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CERBER RANSOMEWARE dan serang semua file.. bantuan diperlukan..
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assalamualaikum dan selamat petang..
laptop saya kena virus.. ditulis situ virus ni nama CERBER RANSOMEWARE.. dah hantar kedai komputer.. setelah 3 minggu diaorang surrender.. tak boleh recovery kata mereka.. dah run 3 kali.. tiap kali jadi.. tapi virus ni lock balik.. ada keluar satu mesej.. kena beli software mereka barulah semua file akan ok balik.. yang menyedihkan.. semua gambar dan segala file kerja dalam tu.. x ada back up mana2..
di sini.. saya mohon jika ada sesiapa yang terror untuk bantu recover balik file saya.. atau jika ada mana-mana contact yang mmg boleh uruskan masalah ni untuk saya hubungi.
kerjasama semua amat saya hargai. terima kasih.
Uh? Pestaim dgr ni. Virus baru ke? Ke aku ketinggalan jaman? slalu virus2 ni boleh recover klu hntr kedai. Ni boleh pulak org serender. Pastu boleh pulak virus mintak bli sofwer dorg..b TT mna dpt virus tuh? Via pendrive ka? Via donlod ka? Web? Emel? |
saya sendiri tak tahu mana datangnya.. pagi buka file buat keje.. masih ok... ada appointment kat luar.. blk tu ada keje dokumen nak settle.. buka semua file dah macam2 tulisan keluar nya.. tarikh kena nya 19.04.16.. decrypt jer yg blh baca.. terus hantar kedai yang biasa tu.. mula2 diaorang yakin blh buat.. pastu skang diaorg jgk surrender.. kena hantar pada yg lebih pakar katanya.. x pun beli software tu..
sebab tu buka thread ni.. jika ada forummer yang pakar atau tahu dimana boleh saya hantar.. penting sangat sbb semuanya dalam tu..
ini antara mesej yang keluar tiap kali cuba buka file.
" your files have been encryped with the "CERBER RANSOMEWARE'' software; the instruction ("# DECRYPT MY FILES #html" and "#DECRYPT MY FILES #.txt ) in the folders with your encrypted files are not viruses, they will help you.
it is necessary to realize that we are the ones who closed the lock on your files and we are the only ones who have this secret key to open them.
panjang berjela lagi.. tp ni yang paling penting kot.. ke blh copy paste.. jap cuba..
/###### /######## /####### /####### /######## /#######
/##__ ##| ##_____/| ##__ ##| ##__ ##| ##_____/| ##__ ##
| ## \__/| ## | ## \ ##| ## \ ##| ## | ## \ ##
| ## | ##### | #######/| ####### | ##### | #######/
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| ## ##| ## | ## \ ##| ## \ ##| ## | ## \ ##
| ######/| ########| ## | ##| #######/| ########| ## | ##
\______/ |________/|__/ |__/|_______/ |________/|__/ |__/
Cannot you find the files you need?
Is the content of the files that you looked for not readable?
It is normal because the files' names, as well as the data in your files
have been encrypted.
You have turned to be a part of a big community #CerberRansomware.
!!! If you are reading this message it means the software
!!! "Cerber Ransomware" has been removed from your computer.
What is encryption?
Encryption is a reversible modification of information for security
reasons but providing full access to it for authorized users.
To become an authorized user and keep the modification absolutely
reversible (in other words to have a possibility to decrypt your files)
you should have an individual private key.
But not only it.
It is required also to have the special decryption software
(in your case "Cerber Decryptor" software) for safe and complete
decryption of all your files and data.
Everything is clear for me but what should I do?
The first step is reading these instructions to the end.
Your files have been encrypted with the "Cerber Ransomware" software; the
instructions ("# DECRYPT MY FILES #.html" and "# DECRYPT MY FILES #.txt")
in the folders with your encrypted files are not viruses, they will
help you.
After reading this text the most part of people start searching in the
Internet the words the "Cerber Ransomware" where they find a lot of
ideas, recommendations and instructions.
It is necessary to realize that we are the ones who closed the lock on
your files and we are the only ones who have this secret key to
open them.
!!! Any attempts to get back your files with the third-party tools can
!!! be fatal for your encrypted files.
The most part of the third-party software change data within the
encrypted file to restore it but this causes damage to the files.
Finally it will be impossible to decrypt your files.
When you make a puzzle but some items are lost, broken or not put in its
place - the puzzle items will never match, the same way the third-party
software will ruin your files completely and irreversibly.
You should realize that any intervention of the third-party software to
restore files encrypted with the "Cerber Ransomware" software may be
fatal for your files.
!!! There are several plain steps to restore your files but if you do
!!! not follow them we will not be able to help you, and we will not try
!!! since you have read this warning already.
For your information the software to decrypt your files (as well as the
private key provided together) are paid products.
After purchase of the software package you will be able to:
1. decrypt all your files;
2. work with your documents;
3. view your photos and other media;
4. continue your usual and comfortable work at the computer.
If you understand all importance of the situation then we propose to you
to go directly to your personal page where you will receive the complete
instructions and guarantees to restore your files.
There is a list of temporary addresses to go on your personal page below:
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| 1. |
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| 2. |
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| 3. |
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| 4. |
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| 5. |
What should you do with these addresses?
