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Antara dua, BMW 3series atau Merc C200

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Post time 28-9-2015 02:34 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Korang, mintak pendapat sikit, antara 2 keta nih, mana yg lebih berbaloi untuk dibeli dan diguna pakai ? nak tau pendapat org2 yg pernah guna both cars or salah satu keta nih. Nk tau dari worth dari segala aspek, if possible..thank you in advance yer

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Post time 28-9-2015 02:59 PM | Show all posts
rasanya encik @zafir boleh bagi info/advice sket...tengok avatar dia pakai BMW

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Post time 28-9-2015 04:11 PM | Show all posts
Bro @zulka , nanti komen berat sebelah lak hehe , @pokokbunga if u ask me which car to depends on what u want from ur car..if u want a car that is very comfortable and have that luxury taste, go for mercedes. But if u like to drive..and very particular about handling and speed...bimmer gives u more is u test drive both cars...get the feel..kalau x puas test lagi..until u know what u want...if u ask a bimmer, merc or audi driver..the answer might be one sided..

Merc c class is a bit more expensive...u have c200 1.8 cc 184 hp price RM 255 k, c250 1.8 cc 204 hp RM 295 k, and C 300 3.0 cc 231 hp RM 325 k...only C300 offer inline 6 naturally aspirated engine, lain sume 4 cynlinder.

BMW F30 has more options starts with 316i, 320i, 320d and 328i.. but worth considering 320i 2.0 cc 181 hp RM 240k and  328i 2.0 cc 240 hp RM 292 sports edition and package if u nak more vroom

Both have long warranty package bmw offers 5 years..and merc offer 4 years?..

I go with bimmer any day..



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Post time 28-9-2015 04:18 PM | Show all posts
zafir replied at 28-9-2015 04:11 PM
Bro @zulka , nanti komen berat sebelah lak hehe , @pokokbunga if u ask me which car to ...

takpe bro at least dia dah dpt info from bimmer owner...
tggu the other side plak bagi info..
thanks a lot


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Post time 28-9-2015 04:31 PM | Show all posts
Edited by cay_nd at 28-9-2015 04:32 PM

bro @zafir  boleh mintak guide tak tentang maintenance bimmer.. tgh survey e90 320i tahun 2010-2011 .. mintak segala info yang boleh bantu..

nak survey keta nie,tapi zero knowledge...ape nak tengok masa inspect... ape penyakit keta nie,etc

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Post time 28-9-2015 04:32 PM | Show all posts
zulka replied at 28-9-2015 04:18 PM
takpe bro at least dia dah dpt info from bimmer owner...
tggu the other side plak bagi info..
th ...

ok bro....pokok bunga ni pempuan kot kan..x naklak ambik audi..

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 Author| Post time 28-9-2015 04:44 PM | Show all posts
zafir replied at 28-9-2015 04:11 PM
Bro @zulka , nanti komen berat sebelah lak hehe , @pokokbunga if u ask me which car to ...

thanks bro..really appreciate your view

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 Author| Post time 28-9-2015 04:46 PM | Show all posts
zafir replied at 28-9-2015 04:32 PM
ok bro....pokok bunga ni pempuan kot kan..x naklak ambik audi..

ye saya pompuan, ni nak survey on behalf of husband, dia tgh konpius mana satu, so dia tanya saya, saya lagiiiii la tak tau the way, dgr citer, 2nd hand value for bimmer lagi cepat jatuh compared to merc..betul ker ? sbb takde lah pikir nak pakai keta sampai habis loan, biasa nya5,6 tahun plan tukar keta lain pulak..

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 Author| Post time 28-9-2015 04:51 PM | Show all posts
oh yer..hari tu gi show room merc, dia kasi free service 2 kali jer, but bmw 5 yrs, tp dua2 blum test drive lagik, gi survey2 jer dulu, pastuh betul ker spare part beemer lagik mahal? plus beemer nih agak 'manja' ? sorry bmw owner, just asking...

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Post time 28-9-2015 05:01 PM | Show all posts
cay_nd replied at 28-9-2015 04:31 PM
bro @zafir  boleh mintak guide tak tentang maintenance bimmer.. tgh survey e90 320i tahun 2010-2011  ...

kete german ni sometimes manja byk bro...tapi as long as we take care basic items mcm tukar minyak hitam, suspension bushing, lower/upper arm, absorber sume tu..then handling and ride  should be okay...and if u nak save more boleh beli kat OEM supplier, byk reliable OEM spare parts supplier yg jual jauh murah mcm Suan Huat, Bomin, Bavarian Auto suma tu..and carik 1 or 2 workshop yg pandai tgk continental cars..sbb private workshop jauh murah from authorised workshop..seronok jugak manjakan kete ni sekali sekala hehe, but so far pakai..xle memeningkan kepala...harap2 berterusan le gini
some 320i ada gasket/oil seal leakage...tu yg biasa dgr, 325i basically more reliable

If u really serious nak beli...elok check out bmw forum, byk issue pasal kete kat situ, mana nak repair..macam2 leh belajar bro...

