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[Tempatan] [Edisi Cmen bukan C4] Kevin Morais mati bukan sebab kes rasuah katanye

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Post time 26-11-2015 10:08 AM | Show all posts |Read mode

Kevin Morais ‘knew too much’ about those in power, brother claims in tussle for body
15 hrs ago

Brother of the late Anthony Kevin Morais, Charles Suresh Morais speaking to members of the media during a press conference in Kuala Lumpur on Nov 25, 2015. — Picture by Yusof Mat Isa© Provided by The Malay Mail Online Brother of the late Anthony Kevin Morais, Charles Suresh Morais speaking to members of the media during a press conference in Kuala Lumpur on Nov 25, 2015. — Picture by Yusof Mat Isa KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 25 — Deputy public prosecutor Anthony Kevin Morais likely died because he knew too much about those in power, his brother Charles Suresh Morais claimed today in a signed statutory declaration (SD), amid a dispute over the deceased man’s body.

“I do not for one moment believe Kevin was killed because he was prosecuting a government pathologist for corruption,” the 52-year-old businessman said in the 18-page SD distributed to the media at his lawyer’s office here.

“Kevin was killed for other reasons and I believe these other motives were due to the fact that he knew too much about the criminal acts of those high up in the echelons of power in Malaysia and he needed to be silenced because of that,” he added.

Speaking to the media later, Charles Suresh also said that he believes there may be a plot by “high ranking” officials against his brother Kevin, although he declined to name those he suspected were involved.

Another brother, Datuk Richard Morais, was reported as claiming Kevin’s body from the Kuala Lumpur Hospital mortuary on Monday.

Charles Suresh had on Monday filed an application for a court order for a second post-mortem, although he said today that he believed that Kevin’s body may already have been cremated.

The case management for the second post-mortem bid has been fixed for December 4.

Morais’ body was found hidden in a cement-filled oil drum in Subang Jaya 13 days after he was abducted en route to his Putrajaya office from his Segambut home on September 4.

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 Author| Post time 26-11-2015 10:09 AM | Show all posts
Brother: Kevin gave me info on probe on powerful individuals
Koh Jun Lin     Published 25 Nov 2015, 5:59 pm     Updated Today 8:26 am      47

The brother of Anthony Kevin Morais has claimed to be in possession of a pen drive sent to him by the deputy public prosecutor just before he was murdered.

“It is in safe custody in the US with someone who has instructions to release it publicly should anything untoward happen to me for swearing this statutory declaration,” said Charles Suresh Morais.

“The contents of this pen drive clearly and unequivocally reveal the investigation Kevin had been tasked with just before his untimely death, which implicates certain personalities who currently walk the corridors of power in Malaysia,” he added in a statutory declaration today.

Charles said in his statutory declaration that Kevin told him in August that he would send Charles something via courier for safekeeping.

He told reporters at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur that the pen drive arrived at his home in Atlanta in late October.

Kevin was murdered sometime between Sept 4 - the date he was abducted - and Sept 16, the date when his remains were found in a cement-filled drum.

When asked, Charles declined to divulge the contents on the pen drive.

Charles said he was convinced that Kevin knew something was going to happen to him.

"I could sense this from the conversations I had with him over the phone shortly before he was abducted.

"This perhaps explains why he felt it necessary to travel to London on Aug 3, 2015 and while there, to see solicitors who drew up a will for him dated Aug 13, 2015 in which he specifically bequeathed his apartment to a dear friend of his.

"Why do this when it had always been his intention to retire to London and live in that apartment?" he said.

Charles disputed police's explanation that Kevin was murdered because he was prosecuting a government pathologist for corruption.

"This accused (doctor) is intelligent enough to realise that getting rid of the DPP prosecuting his case will not emasculate the charge he is facing for the simple reason there are many other DPPs who would take over that prosecution.

"Kevin was killed for other reasons and I believe these other motives were due to the fact that he knew too much about the criminal acts of those high up in the echelons of power in Malaysia and he needed to be silenced because of that," he said.

He also told reporters that had made a statutory declaration because he was being bombarded by questions from reporters about the status of Kevin's body which had been retrieved by their younger brother Richard Dilaan Morais two days ago.

