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An Article on Worldview : definition & Concept

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Post time 10-10-2015 05:53 AM | Show all posts |Read mode

kepada para pembaca board ini, silent readers dan kepada semua yg dihormati,

berikut saya paparkan suatu artikel yg menarik , menarik dalam menghuraikan konsep dan definisi ringkas dalam apa yg dikatakan sebagai
pandanga dunia' atau 'world view' . Saya berpendapat pemahaman ini penting dalam memahami rencam dan isu yg berkaitan buidaya dan agama...

semuanya bermula dari pemahaman dan penghayatan .

maka - persefahaman ini meuwjudkan toleransi.

so, have a read.

Well, actually artikel  oleh kolumnis IKIM ni best best bagi jenis yg berminat dalam hal hal sebegini. Well daripada dok keliting benda yg tak ada faedah, meh kita biasakan diri membaca bebenda yg  berkualiti, ya?

Your Worldview Matters                                               
                                                Ditulis oleh Md. Asham B. Ahmad. Posted in The Star                                                       
Some people believe that life journey ends with a new beginning, but others would say that life journey ends with an ending. It means, when a person dies he exists no more. There is no life after death, and no soul that is going to continue to exist.

Today, believing in the soul is considered unscientific, like believing in ghosts. The word ‘soul’ does not have the significance it used to have, not only in daily usage but also in technical fields, such as philosophy and psychology. The word commonly used to replace ‘soul’ is ‘mind’, which was used to refer to the conscious immaterial substance.

Today, the meaning has changed significantly as the word ‘mind’ is now used as a synonym for ‘body’, because the mind, from the viewpoint of neurophysiology and neuropsychology, is now regarded as interchangeable with the brain.  According to this view, various aspects of our mental life can be explained in terms of the action of the brain and central nervous system. So humans, according to this view, are just physical creatures, like all other material objects. When the brain stops functioning we are simply dead, and we exist no more.

>>> my comments : well...itu kajian skop disiplin memanglah benar : nak kaji proses psikologi dan mengaitkan proses ini dengan struktur , tapi ada beberapa persoalan penting : what is consciousness? how to know that you are alive?  - it lies in the awareness of things, nampak enteng tapi nak define comatose versus mild vegetative state, locked -in syndrome yg perlukan banyak kajian.

Naturally, with the rejection of the soul, life after death becomes inconceivable. Even though the thought of an eternal life may sound comforting, it has to be rejected, for the lack of what they call ‘scientific evidence’ to support it. The scientific unbeliever would suggest that we all face the ‘real’ world (as they see it) rather than believe in a fairy tale.

But what is ‘reality’? Maybe life after death is real. If life ends with death then everything that we do comes to nothing. What meaning or purpose can our life possibly have? The unbeliever would say that life gets whatever meaning one chooses to give it, and one does not need to believe in the afterlife in order, for example, to believe in truth, beauty, science, making the world a better place to live, saving the environment, freedom of speech, democracy and tolerance.
But then again, why does all that matter if life ultimately ends in nothingness?

This brings us to the question of God as the Ultimate Reality, the Creator of all,. The rejector would surely raise doubt as to whether He exists or not, or whether it is possible to know Him and His Will. He would say if faith in God makes some people feel good he will not argue with that, but he personally prefers a more ‘rational’, open-minded approach to life. He believes that one shouldn’t think that anything is true unless it is scientifically proven. But has the belief itself been scientifically proven?

>>>>>> good question though...

So we all look at life very differently from each other, as if everyone is from a different world. Of course we do not belong to different worlds, but we do subscribe to different worldviews, as a matter of fact.

What is a worldview?

A worldview is the set of lenses through which you see the world around you. It is a set of inter-related beliefs that help you make sense of your experiences. The worldview effects the way you think, how you feel, and how you live your life. Through your worldview you interpret life in a particular way, and because of that your worldview matters.

To understand further what a worldview is, think carefully about the big questions of life. Think and try to answer these questions. Does God exist? How did everything begin? Who am I? Why am I here? Am I living a good life? What happens after I die?

Vegetables and animals don’t think about all these stuff, but people do.

