RED 666 posted on 17-7-2014 01:00 PM 
Itu agak rumit nak buat sebab transformasinya agak kompleks jika di buat dalam versi filem
Tapi ...

Primus in the Transformers mythos, is the creator-god of the Transformers and a force of good in the universe. His twin brother Unicron on the other hand, is the Transformer god of destruction and the ultimate evil in the universe.
The two have clashed many times until Primus was able to defeat Unicron, and eventually transform himself into the planet Cybertron. He was also responsible for the creation of Vector Sigma and the all-powerful All Spark.
As for Quintessons, they are an ancient race of alien mechanoids that have been a part of Cybertron's dark history. In the Generation 1 cartoon series, the Quintessons were responsible for creating the Cybertronians as Cybertron back then was a factory of robots during its early history. They've rebelled against their creators for enslaving and abusing them, which eventually drove them off Cybertron for good.