This was despite the police, the Kuala Lumpur Hospital holding Kevin's body and the Attorney-General's Chambers all being given notice that he (Richard) intended to seek a second postmortem on Kevin's remains, he said.

He said he was not comfortable with holding an impromptu press conference and therefore opted to lay out the facts surrounding Kevin's murder in his 18-page statutory declaration with the assistance of his lawyer, Americk Sidhu.

Did a '360'

Another reason to make the declaration, he told the press conference, was because he was 'puzzled' by the Attorney-General's Chambers' moves.

He said its officials had initially told him to go ahead and arrange the second postmortem but instead then told him in a subsequent meeting to seek a court order.

“They did a '360' on me. We quickly went to get the court order. When we had it approved, the body had been taken out,” he said.

Charles also questioned his brother Richard's motives for retrieving the body.

He claimed that Kevin and been estranged from his two youngest brothers Richard and David Ramesh Morais, and had not spoken to them since 2004 until his death.

He said that Richard may have been instigated by 'high-ranking officials' to retrieve Kevin's body, but added that he does not know who may be behind it.

With the body out of the morgue, it would be moot to track it down for a second postmortem, he said, adding that he does not know the whereabouts of Kevin's remains.

He said he wanted a second postmortem done because the first postmortem merely stated in a single line that Kevin's cause of death was 'probable asphyxiation'.

“I am a layman but I am pretty sure that would be thrown out of court if that was produced as evidence,” he said.

On Sept 28, six men were charged with Kevin's murder while two others including the army pathologist were charged with abetment.

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 Author| Post time 26-11-2015 10:13 AM | Show all posts
Susulan Pembunuhan Kevin Morais - Adik-Beradik Kevin Bergaduh, PDRM Mahu Adik Kevin Dedahkan Maklumat Sulit YG Berada Dalam Simpanannya.

Adik kepada mendiang timbalan pendakwa raya Kevin Morais berkata beliau mahu bedah siasat kedua dijalankan ke atas abangnya kerana hasil prosedur pertama tidak jelas.

Charles Morais berkata punca kematian yang dinyatakan kemungkinan disebabkan lemas, dan ini akan membuatkan mereka yang didakwa dalam kes pembunuhan Kevin dibebaskan.

"Punca kematian ringkas (one liner), kemungkinan lemas. Tiada sebarang bekas pada badan.

"Saya ingin ketawa. Pertuduhan itu akan dibuang," katanya pada sidang akhbar di pejabat peguamnya Americk Sidhu lapor The Malaysian Insider.

Charles berkata apa yang membimbangkan ialah penemuan kabur pada laporan bedah siasat pertama, menjadi alasan beliau memfailkan permohonan di mahkamah pada Isnin untuk prosedur kedua.

Bagaimanapun, tanpa diketahui Charles, abangnya Datuk Richard Morais, pada hari sama menuntut mayat Kevin dari rumah mayat Hospital Kuala Lumpur tanpa memberitahu mana-mana ahli keluarga.

Mahkamah Tinggi menetapkan 4 Disember untuk pengurusan kes permohonan Charles bagi menjalankan bedah siasat kedua.

Charles berkata beliau amat terkejut apabila pihak berkuasa di Hospital Kuala Lumpur dan polis nampaknya bersubahat dalam membenarkan mayat Kevin dikeluarkan dari rumah mayat oleh Richard apabila kedua-dua pihak tahu beliau (Charles) mahukan bedah siasat kedua dijalankan.

Charles hari ini memberitahu media Richard adalah "pembelot" dan sanggup melakukan apa saja demi wang.

Dalam 18 halaman akuan berkanun (SD) yang beliau nyatakan pada sidang akhbar semalam, Charles juga mendakwa Richard bersekongkol dengan penjenayah terbesar di Kuala Lumpur.

Pembunuhan bekas timbalan pendakwaraya Kevin Morais didakwa ada kaitan dengan kertas pertuduhan yang sedang beliau sediakan terhadap seorang “pegawai kanan kerajaan”, kata adiknya Charles.

Ketika bercakap pada sidang media yang penuh dengan wartawan dan jurugambar di pejabat peguamnya Americk Sidhu, Charles berkata, Kevin sedang dalam proses menyiapkan kertas pertuduhan itu, ketika bertugas di Jabatan Peguam Negara.