Reflecting about these questions is part of what makes us humans. In fact everyone of us has a worldview, even though not everyone will be able to tell and explain what his worldview is. What is your worldview? Do you care to examine it?

>>> yups , the 'meta' bit of 'thinking'


sumber : ... r-worldview-matters


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 Author| Post time 10-10-2015 06:01 AM | Show all posts
any takers

, soalan tu menarik...

sebab , iman = believe, membenarkan ....dan apa apa pun akhirnya kita membuat keputusan untuk mempercayai...

satu argument yg menarik dari seorang brother ni ya ...dalam bersembang...mengenai 'percaya'

dia bagi satu situasi:

bagaimana anda tahu ibu bapa anda ialah bapa dan ibu anda sebenar?

- well...ada yg menjawab - logik, dan ada yg scientific minded berkata : well ..DNA lah

well - kalau begitu ditanya lagi - dah buat ke dna testing ? ada yg kata boleh buat ...
dan ada yg kata boleh je buat kalau nak tapi kalau dah common sense buat apa buat , kan?

okay then level seterusnya adalah berkenaan  test apa yg nak dipakai untuk penentuan  ibu bapa melalui DNA
- test tu ada aspek validity and reiability  keboleh percayaan dan keesahan...

so , bagaimana nak menentukan Test DNA tu sesuatu yg reliable etc etc? okay lihat pada criteria , ...ada kriteria tertentu untuk menggunakan sesuatu test itu, fine.

then , akhirnya test itu menghasilkan keputusan dan kita tahu test itu diiktiraf darisegi kepercayaan dan keesahannya

at the end, adakah kita nak terima keptusan test itu?

jawapan ada dua : ya atau tidak ...kalau ya , straight forward answer dan kalau tidak ...why?

at the end ofthe day , it boils down somehow to what  you choose to believe ...

it is all about believe, kan?

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 Author| Post time 10-10-2015 06:28 AM | Show all posts
Human Rights Among Different Worldviews

Ditulis oleh Dr. Mohd Farid Mohd Shahran. Posted in The Star

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 Author| Post time 10-10-2015 06:33 AM | Show all posts
In the modern era, the rights of human beings are celebrated, promoted and debated more than ever before. It goes hand in hand with the rise of humanism, a philosophy that crowned human being as an eminent and central reality in this world.

n the West, this elevation of human is position is preceded by two historic phases, the Renaissance and Enlightenment which marked the beginning of an age that affirmed human beings as the main actor and arbitrator of his own life and the one who is able to determine truth and falsehood by himself without being dependant on the transcendent and metaphysical power.

John Locke, the British philosopher and one of the pioneers of humanism declared that all human beings were equal and free to pursue “life, health, liberty, and possession.”  

Pursuing further Locke’s philosophy, the General Assembly of The United Nation in December 10, 1948 had proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations. December 10 is also announced as the Human Rights Day to be celebrated annually.

Ironically, the era where human rights are celebrated is also the time where human rights are very much violated. Myriad of mistreatments and discriminations against the weaks took place in many forms - torture, genocide, repression, human trafficking, crackdown.

One of the comments by al-Jazeera’s website on the celebration of Human Rights Day goes “it has been a year more to learn than to celebrate about human right.”

While the effort towards promoting human rights against discriminations and injustices should be lauded, one of the dimensions that need to be critically looked into is the rejection, under the name of human rights, of values coming from different worldviews particularly those coming from religious worldview.

Certain aspects of religious norms and laws such as the codes and punishments of shari’ah law, the way religious followers dress, the prohibition of certain foods by religion, often come under attack and are regarded as limiting the right of the people to choose whatever they deem right.

For this matter, at least two basic principles should be the guiding framework concerning human rights among that involve different worldviews.
First, values that come from different worldviews should be mutually respected and appreciated under the basis of peaceful co-existence. This is because these values follow from the premises based on the sources which are sacrosanct and authoritative to the respective worldviews.

As a matter of fact, the difference in terms of worldviews has implicated even different definition and understanding of some basic terms related to human rights such as the term human itself, freedom, justice, duty and others.

In the case of the worldview of Islam for example, the values uphold by the Muslims are basically spring from the principle of tawhid (the affirmation of the Oneness of God).  Human being, in this respect, is defined as the servant of God who is created with the ultimate aim of worshipping God and submitting himself to the one God. He is, therefore, subjected to values that are in line with this role and duty.

