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Author: Vellfire

✿ ✿ Borak @ Ilusi Vol. 20 - Warna Warni Ilusi ✿ ✿

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Post time 1-11-2014 12:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
amiraira posted on 31-10-2014 11:14 PM
Patut la

Lambat x pe Nov

Pyh nk lupa porem mira..sbb byk kenangan..

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Post time 1-11-2014 12:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Vellfire posted on 31-10-2014 11:21 PM
Hmm kalau dah ada gf lagi fening
mcm anak saudara vell
susah haishhhhhh

Keje br sethn jagung vell
Dh sibuk nk settle down

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Post time 1-11-2014 12:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Vellfire posted on 31-10-2014 11:23 PM
Vell nak masuk tido dah mira
ni mesti sebab ubat

Ok nite vell

Sleep well
Sweet dream

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Post time 1-11-2014 12:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz posted on 1-11-2014 12:02 AM
Pyh nk lupa porem mira..sbb byk kenangan..

Ya ke?
Harap yg mengembirakn ya

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Post time 1-11-2014 12:16 AM | Show all posts
wah... dah page 10 rumah baru ni...
baru dapat bertandang...
tadi petang pergi FESKO UTM 53... ni baru balik je...

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Post time 1-11-2014 06:35 AM | Show all posts
tari posted on 31-10-2014 10:20 PM
Begitulah kira2nya

Esok cuti apa plan aqua

plan nak golek2 atas katil

pastu nak kena siap paper utk publish dlm jurnal
*syarat utk lulus master selain thesis


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Post time 1-11-2014 06:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
amiraira posted on 31-10-2014 10:45 PM
Patut la
Dh biasa mmg mcm tu dept akaun kn

Mmg dh biasa pun
Ada masa tari msncilok la masuk forum

Selamat berhujung minggu mira

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Post time 1-11-2014 06:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lavender_aqua posted on 1-11-2014 06:35 AM
plan nak golek2 atas katil

pastu nak kena siap paper utk publish dlm jurnal

Mcm byk benda kena buat

Bila aqua habis master

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Post time 1-11-2014 07:00 AM | Show all posts
tari posted on 1-11-2014 06:58 AM
Mcm byk benda kena buat

Bila aqua habis master

byk ke sikit ke, hujung thn depan kena hbs
pastu nak cari keje lain
eh bukan la lepas tu
agak2 dah nak hbs master start apply keje kat company yg nak pekerja


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Post time 1-11-2014 08:10 AM | Show all posts
calling geng moyan
sesapa layan MLM, meh la lepak2 kat rumah aqua di bod TV ... ;extra=#pid58278450


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Post time 1-11-2014 08:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tari posted on 1-11-2014 06:42 AM
Mmg dh biasa pun
Ada masa tari msncilok la masuk forum

Morning tari

Ala cilok je tuk happy2
Ilangkn borink kn

Selamat ujung minggu gak tari
Apa plan?

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Post time 1-11-2014 09:31 AM | Show all posts
amiraira posted on 31-10-2014 08:36 PM
Ari jumaat mmg jem gilos SP
Smpai umah tadi dekat 8 dh

Morning Mira!

kesian mira, penat redah jam semalam
hari ni apa aktiviti? SP dok bersiap2 ni, nak teman mak pegi tesco
sambil ushar2 kejap porem

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Post time 1-11-2014 10:03 AM | Show all posts
assalamualaikum... selamat pagi...



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Post time 1-11-2014 10:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
SirihPinang posted on 1-11-2014 09:31 AM
Morning Mira!

kesian mira, penat redah jam semalam

Morning SP

Nk wat camne
Nk x nk terpaksa kn

Ptg nnti nk ke semenyih
Yg kenduri minggu lepak kt Ipoh tu
Minggu ni kt sini

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Post time 1-11-2014 12:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lavender_aqua posted on 1-11-2014 12:10 AM
calling geng moyan
sesapa layan MLM, meh la lepak2 kat rumah aqua di bod TV ...

layan sikit2.... suka lawak ke der



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Post time 1-11-2014 05:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lavender_aqua posted on 1-11-2014 07:00 AM
byk ke sikit ke, hujung thn depan kena hbs
pastu nak cari keje lain
eh bukan la lepas tu

Hehe...lg setahun, x lama tu

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Post time 1-11-2014 05:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
amiraira posted on 1-11-2014 08:18 AM
Morning tari

Ala cilok je tuk happy2

Betul3...nk hepi2 je

Tari blk kg ni

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Post time 1-11-2014 05:52 PM | Show all posts
tari posted on 1-11-2014 05:07 PM
Hehe...lg setahun, x lama tu

tak lama dah
kalau pikir mmg rasa lama
nak2 kalau pi countdown

aqua skrg go with the flow
so takde rasa sgt mcm jauh je nak sampai hujung thn 2015 nnt


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Post time 1-11-2014 05:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tari posted on 1-11-2014 05:10 PM
Betul3...nk hepi2 je

Tari blk kg ni

Kg mana tari?
Mira otw ke semenyih gak ni

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Post time 1-11-2014 08:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lavender_aqua posted on 1-11-2014 05:52 PM
tak lama dah
kalau pikir mmg rasa lama
nak2 kalau pi countdown

Pejam celik kejap dh abis setahun

Skrg masa berlalu rasa cepat benor
Dulu masa sekolah rasa lama sgt nk abis setahun

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