Beliau juga mendakwa abangnya, Datuk Richard Morais, bersekongkol dengan “seseorang” yang mengawal “permainan” melibatkan pembunuhan Kevin.

Charles mendakwa, inilah puncanya kenapa Richard mengambil mayat Kevin dari rumah mayat pada hari sama dia (Charles) memfailkan permohonan kepada mahkamah untuk membuat bedah siasat kedua.

Charles yang kelihatan marah melontarkan kritikan kepada Jabatan Peguam Negara kerana didakwa mempermainkannya.

"Mereka (Jabatan Peguam Negara) pada awalnya bersetuju dengan bedah siasat kedua tetapi membuat pusingan U, dan meminta saya mendapatkan perintah mahkamah," katanya.

Charles juga membuat 18 muka surat akuan bersumpah tentang hubungan adik-beradik Morais dan beberapa perbincangan yang dia lakukan dengan abangnya, Kevin, menjelang pembunuhannya.

Dalam SD itu Charles berkata, 2 atau 3 bulan sebelum Kevin meninggal dunia, dia ada memberitahunya sedang bekerja untuk kes yang melibatkan pembesar negara.

"Dia sebenarnya menggunakan perkataan 'kolata ala'. Ia merupakan perkataan Malayalam yang bermaksud 'orang yang tidak baik'," kata Charles merujuk kepada pembesar negara berkenaan. Kevin adalah Malayalee.

Charles yang tinggal di Atlanta, Amerika Syarikat (AS) berkata, abangnya memberitahu melalui telefon menggunakan bahasa Malayalam, kerana bimbang telefonnya mungkin diintip.

Charles berkata, dia memiliki pen drive (pemacu pena) yang dikirim Kevin melalui syarikat penghantaran sebelum beliau meninggal dunia.

"Ia selamat dalam simpanan seseorang di AS dengan arahan ia disebarkan kepada umum jika kejadian tidak diingini berlaku terhadapnya kerana membuat SD ini.

"Kandungan pen drive ini sangat jelas dan tidak kurang pentingnya mendedahkan tentang penyiasatan yang diamanahkan kepada Kevin sebelum dia mati, mengaitkan beberapa personaliti yang sedang berada di pusat kuasa di Malaysia sekarang," kata Charles.

Katanya, dia tidak percaya Kevin dibunuh akibat mendakwa seorang ahli patologi kerana rasuah.

Susulan dari perkembangan kes tersebut, Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar berkata PDRM akan memanggil Charles Suresh Morais berhubung satu laporan  beliau mempunyai maklumat tertentu berkaitan kes pembunuhan mendiang abangnya itu.

"Tindakannya tidak mendedahkan maklumat boleh dianggap satu kesalahan kerana menyembunyikan maklumat. Jika dia (Charles Suresh) benar memiliki maklumat berkenaan, ia seharusnya diserahkan kepada PDRM untuk membantu siasatan.

"Saya cadangkan dia berkongsi maklumat dengan polis supaya tindakan dapat diambil. Polis tidak boleh bertindak jika tidak mempunyai maklumat mengenai mendiang Kevin," katanya ketika dihubungi malam tadi.

Khalid mengulas laporan beberapa buah portal berita tempatan berikutan maklumat tertentu disimpan di dalam pemacu USB dan kini berada di Amerika Syarikat bersama seseorang yang diarah mendedahkan kandungannya kepada umum sekiranya sesuatu tidak diingini berlaku.

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Post time 26-11-2015 10:23 AM | Show all posts
logik.. sebab yg kena tuduh bunuh moris sebab kes rasuah yg agak kecil hukumannya...


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Post time 26-11-2015 10:27 AM | Show all posts
abg simati nih mmg nak kene jel agaknya?

skang nih pihak berkuasa bukan cari sipembunuh.
dorang nak cari pembocor rahsia je.

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Post time 26-11-2015 10:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pemimpim yg zalim

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Post time 26-11-2015 10:37 AM | Show all posts
IGP ni ingat adik beradik Kevin ni bodoh cam dia ke?. Lembu pun boleh lepas.

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Post time 26-11-2015 10:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau aku jd charles ni langsung sikit pun xpercaya polis.bnyak kes yg report akhirnya salah.podacit lah...last2 nanti chares ni kena.tahu sgt.