Within this framework, the rights of human being are seen not only in terms of the privileges or rights that he would get as human but also in terms of duties that he has to carry out in line with his role as the servant of God. This is in accordance with the meaning of the Arabic term for right, haqq which implies both meanings in a balanced manner; the rights as well as the duties.

Following that, the term freedom from the religious worldview should also be scrutinized not only from the horizontal, social aspect but also from the vertical and theological perspective. The worldview of Islam would describe freedom of man as what is in line with his original nature of being a servant of God.

And to be bound by his duty to submit himself to God would certainly not destroy his freedom as human being, for it is based on the premise that man is originally created by God with the ultimate aim to serve and submit himself to God. On the contrary, he is not considered free when he goes against his own original nature of being the servant of God, for example, by submitting his self rather to his animal nature.

Having said that, the second guiding principle would be that the priority in dealing with the issue of human rights should be to work together on the areas that all worldviews share which are actually larger than those dimensions that they disagree. As a matter of fact, they are many principles and approaches within religious worldview which ultimately go in line with the secular principle of human rights.

For example, religious worldview, just as the secular worldview, is against any form of discrimination and injustice towards other fellow human beings. In the case of the worldview of Islam, apart from emphasizing Tawhid, the absolute Oneness of God, the highest spirit of Islamic laws (shari’ah) is to protect and preserve the well being of all humans which are well defined in the field of Maqasid Shari’ah (the Objectives of Islamic Law). The well being of a man includes his religion, life, intellect, lineage and properties.

Based on above principles, efforts toward rejection of crimes, killing innocent people, genocide, torture, environmental pollution, totalitarian repression, human trafficking a lot of other violation of human rights could be the joint initiatives of the followers of different worldviews in order to guarantee that the rights of human beings in this world are being properly preserved. ... ifferent-worldviews

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 Author| Post time 10-10-2015 06:34 AM | Show all posts
artikel di atas  menerangkan bagaimana 'pandangan dunia ' yg berbeza mencetuskan konflikkonflik tertentu atas aplikasi pemikiran tertentu ...yg bakar umbi sejak....well as being told.


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Post time 11-10-2015 10:44 PM | Show all posts
Salam TT

Topik best. Tp kena undur sket...

Apa itu world?
How to define world?
Is your world and my world, the sama?
What makes your view not tally with the rest?
How to make this world a 1World?
Your view, my view, our view, their view, all viewers - the sama?

Is this possible?

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 Author| Post time 12-10-2015 12:09 AM | Show all posts
Dzulqarnain replied at 11-10-2015 10:44 PM
Salam TT

Topik best. Tp kena undur sket...

how to make this world a '1WORLD'

hmm...i know, thru  commercial airliners , they  are one world  hahahahahahahahaha

dunia ni bumilah dari sgi macroscale
dan dunia juga dibentuk thru perception oleh pancaindera manusia dari aspek budaya , lokalitinya etc  dan apa apa elemen yg berada atau diberi penkanan oeh 'budaya'  dalam 'dunia' dia...


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 Author| Post time 12-10-2015 12:12 AM | Show all posts
Dzulqarnain replied at 11-10-2015 10:44 PM
Salam TT

Topik best. Tp kena undur sket...

different worldviews can be tied up together thru shared principles , common values

bila mai  values  tang ni  lah ada ruang untuk membicarakan value apa? how to decide value world view sesuatu kelompok tu benar dan patut diiiktiraf oeh kelompok yg lelain

apa kriteria dia


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Post time 12-10-2015 07:39 AM | Show all posts
Edited by hari1 at 12-10-2015 08:27 AM
Dzulqarnain replied at 11-10-2015 10:44 PM
Salam TT

Topik best. Tp kena undur sket...

How to define a world?

