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Edisi Playboya: 10 Most Notorious Womanizers in History
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Don Juan may be the original lady-killer, whose breeches no woman could resist, but he was a fictional lothario whose exploits were bound to the stage, or the libretto, or the page; or, perhaps, if we can find ourselves once again in this post-feminist, enlightened age, to the reveries of women desirous of a little… action. And though he has lent his name to any man who too keenly makes the fairer sex his prey, his adventures have been long outdone by the living.
Genghis Khan (1162-1227)

In fact, centuries before Don Juan first set hearts aflutter in Tirso de Molina’s 1630’s play El burlador de Sevilla y convidado de piedra, Mongolian warlord and disreputable dictator, Genghis Khan, was lending an unsettling gravitas to the term ‘lady-killer’. Though he is remembered today for conquering a people and founding an empire, his sexual conquests were no less devastating. The tyrant’s fondness for a fertile female has led Russian scientists to predict he has 16 million male descendants living today: the most loathsome of lotharios.
Exploits: all of Mongolia
Giacomo Casanova (1725 – 1798)
Venetian adventurer and author, Giacomo Casanova, has long sparred with Don Juan (in Italian, Don Giovanni) for the name most synonymous with the art of seduction. Perhaps he was inspired by the exploits of his fictional progenitor, for he was apparently present at the first performance of Mozart’s opera Don Giovanni in 1787. Regardless, Casanova proved many times over to be an adept, unscrupulous lover, who believed he was born for the opposite sex. His first sexual liaison was with two sisters, Nanetta and Maria Savorgnan, a precocious introduction to carnal pleasures and a taste of things to come.
Exploits: 120 with women and girls mentioned in his memoirs, as well as many veiled references to male lovers.
Pablo Picasso (1881 – 1973)
Fernande, Eva, Olga, Marie-Therese, Dora, Francoise, Jacqueline: these are the names of the important woman in the life of seminal Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso. Though each of these women played a crucial role in the painter’s life and art, each was replaced by another, with all but one suffering some sort of mental breakdown in his wake. Post-Picasso, Fernande Olivier lived in sorrow until her death; Olga Koklova became his fitful stalker; Marie-Therese Walter hanged herself; Dora Maar became a recluse; Jacqueline Roque shot herself when he died; only Francoise Gilot, who began her affair with the sixty-something Picasso when she was 23, avoided an unhappy fate.
Exploits: quite a lot; often fatal
John F. Kennedy (1917 -1963)
A beautiful wife (Jackie Onassis) and a sex-bomb mistress (Marilyn Monroe) were not woman enough for former US president, John F. Kennedy. The glamorous head of state once confided that if he went too long without a woman he’d suffer a clamorous headache; a fate he took pains to avoid. Linked to a string of high-profile women, including actresses Jayne Mansfield, Angie Dickinson, Kim Novak, Janet Leigh and Rhonda Fleming, he is suspected to have had several more encounters with women relatively unknown. Thanks to his dashing good looks and sexual precocity, coquettish young women would apparently more or less queue up at the door to the White House asking for Mr President.
Exploits: more than Clinton
Ian Fleming (1908 – 1964)
It should come as no surprise that the creator of James Bond, the fictional spy who spends as much of his time gathering beautiful women as he does intelligence for the secret service, was himself a jet-setting womanizer with a predatory disposition. Evidently irresistible to women, Fleming could seduce them in four languages, and went about doing so with Bond’s aplomb. His friend Mary Pakenham once said: ‘No one I have ever known had sex so much on the brain as Ian.’ Yet, though he loved women, he evidently didn’t like them much, once telling a friend women were like pets or dogs; men were the only real human beings, the only ones he could be friends with.
Exploits: various, sometimes involving whips.
