baru2 ini malaysia di kejutkan dengan bakuteh dngan puasa ...saya pun tak makan benda ini...jadi utk mereka yg suka makan benda ini atau cuba hina ...apa nak marah2 ....suruh mereka menonton youtube :
Reason for that being is a pig will eat ANYTHING & I mean anything, shit, a dead piglet...etc same as a chicken but unlike a chicken the pigs digestive system only takes 4 hours which doesn't allow enough time for its body 2 brake down whatever the pig ate therefore all the bacteria, diseases, pesticides...etc is still in the pigs body and because the digestive system works so fast he eats again which when the pig eats again he/she is putting even more bacteria, diseases, pesticides in it's body..
when you eat such behave such... Last edited by Truth.8 on 17-7-2013 11:05 AM
cmf_BeachBoys posted on 27-7-2013 11:28 AM
aku rasa selain orang cine,orang kristian ni kuat gak makan babi...
bukan babi aja kotor di makan malah ada makanan laut juga kotor di makan tapi muslim bantai makanan tersebut ...
dlm Bible sudah ada senarai makanan yg bersih utk di makan manakala makanan yg kotor di elak...
Truth.8 posted on 30-7-2013 03:04 PM
bukan babi aja kotor di makan malah ada makanan laut juga kotor di makan tapi muslim bantai makana ...
ko ni dah lupa agaknya....sekali lagi aku bagitau...syariat Nabi Muhammad SAW tidak sama dengan syariat Nabi Isa AS...dan orang bukan Bani Israel seperti ko tak layak pun mengikut syariat Nabi Isa AS....
''Ultimately, the issue here is about insulting Islam. But some of you argue that calling bak-kut-teh halal is not wrong because there is such a thing as halal bak-kut-teh. It could be bak-kut-teh made from chicken, which then would be halal. "So where is the insult?" you scream.
Come on. Who are you trying to kid? Is chasiu pau halal? Is it made with chicken? If it is it will not be called chasiu pau. It would be called kai pau. And is bak-kut-teh made with chicken? A less fatty variation of bak-kut-teh made with chicken instead of pork is called chik-kut-teh."