urination processes by using synthetic urine and fake penis, with heating pads to ensure samples reach an ideal temperature. Many individuals turn to this product in order t ...
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Share 台軍1年役增5萬人島內軍事專家稱經費勢必攀升更影響戰略
jki356879 2-7-2024 05:43 PM
​ 台軍要擴充到怎樣的規模,應提出有力的論述。圖為新兵入伍訓練。 (台灣《中國時報》資料照片) 根據台灣《中國時報》7月1日報道,2024年開始台軍執行一年期義務役制度,台北政經學院基金會董事長黃煌雄指出,預期造成三方面影響,包括直接衝擊台軍現行21.5萬的總員額、造成人員維持經費與作業維持經費攀 ...
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Share Nevada Casino Hits $1.32 Billion In May Amid Strong Event-Centered Growth
indiaoutlook348 2-7-2024 05:40 PM
Nevada's casino industry continues to move toward another record year, fueled by strong May performance despite challenges in the local market. Nevada Casino's Continued Growth: While Nevada's overall gaming revenue soared to a record $1.32 billion in May and Streep contributed significantl ...
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Share Discovering Solace and Luxury: Your Guide to Resorts in Bangkok
lobedir342 2-7-2024 05:38 PM
Bangkok, the busy metropolis known for its vibrant street life and cultural points of interest, now offers a destination of solace and luxury in the form of resorts. Sitting despite the city’s energetic ambiance, these retreats promise a peaceful escape where modern comfort meets traditional ...
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Share 柯文哲批意識形態關核能恐跳電:核三廠延役最安全
jki356879 2-7-2024 05:33 PM
根據台灣「中時新聞網」報道,台灣核三廠廠一號機七月停機進入退役,國民黨推動核能延役,民眾黨主席柯文哲6月30日被問到此問題指出,台灣再生能源發展沒有預期順利,純粹用科學思考都知道,核三廠要延役是最安全作法,操弄意識形態把核能全關掉,七八月份大家冷氣機一開,一定跳電地一塌糊塗。 柯文哲說,純粹 ...
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Share Germany Tea Market Growth, Share, Trends Analysis under Segmentation and Forecas
irenegarcia 2-7-2024 05:25 PM
Market Overview: Germany Tea Market: According to the latest report from MarkNtel Advisors, the Germany Tea Market is projected to grow at a CAGR of approximately 16% from 2024-30. MarkNtel Advisors, renowned for evaluating business performance, product portfolios, operational seg ...
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Share 義務役延為1年台軍士官仍缺乏民間智庫呼籲重視部隊素質與管理問題 ...
jki356879 2-7-2024 05:21 PM
根據台灣《中國時報》報道,台軍兵役制度自2024年改回募款並行製,對此,台北政經學院基金會報告指出,民進黨當局宣布恢復徵兵,問題卻未必迎刃而解。未來雖有大量義務役加入,但要管理、訓練這些人員,仍需長期服役的志願役幹部,在台軍待遇平均比例、社會地位皆不及歐美軍人下,期待高比例民眾志願從軍,將難以達 ...
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Share All the Style about Scam Verification: Securing Your body within the Internet Th
lobedir342 2-7-2024 05:21 PM
With an technology just where internet relationships invade this activities, the need just for fraudulent verification is actually a great deal more imperative than ever before. These scams come into play many different creates, right from refined phishing an email to make sure you expand upo ...
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