Hugh Hefner (1925 – present)
For Hugh Hefner, womanizing is not so much a hobby as a career and a way of life. The Octogenarian founder of soft-porn magazine, Playboy, surrounds himself with as many scantily clad ‘Playmates’ as he can, promoting his lifestyle to his magazine readers, while blithely eschewing a more politically correct attitude towards women. Some say Hefner developed his errant ways after discovering his first wife had had an affair while he was away in the Army in the 1950s. One profile of the bon vivant claims his wife had allowed him to sleep with other women as recompense for her infidelity, in the hope it would save their marriage. Mistake: they divorced in 1959 – though her loss was the porn industry’s gain.
Exploits: up to seven at a time, including Donna, Marilyn, Lillian, Shannon, Brande, Barbi, Karen, Sondra, Carrie, Izabella, Tina, Holly, Bridget and Kendra, to name a few.
Wilt Chamberlain (1936 -1999)
Wilt Chamberlain, the late American professional NBA basketball player, is as famous for playing the ladies game as he is for the ball game. His claim to sexual fame was that he had bedded some 20,000 women during his lifetime, which, if true, would mean he had slam dunked an average of 1.14 women a day. Though the claim brought him derision, being oh-so-unlikely, he was nevertheless a bona fide tomcat and interminable pick-up artist. Like Hefner, his extreme sex drive is thought by some to be down to overcompensating for female rejection during his teenage years.
Exploits: 20,000 women if you can believe it.
Jack Nicholson (1937 – present)
Jack Nicholson, he of the pointy eyebrows and the rictus grin, is a lady-magnet whose magnetism no lady can resist. The Oscar winning actor is famous for his lascivious pursuit of leading ladies, allegedly bedding 2,000 women and spawning six children to five mothers. His longest relationship was with Angelica Huston, which lasted for 16 years, ending when the media reported that Rebecca Broussard had become pregnant with his child. His louche behavior has continued into his dotage – though at 71 he admitted ‘it’s not so nice when you are 71 and looking for some action’. Still, the old roué’s reputation is assured, and he once featured in Maxim magazine’s Top Ten Living Legends of Sex list.
Exploits: actresses and models mainly, including Michelle Phillips, Bebe Buell, Lara Flynn Boyle, Angelica Huston, Lorraine Nicholson, Susan Anspach, Amanda de Cadenet and Amber Smith.
Warren Beatty (1937 – present)
Warren Beatty beats even Jack for the mantel of Hollywood’s most notorious womanizer. Now in his seventies, and happily married to actress, Annette Bening, in his relative youth the Oscar winning actor and director was unrivalled in his lady-winning ways. At the outset of his career he allegedly dated Natalie Wood while making Splendor in the Grass, abandoning her in a restaurant after making a successful pass at a waitress. He went on to date, and bed, and kiss and grope so many women that Woody Allen once joked that if he believed in reincarnation he would come back as Beatty’s fingertips. In 2009 a biographer claimed that Beatty had slept with around 12,775 women, though Beatty disputes the figure. It is widely rumored Beatty is the subject of Carly Simon’s hit song You’re So Vain, though she has never confirmed this.
Exploits: too many mention, but, for starters: Julie Christie, Jacqueline Kennedy, Joni Mitchell, Bianca Jagger, Diana Ross, Diane Keaton, Maria Callas, Faye Dunaway, Princess Margaret, Linda McCartney, Vivien Leigh, Vanessa Redgrave, Brigitte Bardot and Cher.
Edited by kucen_miang at 12-3-2016 01:34 PM
tak ketinggalan dorang ni...
Julio Iglesias
Sexploits: 3,000 señoritas serenaded and then some
Spanish crooner Julio Iglesias is known for his love of the ladies almost as much as his
romantic music. It is oft-reported that Iglesias has made sweet, sweet love to more than
3,000 swooning women, a figure that the singer himself doesn’t contradict: “That probably
was until 1976,” he said, “so they didn’t count the other women.”
The Iberian Romeo started early, too: “I love the girls like crazy, really, like crazy, since I was
4 years old.” Well, his dad was a gynecologist so it must run in family.
For Iglesias, sex is just as natural and commonplace as the red wine he loves: “I am intensely erotic.
