Edited by manjalara_01 at 27-2-2016 01:41 PM
ORIGINAL ARTICLE BELOW: Well, it’s here. The trailer for “Gods of Egypt” dropped today and whoo boy, it is a hot mess. I can overlook a lot of the sillier aspects: “Stargate” did the magical animal-headed armor first so fine, the gods being huge compared to the mortals is whatever. I can even overlook the insane visuals of an Egyptian landscape that never existed since the pyramids were built in the desert sands on the West side of the Nile (and later in the Valley of the Kings) and not smack dab in the middle of town and they certainly didn’t have pedestrian superhighways…but hey, the “Rule of Cool” reigns supreme.
(pendapat manja psl paragraph atas ni..come on la...this is a FANTASY movie...NOT a history lesson... )..

What I can’t get behind? How insultingly white the cast is. We have the gods Horus (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) and Set (Gerard Butler) along with Ra (Geoffrey Rush). Thoth (Chadwick Boseman) and Hathor (the half-Cambodian Elodie Yung) are the only actors of color among the immortals. On the mortal side we have the hero Bek (Brenton Thwaites), who looks about as Egyptian as the Pillsbury Doughboy.
Like someone with short-term memory loss, Hollywood seems incapable of learning from their mistakes when it comes to whitewashing characters. Earlier this year Ridley Scott rightfully took flak for casting “Exodus: Gods and Kings” with nothing but white people. “Pan” received blowback for casting Rooney Mara as Tiger Lily. The heat is already on with the announcement that Scarlett Johansson will play the lead in “Ghost in the Shell.” So should we really be surprised that “Gods of Egypt” is rehashing the same problems?
Probably not. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be confounded by it. And the whitewashing extends beyond the main cast and into the background actors. Every shot from the trailer is a sea of white faces in what — based on the pyramids being the height of their glory and the verdant nature of the Nile is the Old Kingdom/Fifth Dynasty (2494 B.C. - 2345 B.C.) — should be a decidedly non-white period of Egyptian culture. And yet…

( manja x kisah sgt...psl kokesen sana sini dlm movie mcm ni...maybe sbb dh terbiase tgk kokesen jadi pak arab...dlm hollywood movies..ok la tu kulit putih hidung mancung..2x5 je )