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'GhostSingles' Dating Website untuk HANTU?
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Finally, a Dating Site for Ghosts
Ghosts need love. Just because they're dead doesn't mean they're dead on the inside, too.
Are you looking for love, but finding yourself running into problems because, among other things, you happen to be dead?
We have the website for you. is a new option in the dating game for the spritual remnants of immortal souls who want some company in the afterlife.
Yes, it's a hook-up website for ghosts.

The site allows only "male ghosts" or "female ghosts" to join who are between the age of 18 and "1,000+". Here's their pitch:
"Meeting new people online can be a fantastic, fun experience. Of foremost concern, however, is safety, because meeting strangers can also be dangerous. If you're alive. Thank goodness you're not, eh? What's the worst a psycho could do to you? You can't come to any bodily harm, because you don't have a body! Hurray for being dead! Am I right?"
Users have to specify how they died before they sign-up (the options are "horribly", "tragically", "mysteriously" and "suddenly") and are able to search for partners based on the same criteria.
Some of the profiles on the site include:

The website also has a number of dating tips for the undead in a free-to-access FAQ section.
It says:
Compliment your date. Are they looking ghastly? Particularly eldritch? Be sure to let them know!
Don't kiss on the first date. Don't kiss ever, in fact, because your faces just pass through each other, and it's really weird for both parties.
Don't be offended if they suddenly disappear. You should know as well as anyone that existence in this twilight realm can be inconsistent. If your date vanishes, don't be too quick to judge.
And yes, it's a joke. But we have to admit, a pretty decent one. And if there are any lonely ghosts our there, you could probably do worse than 'Phantom4u' - she looks pretty good for 134.
lols.. takde keje meh mereka.. 
Macam-macam le dia org ni |
nnt keluar la movie filem seram psl dating dgn hantu |
takde keje nak bercinta dgn hantu.. 
mengong... dah tadak keje la tuh...  |
Hantu Altantuya tak nak cari pasangan hidup ke? Or maybe beliau memang setia pada cinta sejatinya? |
Menarik ni kalau wat kisah cinta...Kononnya si lelaki berkenalan dengan awek melalui facebook dan bercinta, berdating hanya di malam hari sahaja dan tiba masa untuk berkenalan dengan ahli keluarga si awek tapi si awek xnak bagi jumpa namun silelaki berkeras juga tapi awek bagi amaran kalau apa2 terjadi selepas ini jangan menyesal. Si lelaki berkata jangan2 bimbang dengan izin tuhan tidak ada apa2 yang berlaku. Pada hari yang ditetapkan maka si lelaki pun kerumah ibubapa si awek melalui pelan yang dibagi oleh si awek. Sampai aje dirumah ibubapa si awek maka terkejutlah sikeluarga awek yang menyatakan anak mereka sudah meninggal setahun yang lalu manakala gambar awek yang ada dirumah ibubapa itu sama seperti si lelaki jumpa... |
xbrani den nk buka web ni... |
espri6006 posted on 8-10-2013 06:22 AM 
Menarik ni kalau wat kisah cinta...Kononnya si lelaki berkenalan dengan awek melalui facebook dan be ...
imaginasi ko sgt hebat
sesuai kalau buat citer/ movie!

Yg bebukan je dorg ni... Betul2 ada ghost nak berkenalan nanti baru tau |
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