For me, sex is as vital as sleep. I do it through desire, through necessity, but always
with joy. I am a lover for sure. I love to be loved.”
Ron Jeremy 
Sexploits: 4,000-5,000 porn partners poked
Over an amazingly successful career that has spanned decades, porn star Ron Jeremy has
sexed his way through thousands upon thousands of partners. The ‘hedgehog’ has starred
in more than 2,000 skin flicks and is quite possibly the most famous male porn star ever
to have thrust himself into the limelight. If there was ever to be a king of porn it would be
Jeremy, and if accounts of encounters with him are to be believed, he’s a rather nice fellow
to boot.
He makes up for his short stature, chubby physique and hirsute frame with a penis that
measures almost 10 inches long and a legendary sexual stamina (he once had sex with
fourteen different women in four hours). When asked about his and Gene Simmons’ (entry
number 6) conquests he said:
“We both say between four and five thousand, which is true. But he’s a rock star – they’re
doing him because they like him. They’re doing me because it’s a paycheck. Or, the other
line is, he gets girls that look like his Playboy playmate wife, and when I’m not making
movies, I get girls that look like Gene Simmons.”
@Syd punya fav. 
Gene Simmons
Sexploits: 4,600 crazy, crazy nights
He’s sold over 100 million records, never been married, and counts Cher and Diana Ross
among his tally. He claims that none of his partners have ever complained, even when he
tells them he wants to bed their friends or relatives.
“I have not heard a complaint. That’s because I am straight with them. I don’t lie, like most
men do. I will tell a girl I want her and desire her, but I’ll tell her straight, ‘I want your sister
and your mommy as well’.”
It must be his famously prehensile tongue: “It’s ironic that I’m mostly known for my tongue
which is a hideous thing. But it’s every girl’s best friend – no batteries required.”
Rivaling Ron Jeremy, the KISS frontman alleges to have had fornicated with an estimated
4,600 women (many of those while he was with girlfriend Shannon Tweed, who doesn’t
seem to mind). Apart from an insatiable sexual appetite, Simmons has some home-grown
philosophy behind his enthusiasm for the ladies:
“The male species manufactures billions of sperm – it’s our duty to do what the Old
Testament says, which is ‘Spread Thy Seed’.
“The only problem with women is that they think all those sperm we make is just for them.
But the honest truth is it’s not. I would urge all guys to stop lying to women.”
Charlie Sheen
Sexploits: 5,000 hot shots
You’d have thought that being an attractive Hollywood movie star with a famous family,
huge properties and a substantial bank balance would be sufficient to bring enough women
to any man’s door to satisfy his loins. But not Charlie Sheen. Sheen was famously named
in the Heidi Fleiss Hollywood prostitution scandal as one of her most regular clients. He
certainly has a soft-spot for the ladies – in fact it seems like he cannot get enough of them,
and his reputation as a serial philanderer seems well deserved. Aside from frequenting
ladies of the night, it is alleged that he heavily indulges in internet porn (according to ex-
wife Denise Richards – they split after he allegedly told her she was among the hottest 1,000
women he had slept with) and still manages to make headlines with his raucous hotel-based

Umberto Billo
Sexploits: 8,000 guests checked out (and more)
“Who is this Umberto Billo?” I hear you cry. Well, he is an Italian so mysterious it’s hard to
even track down a photograph of this elusive Casanova. Uniquely for this list he isn’t rich
or famous but simply a hotel porter at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas. Here’s what men’s
magazine Maxim had to say about him: “Despite lacking fame, wealth, and U.S. citizenship,
this Italian hotel porter insists he’s made around 8,000 women happy sometimes
entertaining four tourists a night. Umberto, whose talents came to worldwide attention
when he appeared on the British TV show Eurotrash, claims he inspired tremendous ‘brand
loyalty.’ An American businesswoman commented: “I must have spent thousands in the
hotel because of him!”
The man himself added, “They crossed oceans to see me.” But not everything was rosy
for the permanently-tired porter as he was sacked for being too tired to carry the guests’
luggage. He claimed that he also had ‘an insatiable wife.’ No wonder he was tired!
