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Ender's Game [Nov 2013]

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Post time 13-10-2013 06:36 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Release Date: November 1, 2013 (2D theaters and IMAX)
Studio: Summit Entertainment
Director: Gavin Hood
Screenwriter: Gavin Hood
Starring: Asa Butterfield, Ben Kingsley, Harrison Ford, Hailee Steinfeld, Abigail Breslin, Viola Davis, Nonso Anozie, Stevie Ray Dillmore, Andrea Powell, Moises Arias, Conor Carroll, Aramis Knight, Brandon Soo hoo, Jimmy "Jax" Pinchak, Suraj Parthasarathy, Khylin Rhambo
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
MPAA Rating: Not Available

Official Websites:,,,

Plot Summary:
In the near future, a hostile alien race called the Formics have attacked Earth. If not for the legendary heroics of International Fleet Commander Mazer Rackham (Ben Kingsley), all would have been lost. In preparation for the next attack, the highly esteemed Colonel Hyrum Graff (Harrison Ford) and the International Military are training only the best young minds to find the future Mazer.

Ender Wiggin (Asa Butterfield), a shy but strategically brilliant boy, is recruited to join the elite. Arriving at Battle School, Ender quickly and easily masters increasingly difficult challenges and simulations, distinguishing himself and winning respect amongst his peers. Ender is soon ordained by Graff as the military's next great hope, resulting in his promotion to Command School. Once there, he's trained by Mazer Rackham himself to lead his fellow soldiers into an epic battle that will determine the future of Earth and save the human race.

Based on the best-selling, award winning novel, "Ender's Game" is an epic adventure which stars Asa Butterfield, Hailee Steinfeld, Ben Kingsley,Viola Davis, with Abigail Breslin and Harrison Ford.
Last edited by annehuda on 13-10-2013 06:38 PM


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Post time 14-10-2013 07:39 AM | Show all posts
ye yeeee..... mobie ni cam my cup of tea jer....
I love sci fic....

2 otai bergabung dalam mobie nie ... otai dah super kertu

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 Author| Post time 9-11-2013 03:56 PM | Show all posts
Citer ni dah tayang dah kt pawagam. aku pun tak paham ngape filem ni promo die sendu sesgt, padahal cite ni ade potential utk boom di pasaran. sbb clash ngan thor kot...

sinopsis citer ni serba sedikit pasal seorang budak genius anak bongsu bernama Ender Wiggins yg dr kecik dah dilatih secara militia. 50thn sblm itu bumi diserang oleh alien bentuk semut bernama Formics tp berjaya dipatahkn. utk mengelakkan dr serangan alien sekali lg bumi pun memutuskan utk rekrut bebudak cerdik pandai dr kecik ni utk jadi tentera. tp Ender ni walaupun die genius, tp die ni punye emosi agak tak stabil skit la. so citer ni kisah hidup Ender dr jd Launchies jadi Admiral di usia yg teramat muda...

CGI dlm citer ni mmg best. Especially part yg bebudak ni main perang2 dlm Zero-G chambers tu. part yg die terlayang2 tu mcm wah bestnye.... yg aku suke citer ni sbb taktik peperangan yg diorg pakai n disiplin yg diterapkn dlm diri budak2 tu.  nk ikutkn alien die muncul skali je di saat akhir. sbb yg berlakon dlm filem ni suma award winning actor n actresses, mesti korg akn teringat eh aku mcm penah nampak la minah/mamat ni berlakon. babak akhir yg si Ender ni kekonon die n team die tgh main simulasi utk majlis tamat sekolah, rupe2nye die .................. aku pun terkejut ha biar btul Ender ni dah..................sila tgk sendiri ye tp mmg aku pun tak sangka eh best nye citer ni.. leh la mengubat kerinduan korg dgn star wars. sbb pakcik han solo dah naik pangkat jd yoda dah dlm filem ni

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Post time 9-11-2013 04:26 PM | Show all posts
ingat nak tgk hari nie .. tertido ler pulak tengah hari tadi...

mlm ni wat mobie marathon.... tgk highland tower n citer nie

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Post time 9-11-2013 10:55 PM | Show all posts
dah tengok citer ni. iols pun rasa promosi citer ni sendu sgt. xde iklan kat cinema before nak tayang citer. iklan kat tv pun xde, so berpandukan poster je iols redah je beli citer ni

citer ni menghiburkan. xde rasa boring 2 jam, maybe cgi dia terlampau cantik. tp nak tgk utk kali ke-2 xde lah. cukup sekali je

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Post time 10-11-2013 12:08 AM | Show all posts
sebab pengedar felem ni bukannya kampeni yang gah, punya carca merba tarikh  tayangan siap ada schedule Januari 2014

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Post time 10-11-2013 03:05 AM | Show all posts
Baru jer balik dari nonton mobie ni tadi ....

