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Alvin Si Blogger Sex Kini Mau Jadi Warga US katanyer!

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Post time 24-9-2014 10:13 AM | Show all posts |Read mode

I am Alvin Tan - former sex blogger, present “political refugee” and future US citizen

EXCLUSIVE: Two days ago, Alvin Tan chose to break his two-month long silence to the Malaysian media by leaving a comment on The Ant Daily website.His comment resulted in an article yesterday titled “Has Alvin Tan of Alvivi finally surfaced?”

Reacting to that article, Alvin had posted another comment today using a new Facebook account , revealing details about his whereabouts and his future plans.

Alvin says that he is in the US presently, applying for asylum, and plans to become a US citizen in 5 years. He also explains his reasons for leaving Malaysia and his comment forms an interesting rebuttal to his perceived trial-by-media.

We are unable to verify whether this account does in fact belong to the real Alvin Tan or is actually just an elaborate hoax. As such we are unable to vouch for the authenticity of the comment and will reproduce it here in verbatim.

“I never felt scared, because I'm not a fugitive at all (try "recognized asylum seeker"). All that talk of Interpol is just typical Umno/PDRM wayang. In any case, the US government isn't just going to cooperate with PDRM to hand over a recognized political refugee (even the Department of State's 2013 Human Rights Report on Malaysia cites my case for fu*&’s sake). That's not how extradition works. I've already filed for asylum, and I've passed many preliminary filterings (interviews, documentation, court hearings) that pretty much guarantee that I won't be deported/extradited.

And about trying to command attention among Malaysians, LOL... Come on, get real. Malaysia is a small and poor market, what does it matter even if I commanded everyone's attention in Malaysia, which I did? Has any big stars ever came out of Malaysia, built on the strength of the pathetic 30-million-strong Malaysian market with super-low disposable income? There's no critical or financial success to be gained from "making it big" in Malaysia (what an oxymoron).

Malaysia is nothing, and anyone who wants to make it big needs to get out. Malaysia is a toxic wasteland with tons of people with negative attitude; you can't do anything creative or different, because people are too uneducated and the government too tyrannical.

So the reason that I'm quiet is not because I'm scared. It's because I'm too busy building and enjoying my life here in one of the most modern, exciting, culturally-and-economically-significant cities in the world.

Why should I stay back to face trial, when it's obvious I won't get a fair trial? So that I can sacrifice one year of my precious 20s sitting in jail like Adam Adli? He wants to be a politician -- that's his problem. I have better things to aspire to. Now, I'm on track to get a Green Card in a year, and then US citizenship in five years. Admit it, I came out on top from the Ramadhan Bah Kut Teh saga, and you people are really bitter, angry, dissatisfied, and jealous about it.

I've burnt all my bridges with Malaysia and will not bother to comment further on anything even remotely related to Malaysia; I've sold all my stakes and therefore lost all legitimacy to speak credibly on it, so to speak. I won't return forever too, so enjoy your "beautiful" country, you bumpkins. I'm simply taking Umno ministers' advice of "you tak suka, you keluar," and I love it. Maybe you bitter souls should try migrating too.”

So there you have it, right from the horse’s mouth.

His comment does seem to show the same defiance that is his trademark. Yet, if we strip away the anger and bluster, we see a voice speaking his views (right or wrong be damned), and more importantly, if he truly is in the US and applying for citizenship, a person who does not only talk, but also walks the talk.

Can we say the same for most politicians and officials in Malaysia?

p/s sesuailah ko duk sana..bleh la buat lagi banyak blog sex.

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Post time 24-9-2014 10:18 AM | Show all posts
Malaysia is nothing

said those poor bastard

elok sangat la lu berambus cepat
selepas dijatuhkan hukuman
wahai cina jahanam

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Post time 24-9-2014 10:20 AM | Show all posts
Bagus la... Dok sini pon bukan menyumbang pada kemajuan negara. Perangai pon x semenggah

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Post time 24-9-2014 10:23 AM | Show all posts
BAgus lah tuu...... Kalau ada pun menyusahkan orang ramai jer
Last edited by mattzzx on 24-9-2014 10:25 AM


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Post time 24-9-2014 10:29 AM | Show all posts
alhamdulillah...lepas hina menghina boleh migrate pastu bukak fb sambung caci maki konon saya bekas rakyat... pui

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Post time 24-9-2014 10:31 AM | Show all posts
shamsadis posted on 24-9-2014 10:29 AM
alhamdulillah...lepas hina menghina boleh migrate pastu bukak fb sambung caci maki konon saya bekas  ...

kalo lim guan eng tak bagi surat
sokongan mengesahkan Alvin tu
seorang cina yang berakhlak ka
dan berpelajaran tinggi ka apa ka,

jangan harap la AS nak terima
sepet bangang tu senang2 je
jadi rakyat dia


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Post time 24-9-2014 10:33 AM | Show all posts
bolehlah dia jadi pornstar kat negara uncle Sam nanti...peluang cerah tuuuu

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Post time 24-9-2014 10:40 AM | Show all posts
Bagus la tu cepat sikit merambos cina babi ni..seblum ko mampos kena tembak curi..