The world is a place where demons and humans live together.There is no physical difference between the devil and a human.The only difference is the soul.the devil is not  supernatural beings such as human physical they lived with you. You do not know whether you are a human or a demon..there are no physical diffrence.The devil and man is the definition of good and evil upside down.if you are a demon and you stay one place where the majority of people is humans you are hated and if you are humans and you stay one place where the majority of demon you are hated..This is true because the devil and man upside-definition goodness.. the only difference between man and the devil is the soul..there a the same physical as you..they may be your teacher your friend  your sister your neighbors or your bos.on top of the world 50% human and 50% is the devil

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Post time 12-10-2015 07:52 AM | Show all posts
Edited by hari1 at 12-10-2015 08:26 AM
Dzulqarnain replied at 11-10-2015 10:44 PM
Salam TT

Topik best. Tp kena undur sket...

Is your world and my world, the same?
off course the same..we lived together..if you are a demon and i as a human you and i lived together.the same world.

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Post time 12-10-2015 07:55 AM | Show all posts
Edited by hari1 at 12-10-2015 08:26 AM
Dzulqarnain replied at 11-10-2015 10:44 PM
Salam TT

Topik best. Tp kena undur sket...

What makes your view not tally with the rest?

our view is the same..there are a car, there are a building...same.

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Post time 12-10-2015 08:12 AM | Show all posts
Edited by hari1 at 12-10-2015 08:38 AM
Dzulqarnain replied at 11-10-2015 10:44 PM
Salam TT

Topik best. Tp kena undur sket...

How to make this world a 1World?

this is a biggest you know all humans and demons say they are alwalys right? all demon and humans.every man and demons say they are the best, even hitler and pol pot they say that their actions are correct..all they said what they do is to eliminate crime,what they do is good for mankind..
all they say what they do is right.. all others are evil..That is why the wars in the world..


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Post time 12-10-2015 08:21 AM | Show all posts
Edited by hari1 at 12-10-2015 08:26 AM
Dzulqarnain replied at 11-10-2015 10:44 PM
Salam TT

Topik best. Tp kena undur sket...

Your view, my view, our view, their view, all viewers - the same?
not..whis is a view? the view is what is in the is difficult to discuss..

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Post time 12-10-2015 11:56 AM | Show all posts
Topik yang menarik perhatian.


Tumpang lalu.

@hari1 pun belajar mengetengahkan pendapat dengan baik. Harap dia belajar menjawap persoalan atau pendapat yang berbeza yang diajukan kepadanya dengan baik.


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Post time 12-10-2015 10:41 PM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 12-10-2015 12:09 AM
how to make this world a '1WORLD'

hmm...i know, thru  commercial airliners , they  are one worl ...
how to make this world a '1WORLD'

hmm...i know, thru  commercial airliners , they  are one world  hahahahahahahahaha

dunia ni bumilah dari sgi macroscale
dan dunia juga dibentuk thru perception oleh pancaindera manusia dari aspek budaya , lokalitinya etc  dan apa apa elemen yg berada atau diberi penkanan oeh 'budaya'  dalam 'dunia' dia...

Ofkos, you need to ally with other nations - form an alliance
communications, transportations, etc.

This is how any world clashes into each other accross the globe - globally lah

Tunggu dulu, belum sampai bab panca indera, persepsi, etc.
- how to feed???? Then citer le feedback/respond

different worldviews can be tied up together thru shared principles , common values

bila mai  values  tang ni  lah ada ruang untuk membicarakan value apa? how to decide value world view sesuatu kelompok tu benar dan patut diiiktiraf oeh kelompok yg lelain

apa kriteria dia

Kita ada common law, kita ada charta, kita ada polisi/dasar luar
kita ada PBB/UN dan ketetapan ahli tetap majlis keselamatannya
kita ada polisi/dasar ekonomi, monetary, trade, etc.
antara negara, antarabangsa, antara benua, antara pertubuhan2 dunia, etc.

Tapi, kita juga ada dasar berkucuali
mat salih kata agree to disagree - exceptionalism
bkn kata serupa individualism
bkn juga kata dasar pilih bulu
- maksudnya tak sebulu lah...passed the bills org kata, kn?

Seluruh dunia mengiktiraf negara Palestine
tp apakah nilai drpd persetujuan dunia
bila wilayah yg diiktiraf itu lebih kecil drpd asalnya???

Belum masuk worldview lg tau...this is my view.