Surprisingly, citer yang begitu menarik cam ni tak mendapat promosi yang sepatutnya. Frankly speaking, this is one of the best movie I ever watched for this year (adoi...berapa banyak daaaa best mobie ... best mobie... of the year ), but I really enjoyed watching this movie from the begining toward the ending. Most probably will repeat to watch it tomorrow... because, I just love the whole story ... Asa ... yummm... he is such a gowjez young actor and he really played his role as Ender very well...

Rating: I would give this movie 8.5 out of 10

Brief review:
Apa yang iols boleh conclude tentang movie ni ialah... movie ni mostly menceritakan tentang pengalaman Ender dalam menempuhi segala cabaran, rintangan serta pergolakan emosi semasa menjalani latihan untuk dijadikan sebagai ketua untuk mengetuai armada perang bumi untuk berperang dengan alien yang dikenali sebagai formic.

Segala scene yang memaparkan setiap fasa latihan yang terpaksa ditempuhi oleh Ender samada di Bumi, ruang angkasa bumi dan planet asing telah memperkenalkan kepada para penonton sapa diri Ender sebenarnya. Setiap fasa latihan yang ditempuhi oleh Ender telah disampaikan dengan begitu menarik dan berkesan sehingga para penonton sendiri dapat mengenali diri Ender tu samada secara internally and externally. Disebalik sikapnya yang suka memberontak terhadap orang atasan dan melawan setiap musuh sehingga musuh tu tersungkur, tersimpan satu sikap murni Ender yang bertimbang rasa, bersimpati dan kasihan terhadap musuh2nya.

One thing for sure, expect unexpected ... toward end of the story mmg terdapat scene yang tidak dijangka jangka... nak tau ending movie ni, pi ler tengok sendiri.

What ever is it ... I just love this movie so much....

Amongst my favorite scenes:
1. Fasa latihan dalam kapal angkasa diruangan angkasa bumi ... Latihan perang antara Salamander lead by Bronzo vs Dragon lead by Ender mmg best ...
2. 'Latihan Terakhir' di planet asing menggunakan 'Simulator' ... peperangan antara armada bumi diketuai oleh Ender melawan armada Formic ... best giler bangat. ender menggunakan segala kebijaksanaan dia untuk memerangi mahluk formic sehingga planet formic musnah sama sekali...
3. Music score mmg best. Music digarap oleh Steve Jablonsky (yang mengubah OST utk citer My Name is Lincoln... one of my favorite OST)....

p/s Asa Butterfield ni pernah berlakon sebagai young Mordred dalam citer Merlin ....

Last edited by MissNigga on 10-11-2013 03:12 AM



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Post time 10-11-2013 07:06 AM | Show all posts
Best giler citer ni.. the way story line progress memang membuatkan penonton tak boring..

Setengah jam pertama merry ingat at the end dia akan mati lepas dia serang morphic might be dibunuh sebab dia terlalu pandai dan takut hilang kawalan macam abang dia

Setengah jam terakhir ingatkan filem ni akan sambung

Last2 twist.. tapi terbaik ar.. pada awal movie ni dia tunjuk macam mana cara budak ni nak fit in pastu macam mana dia handling, how to get his team mate trust..  setiap apa dia buat mesti bersebab..

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Post time 10-11-2013 07:59 AM | Show all posts
MissNigga posted on 10-11-2013 03:05 AM
Baru jer balik dari nonton mobie ni tadi ....

Surprisingly, citer yang begitu menarik cam ni tak ...

Steve Jablonsky memang best kak, dia lah yang buat semua soundtrack Transformer, sedap jah bunyi soudtrack Transformer walaupun dia ni anak murid Hans Zimmer tak terikut-ikut style Hans Zimmer.

Ni Hanz Zimmer tengah buat soundtrack The Amazing Spider-Man 2 pulak, risau aku, dah lah aku kecewa gila-gila babi dengan soundtrack Man of Steel yang sikit pun tak ada melodi yang mudah diingati, Hans Zimmer terlampau banyak berbuat sexperiment music electronic janaan komputer sampai dah lupa seni muzik orchestra yang asal.

Terkutuk Hans Zimmer pula dalam thread ni, Steve Jablonsky memang best.

Steve Jablonsky jugak buat muzik untuk The Sims 3 punya game


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Post time 10-11-2013 09:09 AM | Show all posts
Kassim_Patalon posted on 10-11-2013 07:59 AM
Steve Jablonsky memang best kak, dia lah yang buat semua soundtrack Transformer, sedap jah bunyi s ...

haipppp...OST utk movie MOS terbaek ar... Iols suka jer tau....

Kalo tak caya...pi tgk trid MOS kat bod movie nie... berapa bnyk bidio OST movie MOS iols dah tepek kat situ

BTW... OST citer Lincoln tu mmg terbaek... ni iols tepek bidio tu kat bawah:


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Post time 10-11-2013 09:26 AM | Show all posts
MissNigga posted on 10-11-2013 09:09 AM
haipppp...OST utk movie MOS terbaek ar... Iols suka jer tau....