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Post time 24-9-2014 10:41 AM | Show all posts
makneng posted on 24-9-2014 02:33 AM
bolehlah dia jadi pornstar kat negara uncle Sam nanti...peluang cerah tuuuu

Jadi pornstar mendenye, kote pun kecik jek,
kene gelak la dekat sane,

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Post time 24-9-2014 10:43 AM | Show all posts
Get lost idiot .. as fast as possible
We dont need u in Malayasia...
Semuga menjadi rakyat US sejati.. ..

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Post time 24-9-2014 10:46 AM | Show all posts
robertocarbos posted on 24-9-2014 10:41 AM
Jadi pornstar mendenye, kote pun kecik jek,
kene gelak la dekat sane,

kahkahkah....hadoii tapi dia bangga oii dok tayang wpunnnn

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Post time 24-9-2014 10:46 AM | Show all posts
Bukan cine ni dah di jatuhkan hukuman ker..
Siap menangis lagiiii... kata menyesal..
Bagus.. my thumb up to the Govt. , ingat senang senang ker hina ugama islam..
Malaysia negara Islam.. ko tak suka ko balik lah tongsan.. .. tgk camne kehidupan ko..
Baru ko tau langit tinggi rendah..

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Post time 24-9-2014 10:49 AM | Show all posts
Alvin Tan (kanan) bersama Vivian Lee. - Gambar fail
KUALA LUMPUR: Penulis blog kontroversi, Alvin Tan, yang didakwa mempersenda umat Islam dan bulan Ramadan, dilaporkan sudah tidak lagi berada di Singapura.

Peguam tertuduh, Chong Joo Tian berkata Tan sepatutnya telah memulangkan pasportnya kepada pihak berkuasa Malaysia pada 3 Jun selepas menjalani penggambaran sebuah dokumentari di Singapura pada bulan Mei.

Namun usaha menjejakinya sejak Jun masih gagal, ujar Chong kepada The Straits Times.

Teman wanita tertuduh, Vivian Lee, juga tidak mengetahui di mana dia berada.

"Ibunya cuba menghubunginya, kami juga cuba menelefonnya, tetapi telefon bimbitnya telah dimatikan, dan kami juga masih tidak tahu di mana dia berada sekarang," kata Chong.

Mahkamah Sesyen pada 22 Ogos telah melucutkan hak jaminan sebanyak RM20,000 terhadap Alvin Tan, 25, kerana masih gagal hadir ke mahkamah tanpa alasan yang munasabah.

Tan sebelum ini dibebaskan dengan jaminan sebanyak RM30,000 dengan dua penjamin iaitu sepupu, Loo Ching Ching, 44, dan ibunya, All Kim Lian, 57.

Mahkamah menetapkan 3 Oktober ini untuk sebutan semula kes.

Read more at: ... -singapura-42715?cp

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Post time 24-9-2014 10:51 AM | Show all posts
Ade ku kisah,,tak nak balik terus pown takpa,

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Post time 24-9-2014 10:57 AM | Show all posts
mattzzx posted on 24-9-2014 10:23 AM
BAgus lah tuu...... Kalau ada pun menyusahkan orang ramai jer

a ah,selain menjejaskan landskap masyarakat berbilang kaum kt mesia.
Last edited by nourahfey on 24-9-2014 10:58 AM


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Post time 24-9-2014 11:03 AM | Show all posts
tempat lain tak ada ke nak menyemak kat US ,
US la tengah sibuk mengebom ISIS ,
wonder kalau US masih ada masa nak layan Alvin

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Post time 24-9-2014 11:07 AM | Show all posts
makneng posted on 24-9-2014 10:33 AM
bolehlah dia jadi pornstar kat negara uncle Sam nanti...peluang cerah tuuuu

Heykk.. tak laku kott...besor tacang jek ..

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Post time 24-9-2014 11:08 AM | Show all posts
dh selamat jd warganegara tu jgn merempat jd homeless udahle

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Post time 24-9-2014 11:11 AM | Show all posts
nourahfey posted on 24-9-2014 10:57 AM
a ah,selain menjejaskan landskap masyarakat berbilang kaum kt mesia.

Sokong sangat.....perbuatan dia itu bukan norma kehidupan rakyat di malaysia..


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Post time 24-9-2014 11:13 AM | Show all posts
dita85 posted on 24-9-2014 11:07 AM
Heykk.. tak laku kott...besor tacang jek ..

ni utk asia market ler pun begitu, bebird apek alvin ni  amat digilai awek dia yg dulu tu kan

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