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Post time 12-10-2015 11:29 PM | Show all posts
hari1 replied at 12-10-2015 07:39 AM
How to define a world?

The world is a place where demons and humans live together.There is no ...
How to define a world?

The world is a place where demons and humans live together.There is no physical difference between the devil and a human.The only difference is the soul.the devil is not  supernatural beings such as human physical they lived with you. You do not know whether you are a human or a demon..there are no physical diffrence.The devil and man is the definition of good and evil upside down.if you are a demon and you stay one place where the majority of people is humans you are hated and if you are humans and you stay one place where the majority of demon you are hated..This is true because the devil and man upside-definition goodness.. the only difference between man and the devil is the soul..there a the same physical as you..they may be your teacher your friend  your sister your neighbors or your bos.on top of the world 50% human and 50% is the devil

World ni org ereb panggey dunya
dia selalu kapel dgn akhirat...

This world and the Hereafter.
You are still here, on earth
On the day of Qiamat you'll surely be destroyed
together with the oldest living creation called, mother Earth.

Remember last time, when they both are one?
- The heavens and the earth

Syaitan? Di kalangan jin dan manusia?
Nasib baek hang tak bukak cerita pasal jin...

Is your world and my world, the same?
off course the same..we lived together..if you are a demon and i as a human you and i lived together.the same world.

Nope, you with your car and the god of the car
In my dunya, there's no such thing tau...

What makes your view not tally with the rest?

our view is the same..there are a car, there are a building...same.

You are not one in a million cars.
You are not one of thousands forummers.
You are not one among millions whom resides in Tanah Melayu.

You are ONE of a kind
similarlah but not the same
at the same side but not the same part
at the same time but not the same hours

u cannot be in two ages at the same time
u cannot be in two places at the same time

You are not time!
But by time, verily man is in loss
Except one who have Faith and do righteous deeds
and in the mutual teaching of Truth
and of constant patience

Truth will always be truth
tunggu adja la si kaki temberang
lari semacam lipas kudung...

How to make this world a 1World?

this is a biggest you know all humans and demons say they are alwalys right? all demon and humans.every man and demons say they are the best, even hitler and pol pot they say that their actions are correct..all they said what they do is to eliminate crime,what they do is good for mankind..
all they say what they do is right.. all others are evil..That is why the wars in the world..


The biggest thing in the modern history of mankind is
The age of Satellite Broadcasting!

One of its geostrategic policy is localism - decentralized control of the masses

Imperial rules breed colonial rules
controlling their common wealth with common laws
decolonized them for seeding their kind, following their policies, etc.

Raja Petra kata,
"TV3 kata the world is flat. Saya kata the world is round"

Tp saya yg bkn kaki spin sgt nih kata,
"The world is here already, let us seek the hereafter"

Ada juga yg kata,
"Aik, mat salih dah smpi kt bulan. Hang dok buatpa berforum lg?"

Your view, my view, our view, their view, all viewers - the same?
not..whis is a view? the view is what is in the is difficult to discuss..

So, why bother? Keep it to yourself lah...

P/s: Some things are good to discuss, some needs to re-think. Bukan ka?

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 Author| Post time 13-10-2015 04:59 AM | Show all posts
Dzulqarnain replied at 12-10-2015 10:41 PM
Ofkos, you need to ally with other nations - form an alliance
communications, transportations ...

well...jawapan kepada persoalan itu

mungkin terdapat pada paragraph ini - Shahran (2015)

First, values that come from different worldviews should be mutually respected and appreciated under the basis of peaceful co-existence. This is because these values follow from the premises based on the sources which are sacrosanct and authoritative to the respective worldviews.
As a matter of fact, the difference in terms of worldviews has implicated even different definition and understanding of some basic terms related to human rights such as the term human itself, freedom, justice, duty and others.