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Post time 26-11-2015 10:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Adik dia yg buat Hal nak blame org lain.typical.

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Post time 26-11-2015 11:10 AM | Show all posts
si twitter mesia ni tuannya bijan...2x5

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Post time 26-11-2015 11:18 AM | Show all posts
Slps atantuya..another case manarik to folo..kesian sgt jadi mangsa org2 yg tamak  

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Post time 26-11-2015 11:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bangcak replied at 26-11-2015 10:27 AM
abg simati nih mmg nak kene jel agaknya?

skang nih pihak berkuasa bukan cari sipembunuh.

Dia dah bersedia tanggung risiko kot.

Kalau lepas ni dia lak hilang ada la maklumat sulit tersebar dari AS sana.

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Post time 26-11-2015 11:26 AM | Show all posts
Bertabah lah kalau melibatkan undang2 di malaysia... Byk sgt tangan ghaib

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Post time 26-11-2015 11:26 AM | Show all posts
peguambela pembesar negara dan kerajaan mesia di forum cari, dijek sila beri ulasan tentang adik beradik kevin morais ni...

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Post time 26-11-2015 11:30 AM | Show all posts
taji2906 replied at 26-11-2015 11:26 AM
peguambela pembesar negara dan kerajaan mesia di forum cari, dijek sila beri ulasan tentang adik ber ...

Salah Dap lah nnt tu...

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Post time 26-11-2015 11:32 AM | Show all posts
makin menarik citer ni...

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Post time 26-11-2015 11:36 AM | Show all posts
takde maknanya kes pembunuhan kematian  abg ko akn mendapat keadilan di dunia neh.semuanya bajet ko tungguuuu je kat akhirat.....

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Post time 26-11-2015 11:42 AM | Show all posts
aku saspek dalang di sebalik kes ni adalah anwart berahim!!!
dizek mesti setuju dgn aku

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Post time 26-11-2015 11:44 AM | Show all posts
'Abang beri saya maklumat siasatan individu berpengaruh'
Koh Jun Lin      25 Nov 2015, 6:00 petang      25 Nov 2015, 9:01 malam

Adik lelaki Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Anthony Kevin Morais yang mati dibunuh, Charles Suresh Morais, mendakwa bahawa beliau memiliki pen drive yang diberi oleh abangnya sebelum beliau menghilangkan diri.

"Ia kini selamat di Amerika Syarikat bersama seseorang yang diarah mendedahkan kandungannya kepada umum sekiranya sesuatu yang tidak diingini berlaku kepada saya berhubung akuan sumpah berkanun ini.

"Kandungan pen drive itu dengan jelas dan tanpa ragu-ragu mendedahkan bahawa Kevin telah diarahkan melakukan sesuatu sebelum kematiannya yang dikaitkan dengan seseorang personaliti yang berkuasa di Malaysia," kata Charles dalam akuan sumpah berkanun hari ini.

Menurut Charles, abangnya memberitahunya pada Ogos lalu bahawa beliau akan mengirimkan sesuatu kepadanya. Pendrive itu tiba pada Oktober.

Mayat timbalan pendakwa raya itu ditemui dalam tong berisi konkrit di Subang Jaya, Selangor pada bulan September.

Charles hari ini membacakan sebahagian daripada SDnya pada sidang media di pejabat peguamnya Americk Sidhu, di Kuala Lumpur, hari ini.

Katanya, Kevin sebelum dilaporkan hilang sedang dalam proses menyiapkan kertas pertuduhan itu, ketika bertugas di Jabatan Peguam Negara.

Beliau juga mendakwa bahawa adiknya, Datuk Richard Morais, juga bersekongkol dengan ‘seseorang’ yang mengawal “permainan” yang membabitkan pembunuhan Kevin.

Dakwanya, atas alasan itu, Richard menuntut jasad Kevin daripada rumah mayat pada hari yang sama beliau memfailkan permohonan kepada mahkamah untuk membuat bedah siasat kali kedua.

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Post time 26-11-2015 11:46 AM | Show all posts
dah jadi masalah keluarga pulak. aku 50-50 je nih.. bukan boleh percaya sangat mcm filem tamil pulak dahh

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