Warren Beatty
Sexploits: 12,000 bonnies banged
He’s bedded some of the most desirable women in Hollywood: Natalie Wood, Brigitte
Bardot, Jane Fonda, Joan Collins, Carly Simon (Beatty is alleged to partly be the subject of
Simon’s song You’re so Vain), Faye Dunaway, Leslie Caron, Candace Bergan, Isabelle Adjani,
Julie Christie and Madonna to name a handful. But that list is, ladies and gentlemen, merely
the tip of the iceberg.
In Peter Biskind’s biography of actor Warren Beatty, the acclaimed Hollywood writer
estimates that the famous lothario has achieved a jaw-dropping 12,775 sexual
conquests: “Using simple arithmetic… 12,775 women, give or take, a figure that does not
include daytime quickies, drive-bys, casual gropings, stolen kisses and so on.”
Elizabeth Taylor commented of Beatty’s performance between the sheets: “Out of 10, I’d
give him 15.” Joan Collins allegedly “stumbled exhausted out of bed after a steamy session
with Beatty exclaiming: “I don’t think I can last much longer. He never stops – it must be all
those vitamins he takes.”
Fidel Castro
Sexploits: 35,000 hot latinas
The ex-Cuban leader’s bedroom habits came to light in a 2008 documentary by Ian
Halperin. In it, a former official close to the Marxist politician claims that he has slept with
a staggering 35,000 women. Apparently, a ‘special security team’ would be assigned to
Havana’s beaches each day to ‘recruit’ the most attractive women.
“He slept with at least two women a day for more than four decades – one for lunch and
one for supper. Sometimes he even ordered one for breakfast.”
Castro had been in power since the 1959 overthrow of dictator Fulgencio Batista’s
government, only retiring in 2010 due to ill-health. Halperin’s source – a man named Ramon
– gives the reason for his longevity: “I don’t think he would have stayed on as long as he
did if not for all the incredible women he had access to as president.” Bedding incredible
women is certainly one of the better job bonuses.
Famously, the US has tried hard to get rid of him, but Castro has outlasted every president
that had him in their sights.
Melayu ada x?seme kekosen syumul je. |
kucen_miang replied at 12-3-2016 01:29 PM
tak ketinggalan dorang ni...
Ron jeremy, maria farida da amek lerr |
Jeremy tu x padan buruk dan gemuk tp 10 ke?sape blh sahkan sbb aku x pernah tgk dia beraksi |

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Post time 12-3-2016 11:16 PM
From the mobile phone
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Syd replied at 12-3-2016 02:50 PM
Ron jeremy, maria farida da amek lerr
Kesian la.tak cpi maximum..twrthn ngan perut  |
Ron jeremy mmg.... x tau laa pempuan2 yg penah 'sekali' ngan dia tu, rasa huntung ke trauma. Haha |
nafham replied at 13-3-2016 12:28 PM
a ah tapi sedeh sgt tgk dia beraksi. tak blh nak tegang. mcm lembik je manjang sbb dia kena pegang ...
Eiii....sure trauma sape main dgn dia..dh la x ensem..benda x tegang  |
kan.. dah lah gemuk pendek takde leher perut banyak bulu... itupun ada tina yg sanggup jimak ngan dia... kalau ye pun pakaikan lah paper bag dulu kat muka laki ni 
muda2nya dulu @Syd kata rembes jugak

Edited by kucen_miang at 14-3-2016 09:34 AM
dia ni tahap biasa2 retis jer. ada wife, gf n gundik..tak sampai ribu riban kot except for case gf dia fashion designer L'Wren Scott tu..itu pun sbb commit suicide.

rON Jeremy ni mmg legend... muka haprak tp awek yg men ngan dia cun2... |
kucen_miang replied at 14-3-2016 09:20 AM
muda2nya dulu @Syd kata rembes jugak
Errr...byknya bulus |
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