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Post time 28-9-2015 05:07 PM | Show all posts
pokokbunga replied at 28-9-2015 04:46 PM
ye saya pompuan, ni nak survey on behalf of husband, dia tgh konpius mana satu, so dia tanya saya, ...

well all contis cepat je jatuh harga bunga..especially ngan mesia yg byk recond cars..spoil the new car price..and pasal parts tu..byk je spare parts supplier offering much cheaper parts....both are great cars...depends on ur hubby kot..kena selesa ngan what he wants..if dia x leh decide..depends on what u want hehe


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Post time 29-9-2015 10:51 AM | Show all posts
Tepuk dada tanya selera

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Post time 29-9-2015 12:52 PM | Show all posts
pokokbunga replied at 28-9-2015 04:51 PM
oh yer..hari tu gi show room merc, dia kasi free service 2 kali jer, but bmw 5 yrs, tp dua2 blum tes ...

aah try test drive tempat yg ada corner and yg u can speed least u dapat feel how the behave..kalau test kat jalan jem tak rasa apa

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Post time 29-9-2015 01:39 PM | Show all posts
jenis yg bawak laju, suka layan konar, handling terbaik...ambik BMW

jenis yg bawak cool,nak selesa...tak laju, banyak dalam town . ambik Mercedes

dari segi tahan lasak, enjin Merc lebih tahan lasak , ada kawan saya pakai BMW E60, masuk tahun ke 6, ke 7....ada sikit-sikit dah start leaking

Merc sekali service 10-12k KM

BMW sekali service 25-30k KM

BMW sekarang kasi 5 tahun free service, tapi tak termasuk brake pad , BMW yg saya beli beberapa tahun yg lalu, kasi 3 tahun free service + free tukar brake pad depan belakang

BMW 3 series sekarang, F30, dah agak lama dalam pasaran, atas jalan pun dah banyak

Mercedes C class W205, masih baru dalam pasaran, belum ramai orang pakai, agak lebih exclusive buat masa ini



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 Author| Post time 30-9-2015 01:41 PM | Show all posts
Edited by pokokbunga at 30-9-2015 01:43 PM
ambok replied at 29-9-2015 01:39 PM
jenis yg bawak laju, suka layan konar, handling terbaik...ambik BMW

jenis yg bawak cool,nak seles ...

suker baca comparison nih, thank you bro...husband belum decide lagi nih. hari2 lah sblm tidoq , dia duk tgk kat youtube yg psl comparison car tuh, rancangan top gear ke ape ntah tu...tak decide lagik kata nya,...

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Post time 1-10-2015 08:20 AM | Show all posts
pokokbunga replied at 30-9-2015 01:41 PM
suker baca comparison nih, thank you bro...husband belum decide lagi nih. hari2 lah sblm tidoq , d ...


nak tambah lagi satu, mercedes ada auto parking, parktronic

bagi yang kurang mahir nak parking, tentu memilih mercedes


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Post time 5-10-2015 12:07 AM | Show all posts
Dah 1.5 tahun pakai F30. Lepas seminggu beli, ada bunyi pelik kat steering. Hantar service centre tukar rack. Lepas sebulan bunyi datang balik, hantar lagi diorang buat adjustment. Leather seat ada bunyi seat duduk & seat bersandar bunyi touching masa kat bumper & jalan tak rata. BMW cakap itu normal sebab leather, terpaksa sapu minyak sikit kat touching part tu baru bunyi tu hilang.

Lepas 3 bulan ada bunyi creaking kat pintu depan belah passenger. Hantar 4x check sampai sekarang tak boleh solve. Macam2 diorang dah buat, masukkan insulation, adjust pintu, tukar rubber. At the end cakap tak boleh buat apa, common problem untuk F30, kalau F10 5 series tak ada masalah. Masa nak beli & datang service boleh minta makan spaghetti, kek, sandwich & minum free.

Problem semua cosmetic je, other than that OK. Engine quite powerful tapi kat hiway penah gak kena hi beam dengan MyVi bawak 180. Handling ok, ambik corner best. Minyak ok jimat, boleh masuk 95 or 97 takde hal.

Tayar spare takde, sebab guna RFT. Tapi kalau jadi apa2 kat jalan tegah hutan masalah jugak. RFT kalau bocor bawah boleh jalan 200km lagi , tapi bocor kat tepi tak boleh. Ada beli spare tyre dengan kit harga RM1500, yang boleh pasang kat depan je. Bawak kalau jalan jauh je, sebab takde space untuk spare tyre dalam bonet. RFT ada bising sikit.

Masa tengah survey nak beli dulu ada gak tengok W205 tapi dalam dia tak best & kena tunggu lama. Pasal harga jatuh tu memang normal, kena sendiri mau ingat la. Kalau nak fikir pasal harga jatuh baik tak payah beli.

F30 launched in 2012, dah 3 tahun, LCI model coming soon, W205 baru launched last year so still got few more years to go. Anyway selain dari bunyi pelik dalam kereta tu, yang lain2 OK takde masalah. Tapi kat highway jangan main2 dengan driver MyVi, some of them are crazy, anytime boleh bagi MyVi ni makan asap tapi ...Safety First......


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Post time 5-10-2015 12:10 AM | Show all posts
Kalau kerja kat big company, BMW akan bagi another 5% discount, kena check dalam list diorang. Big company such as Petronas, Shell, GE, SIEMENS etc ada dalam list tu..

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 Author| Post time 6-10-2015 04:23 PM | Show all posts
earthfault replied at 5-10-2015 12:07 AM
Dah 1.5 tahun pakai F30. Lepas seminggu beli, ada bunyi pelik kat steering. Hantar service centre tu ...

ok noted, thanks ya

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Post time 30-11-2015 11:17 PM | Show all posts

TS macam mana ? beli yg mana ?

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