tak ada masalah pun kalau berbeza world views atau pandangan dunia yg dibentuk oleh nilai budaya, agama etc. Cumanya pihak pihak tersebut kena iktiraf lah... kewujudan entiti yg menjadi hak hak kelompok tertentu berlandaskan fakta atau premis atau bebenda yg sacrosanct dan berwibawa...
ni apabila wujud secularisme humanisme apa apa benda pun depa bentuk ikut pandagan dunia mereka

contohnya komuniti yahudi dan muslim di UK , bagaimana depa menghadapi isu dan abaran golongan pejuang hak hak makhluk ni dalam kes ini berkenaan religious slaughter - u know benda ni jadi ridiculous sebab ade ke patut nak haramkan penyembelihan berbentuk ritual...pada saya  of courselha ini nilai yg batil dan hanya lahir dari pemikiran bebas nilai  dalam mentakrifan sesuatu...tapi  u know bagi mereka yg tak faham erti agama satu budaya hidup akan lebih terpengaruh...dan ada yg nak jadi vegetarian ( ni  adalah satu pemikiran yg dimangsakan oleh sebab  tak faham bebenda bebenda basic je pun like
; tak tahukah dia bahawa Allah melarang benda yg halal diharamkan dan yg haram dihalalkan tak nak jadi pengikut kelompok kaum tertentu...

jadi those yg  giyah fundamental mudah ye sangat  kalah pada bebenda pemikiran seperti ini sebab? they have no idea pun apa pandangan islam dalam hal ini.

tu dari aspek ritual


palestin - world view clashes...

well satu atas dasar - agama tapi atas dasar agama sepatutnya ia menjadi lebih mudah sebab  kiblat pertama yakni kiblat semua nabi rasul yg bersolat hinggalah kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah berlokasi masjidil aqsa ( baitul muqaddis)  tapi yg indahnya ketika isra' dan mikraj bagaimana tradisi ritual ini diubah oleh baginda kita SAW - lain sikit , baginda ubah kiblat ke arah baitullah....

ada cerita yg ustaz Amin ceritakan tu yg interesting

ok. tang palestin dan israel - ? senang je nak selesaikan - kalau ia melibatkan agama agama samawi yg share tempat itu tapi apakah Allah ak uji sebegitu mudah nope...ade elemen zionism...kan? Bukan Allah SWT tidak tahu itu, kan?  Allah also Plans...and HE IS THE BEST PLANNER......

lagi satu - bagaimana nak iktiraf world view yg berbeza - selagi tak ganggu syariah fine , yang ganggu kena ada musyawarah atau dialogue - ni pun dalam aspek  dialogue peradaban ada tataetika

kan? fahamkan


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 Author| Post time 13-10-2015 05:01 AM | Show all posts
Dzulqarnain replied at 12-10-2015 10:41 PM
Ofkos, you need to ally with other nations - form an alliance
communications, transportations ...

i masih kekaburan dari aspek mana u nak halakan pemahaman world view / pandangan dunia ni dengan aspek isu yg you kaitkan...


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 Author| Post time 13-10-2015 05:13 AM | Show all posts
hari1 replied at 12-10-2015 07:39 AM
How to define a world?

The world is a place where demons and humans live together.There is no ...

you know in Islam ada rukunm iman yakni mempercayai adanya perkara ghaib yg manusia diberi hanya tahap atau had tertentu je yg dia dapat fikir, lihat , rasa, sentuh, dengaq  etc.

dan ada dalam dimensi 'dunia' ni - alam lain it is called dimension dan ini ada alam jin etc yg mana allah tak bagi kita lihat u know ada hikmah-Nya enajdikannya begitu...

so the right term i would use is dimension

manusia boleh nampak dalam spektrum  cahaya nampak yakni gelombang EM  yg kita lihat sebagai cahaya dan komponennya sahaja

dan ada entiti ghaib seperti malaikat you know yg allah dah habaq dijadikan daripada cahaya - so cahaya dalam konsep fizik amat menarik sebab ia adalah paryicle and wave

tang wave ni ada frequency somehow i think dengan pengetahuan ini tak hairanlah malaikat dalam mana mana riwayat sahih memang boleh morph int apa apa yg nak dia jadi dengan izin ALLAH SWT ...may be depa ada different frequency...

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Post time 13-10-2015 07:44 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 13-10-2015 05:13 AM
you know in Islam ada rukunm iman yakni mempercayai adanya perkara ghaib yg manusia diberi hanya t ...

Aku pun islam.. u belum paham dalam konesp penciptaan, minda u masih terkongkong dengan fahaman lama tafsiran ulama ulama terdahulu.

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