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[Dunia] Break silence to find 'Jihadi John' who slaughtered US journalist James Foley

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Post time 22-8-2014 12:25 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Break silence to find 'Jihadi John' who slaughtered US journalist James Foley, Londoners urged

James Foley appears clad in orange in a chilling shot from the video moments before he is murdered

[url=]Nicholas Cecil[/url], [url=]David Gardner[/url], [url=]David Churchill[/url]

Thursday 21 August 2014
Londoners who suspect they know the savage killer of US journalist James Foley were today urged to break their silence and help in the hunt to catch him.
Intelligence experts think some people in the UK are already likely to know the identity of the Islamist maniac known as “Jailer John” — believed to be from the capital or the South-East — who beheaded Mr Foley.
One ex-hostage said the murderer was the leader of a group of three or four British jihadists, known as “The Beatles”, who are understood to be the main guards of foreign captives in the Islamic State stronghold of Raqqa in Syria. US and UK security services are thought to be very close to identifying the executioner, who is thought to have been a point man for hostage negotiations.
Richard Barrett, an ex-director of counter-terrorism at MI6, said: “The community will probably be able to recognise this person and I’m sure many will be quite keen to do so. He will have had many acquaintances, friends and family in the UK and they will wish to see him brought to justice.”

A close-up of the savage Jihadi dubbed “John”
Mr Barrett stressed that many of the 400 or 500 people who had travelled from Britain to fight with Islamic State, formerly known as Isis, or other extremist groups in Iraq  and Syria had “made their presence there known”. Special forces will hunt for the killer once he has been properly identified, said Mr Barrett, adding that it was likely the fanatic would eventually be caught unless he dies in the violence raging through Iraq and Syria.
Muslim leaders and senior MPs also urged people to contact the police if they suspect they know the identity of the killer, who might come from East London according to voice experts.
Sir Malcolm Rifkind, chairman of Parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee, said: “If they can identify him from the voice, that is what they should do.”
Sir Iqbal Sacranie, an adviser to the Muslim Council of Britain said: “Any person who may know the perpetrators of that evil act has a duty to report to the law enforcement agencies so that not only the whole issue of justice should take place but also that as a deterrent those who commit such acts will not escape justice.”
He stressed more Muslims were calling the police if they had worries about family members being radicalised but also urged the Government to work more closely with community organisations to tackle extremism. “The solution is for all of us to work together to deal with this menace,” he said.
US and UK security and intelligence agencies are pouring resources into tracking down Mr Foley’s killer.
David Cameron has so far rejected demands from MPs to recall Parliament and returned to Cornwall to resume his holiday, from which he had broken off to return to London yesterday to chair security meetings.
Mr Foley, 40, a freelance reporter for the Boston-based Global Post, was abducted in Syria 22 months ago while covering the country’s civil war.
The Islamic State said his murder was in retaliation for US air strikes in Iraq.
The killer warned that the life of  Steven Sotloff a second US journalist being held captive, depended on Barack Obama’s next move in the American intervention against IS.
But the President pledged a relentless pursuit of the IS terrorists and the US launched a new barrage of air strikes on the extremist group.
The Pentagon said 14 strikes had happened since the video was published on Tuesday night, with unconfirmed reports that US jets were now giving air cover to Iraqi troops in Anbar province and supporting Kurdish forces in the north of the country.
Washington also revealed that special forces had been sent into Syria in a bid to rescue Mr Foley and other hostages. The secret operation in July, authorised by Mr Obama, reportedly involved two dozen elite Delta Force commandos.
But they failed to find the captives, who are believed to have been moved to another location, and the US elite troops withdrew after a firefight in which a number of terrorists were killed and a US soldier was injured.

Londoner Khadijah Dare with her Swedish Isis fighter husband, who calls himself Abu Bakr
The mission tipped off the militants that Americans were operating on the ground in Syria and may have been a factor in Mr Foley’s killing.
His mother Diane said she is praying for other hostages being held by the Sunni-dominated terror group and described her son’s murder as “just evil” The killing appears to have galvanised western countries into increasing their military commitments into Iraq.
Up to 300 more US troops could be sent to Iraq to provide extra security around Baghdad, where the US embassy is located. That would bring the total number of American forces in Iraq to well over 1,000. Britain is considering sending military trainers to Baghdad and deploying RAF aircraft  to provide intelligence on IS forces to the Iraqi and Kurdish armies.
Ministers have stressed that the fight against IS is vital to stop the group launching terrorist attacks in Britain.
The threat was highlighted by a vow from Lewisham mother Khadijah Dare, 22 — believed to be allied to IS in Syria — to become the first woman to behead a British or US prisoner. Dare is there with her husband and son, three.


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Post time 22-8-2014 12:35 AM | Show all posts
Celaka lahanat haiwan ini sume. Semoga deme ditangkap, dan diadili. Sian mangsa. Sebab agama adja

Melampau ekstrim cenggini? Ambo musykil, nape kite kat msia takder sorak marah demo bagai

Menentang bangsat2 ini yg sah sah menghina agama? Ke penghinaan tak berlaku dan suma ummah sokong haiwan haiwan ni?

Sejahat jahat yahudi, takder pulak sampai sembelih, rogol, siat, lapah, bagai. Ini psycho punya keje ni...


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 Author| Post time 22-8-2014 12:38 AM | Show all posts
Dia orang bangga pancung orang tapi tau takut guna tutup muka tu. Kalau bangga sangat apasal takut tunjukan muka? Kelakar sungguh la terrorist tu.

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Post time 22-8-2014 01:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ntah2 isis ni semua psychopath yg terlepas dr penjara...