Kalo tak caya...pi tgk  ...

wah, sedapnya soundtrack steve jablonsky

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Post time 10-11-2013 12:54 PM | Show all posts
sesuai ke bawak bebudak 3-9 tahun?

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Post time 10-11-2013 01:05 PM | Show all posts
tak sesuai untuk ummah yang lain sebab bebudak suka memekak, bising lah!

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Post time 10-11-2013 02:58 PM | Show all posts
aku dh nengok semalam...

overall boring.. the last 15 minuites baru rase tense..

mmg sesuwei utk bebudak.. sbb xde ganas2

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Post time 10-11-2013 03:00 PM | Show all posts
kambinggila posted on 10-11-2013 12:54 PM
sesuai ke bawak bebudak 3-9 tahun?

Ok jer uols...

ak dok part part sensitip, tak dok part lusyah2... .. tak dok part part yang ganas ganas .... cuma tak tau ler, kalo selera ni menepati jiwa kanak-kanak ...

iols baru repeat 2nd round... and tell you...i feel even greater eventhough watchng for 2nd round coz kali ni iols tol tol menjiwai wata ender....

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Post time 10-11-2013 03:13 PM | Show all posts
Behind the scene cam ner battle kat Zero-G being created.... one of my fav scene ....

so impressive .....


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Post time 10-11-2013 03:41 PM | Show all posts
Iols baru jer layan movie ni for 2nd round this afternoon.

My feeling even greater and enjoy more while and after watching for 2nd round as I have well prepared to understand further what is going on in every scene.

One thing for sure, growing up with his elder sibling i.e. Peter and Valentine has really influenced Ender's character and personality.

Influence from Peter has developed Ender's darkside i.e. to be a ruthless toward enemies and becoming destroyer.

On the other hand, he inherited pure good part of human emotion from Val.

The combination of personality and character that Ender get from Peter and Val has really made him to become a perfect candidate to fill in the commander position ... to lead earth fleet to battle against Formics.

My favorite quotes

The top 2 are my most favorite quotes:

“In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him. I think it’s impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves. And then, in that very moment when I love them.... I destroy them.”

“Perhaps it's impossible to wear an identity without becoming what you pretend to be.”

“If you try and lose then it isn't your fault. But if you don't try and we lose, then it's all your fault.”

“I've watched through his eyes, I've listened through his ears, and I tell you he's the one.”

“He could see Bonzo's anger growing hot. Hot anger was bad. Ender's anger was cold, and he could use it. Bonzo's was hot, and so it used him. ”



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Post time 10-11-2013 04:09 PM | Show all posts
One comment extracted from youtube, which I agree so...

it is great. if you enjoy all emotion that is. its about90% emotional stuff and 10% fighting. still pretty good though

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2013 08:44 PM | Show all posts
MissNigga posted on 10-11-2013 04:09 PM
One comment extracted from youtube, which I agree so...

it is great. if you enjoy all emotion tha ...

huh uols tgk 2 kali nookkss.... kagum iolss...

tp yg iols plg perasan kan si Ender ni kalau tgh marah ke ape ke mesti hidung heols kembang kuncup pehtu scene yg plg last tu, yg pas die menang the final battle tu mmg iols pun terasa betapa bersalahnye si Ender ni, rasa tertipu lg. mula-mula happy giler pas tau the real truth tu mmg iols pun rs terkesima gak.

pehtu ngan kapten kump salamander tu, bonzo ke nama die... harap jah pendek kemetot mcm tu tp jahatnye ya rabbi. ms scene bilik mandi tu iols rs agak disturbing la plak sbb si Ender tu tgh mandi naked kan. tetiba masuk plak samseng bertiga tu. iols cam terasa ape pengarah ni pun tukarla scene lain, dah mcm scene gayess la plak. lgpun Ender tu kuruih kering sekeping sgt, tak rembes la

tp iols suke Bean. alah comelnye Bean ngan bulu mata pjg heols dah mcm muka budak melayu dah tp iols paling kagum dlm citer ni, rsnye nilah satu2nye filem yg TIDAK menampilkan orang Islam sebagai penjenayah through watak Alai tu. masa Alai tu kasi salam kt Ender iols terkejut gak, la Muslim ke watak heols. kirenye filem ni sbnrnye tak menganaktirikan sape2 pun. bagus!

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Post time 10-11-2013 08:46 PM | Show all posts
patut la mcm kenal je si ender ni. iols duk recall sapa la budak ni. memang pernah tgk dia berlakon satu filem ni tp susah sgt nak recall. last2 buka wiki lorr dia ni yang jd Hugo dlm filem Oscar Hugo. patut la muka familiar je.

yg si Petra ni iols kenal sebab dia dpt pencalonan Oscar utk best supporting actress citer true grit.

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