If you read the instructions in TXT format (if you have instruction in
HTML (the file with an icon of your Internet browser) then the easiest
way is to run it):
1. take a look at the first address (in this case it is;
2. select it with the mouse cursor holding the left mouse button and
moving the cursor to the right;
3. release the left mouse button and press the right one;
4. select "Copy" in the appeared menu;
5. run your Internet browser (if you do not know what it is run the
Internet Explorer);
6. move the mouse cursor to the address bar of the browser (this is the
place where the site address is written);
7. click the right mouse button in the field where the site address
is written;
8. select the button "Insert" in the appeared menu;
9. then you will see the address
appeared there;
10. press ENTER;
11. the site should be loaded; if it is not loaded repeat the same
instructions with the second address and continue until the last
address if falling.
If for some reason the site cannot be opened check the connection to the
Internet; if the site still cannot be opened take a look at the
instructions on omitting the point about working with the addresses in
the HTML instructions.
If you browse the instructions in HTML format:
1. click the left mouse button on the first address (in this case it is;
2. in a new tab or window of your web browser the site should be loaded;
if it is not loaded repeat the same instructions with the second
address and continue until the last address.
If for some reason the site cannot be opened check the connection to
the Internet.
Unfortunately these sites are short-term since the antivirus companies
are interested in you do not have a chance to restore your files but
continue to buy their products.
Unlike them we are ready to help you always.
If you need our help but the temporary sites are not available:
1. run your Internet browser (if you do not know what it is run the
Internet Explorer);
2. enter or copy the address into the
address bar of your browser and press ENTER;
3. wait for the site loading;
4. on the site you will be offered to download Tor Browser; download and
run it, follow the installation instructions, wait until the
installation is completed;
5. run Tor Browser;
6. connect with the button "Connect" (if you use the English version);
7. a normal Internet browser window will be opened after
the initialization;
8. type or copy the address
| |
| http://decrypttozxybarc.onion/8972-B21A-A027-0051-5622 |
in this browser address bar;
9. press ENTER;
10. the site should be loaded; if for some reason the site is not loading
wait for a moment and try again.
If you have any problems during installation or operation of Tor Browser,
please, visit and type request in the search bar
"install tor browser windows" and you will find a lot of training videos
about Tor Browser installation and operation.
If TOR address is not available for a long period (2-3 days) it means you
are late; usually you have about 2-3 weeks after reading the instructions
to restore your files.
Additional information:
You will find the instructions for restoring your files in those folders
where you have your encrypted files only.
The instructions are made in two file formats - HTML and TXT for
your convenience.
Unfortunately antivirus companies cannot protect or restore your files
but they can make the situation worse removing the instructions how to
restore your encrypted files.
The instructions are not viruses; they have informative nature only, so
any claims on the absence of any instruction files you can send to your
antivirus company.
Cerber Ransomware Project is not malicious and is not intended to harm a
person and his/her information data.
The project is created for the sole purpose of instruction regarding
information security, as well as certification of antivirus software for
their suitability for data protection.
Together we make the Internet a better and safer place.
If you look through this text in the Internet and realize that something
is wrong with your files but you do not have any instructions to restore
your files, please, contact your antivirus support.
Remember that the worst situation already happened and now it depends on
your determination and speed of your actions the further life of
your files.
Panjangnya. Kesian tt. Dah gugel cerber tu tadi.. mmg virus encrypted |
 x tahu mana nak refer dah ni.. wasap kwn2 yg tau pasal ni pun semua x dpt bantu.. 1 kedai dah surrender..
Wah masalah kite same,habis sume folder dia tukar nama jadi random name,dah try macam-macam,memang degil cerber ni. Anyone please help |
mcm tiba2 jer kena.. x tahu dari mana datangnya..
kalau dah boleh settle sahre ya..
teruk gak benda alah ni..
Esok nak anta kedai,try tengok dorang bley setel ke tak |
ulien replied at 11-5-2016 11:35 PM
mcm tiba2 jer kena.. x tahu dari mana datangnya..
kalau dah boleh settle sahre ya..
teruk gak ...
Ulien cube pegi benang ni,masalah sama nama threat je lain |
dah tengok.. kesimpulannya berjaya atau x? ikut semua yg ckp pun.. kena beli jugak dgn diaorg utk ok kan balik semua file.. kalau kedai yg gunter pergi tu berjaya.. saya juga akan hantar kesana..
cyber ransomware?
mmg susah nak dapat balik |
Bad news,kedai tak bole recover folder2 tuh,terpaksa format balik |
lepas ni boleh guna antivirus yg baik sikit seperti bitdefender.
mmg ada ransomware protection
cabut hard disk tu,
buat raw recovery ke harddisk lain,
gune software recuva, ontrack recovery ke apa
mgkin leh dpt 90% data, tapi berterabur la susunan nye.
tu pun klu tk 'touch' hdisk tu. |
terima kasih.. saya tak pandai tapi akan mintak bdk2 kedai tolong buat mcm ni..
saya pun dah hantar kedai.. diaorg surrender.. x leh buat katanya.. kena beli jugak software tu..
rasanya lagi selamat document kita save dlm cloud hosting sekarang ni,
sekurang kurangnya ada backup |
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