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Post time 22-8-2014 01:43 AM | Show all posts
wahai  bangsi hikmat, roti john satu!!!

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Post time 22-8-2014 01:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Masalahnya diorang bukan pancung..kalau pancung mcm hukuman kat arab saudi tu mmg ikut islam..cepat dan tak menyiksa..ini sembelih..belum lagi putus leher diorang twist 360 darjah sampai putus..ngeriiii

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Post time 22-8-2014 02:10 AM | Show all posts
sembelih kejam.  hantar bom bertan2 tak kejam sgt.

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Post time 22-8-2014 03:04 AM | Show all posts
kita tak tau pun sape yg bebungkus hitam tu...

Yang paling penting ialah EXPELLED JEWS FROM THE STOLEN LAND


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Post time 22-8-2014 04:34 AM | Show all posts
hmm... tetiba je kan wujud group radikal jihadist sebegini di Iraq malah kelihatannya jauh ''lebih ganas'' dari memana group jihadist mainstream yg kita pernah dengar sebelum ni. Pada permulaannya masyarakat dan media dunia ditayangkan dengan bayangan yg group ni kelihatan begitu bersusah payah memaksa penduduk Iraq kembali ke ajaran islam yg benar2 dan nak tunjuk this is the most islamic jihadist group, seolah mewakili dan direstui seluruh sunnis di dunia. And then sedikit demi sedikit keganasan dari ISIS ni dipertunjukkan sampai kacau bilau negeri tu.

Ini bagaikan 'open tender' kepada negara barat seperti US dengan tak nyempat2 dah nak serbu masuk balik Iraq mcm dulu. Masih banyak lagi reserve minyak tersimpan dalam perut bumi tanah Iraq tu, sepertimana banyaknya isu tersirat terhijab dari pandangan global. Dengan timingnya yg hanya sedikit lewat selepas Zionist Israel menerima kecaman yg paling hebat dari orang awam di serata dunia sepanjang beberapa dekad ni.

cuma pandangan seposen beng ajer ni.
ianya tak ubah seperti wujudnya pc virus/trojan etc dan antivirusnya. Last edited by kambeng_masam on 22-8-2014 03:17 AM


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Post time 22-8-2014 06:38 AM | Show all posts
meke ni dah berkahwin dongen syaitan....

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Post time 22-8-2014 06:40 AM | Show all posts
nagapompuan posted on 22-8-2014 12:35 AM
Celaka lahanat haiwan ini sume. Semoga deme ditangkap, dan diadili. Sian mangsa. Sebab agama adja


betui tu....mano pooyi NGO Islam ....sibok pasai politik...

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Post time 22-8-2014 07:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Yahudi tk kejam? Membunuh beribu2 nyawa tak kejam? Bangang sangat statement bangsa2 kapir dan atheist yg menyokong kekejaman bangsat laknat yahudi

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Post time 22-8-2014 07:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
LUNCH posted on 22-8-2014 12:38 AM
Dia orang bangga pancung orang tapi tau takut guna tutup muka tu. Kalau bangga sangat apasal takut t ...

Bukan takut...nk kasi dunia tertanya2....kau x nk try disembelih sebegitu? Haha

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2014 07:27 AM | Show all posts
JandaKaya posted on 22-8-2014 07:12 AM
Bukan takut...nk kasi dunia tertanya2....kau x nk try disembelih sebegitu? Haha

Takut lah tu. Separuh identiti dah tau Pakistan dari London.  Tak lama lagi mampos lah tros masuk neraka enam jahanam.

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Post time 22-8-2014 07:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
LUNCH posted on 22-8-2014 07:27 AM
Takut lah tu. Separuh identiti dah tau Pakistan dari London.  Tak lama lagi mampos lah tros masuk  ...

Yg kena sembelih tu masuk syurga? Haha

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2014 07:31 AM | Show all posts
JandaKaya posted on 22-8-2014 07:10 AM
Yahudi tk kejam? Membunuh beribu2 nyawa tak kejam? Bangang sangat statement bangsa2 kapir dan atheis ...

Yahudi tak pernah menggunakan agama sebagai alasan membunuh untuk ke syurga dan Yahudi tak ada guna religion of pee ontok agama dia worang.

dia orang tak jaja agama sebagai alasan ontok membonoh.

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2014 07:33 AM | Show all posts
JandaKaya posted on 22-8-2014 07:29 AM
Yg kena sembelih tu masuk syurga? Haha

Entahlah. Kalau dia baik masa hidup dulu masuk syurga lah agaknya. Kalau dia jahat macam syaitan mungkin neraka kot.

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Post time 22-8-2014 07:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
saya berasa pelik. yg membesar di Sydney dan UK, dlm keadaan yg civilised, modern, selesa... sanggup berbuat begitu

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2014 07:50 AM | Show all posts
taikor posted on 22-8-2014 07:47 AM
saya berasa pelik. yg membesar di Sydney dan UK, dlm keadaan yg civilised, modern, selesa... sanggup ...

Itu lah akibatnya "brainwashed" boleh menukar seorang tu dari baik menjadi ganas.

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Post time 22-8-2014 08:20 AM | Show all posts
LUNCH posted on 22-8-2014 02:31 AM
Yahudi tak pernah menggunakan agama sebagai alasan membunuh untuk ke syurga dan Yahudi tak ada gun ...

aku percaya cakap ko...sebab yang duk membunuh kanak2 dan wanita palestin tu ialah puak yahudi zionist yg pahaman depa bertunjangkan duit serta terlalu angkuh.

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