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Masters of Logistics and Supply Chain
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Anyone here yg pernah ambil this course before? Hows the course, is it very difficult? and macam mana dgn job opportunities kalau ambil course ni? |
My aunty experience dalam bidang ni, kenapa yea? U nak ambil master ke? |
boleh jadi regional manager kalau kerja dgn multinational company..the scope of supply chain tue besar...could be in commercial , manufacturing, business development..
bagus course nie bro..amik..jgn tak amik... |
apa2 master pun kalo x de experienced dlm bidang master tu, bila keje assume fresh grad jah. unless apply lecture la. tp post lec pun skang mengutamakn org yg ada pengalaman industri.
anyway just back to basic rules of education -> study because of passion and not because of money. |
My aunty experience dalam bidang ni, kenapa yea? U nak ambil master ke?
Munnalicious Post at 5-5-2012 20:54 
yes... dah apply  |
boleh jadi regional manager kalau kerja dgn multinational company..the scope of supply chain tue bes ...
amirul_nazri Post at 5-5-2012 21:43 
thanks for the info...
august ni start |
Hello, i plan nak ambik master or transportation and logistic. Any comment advantage or disadvantage, since i nampak u dah ambik pada tahu 2012 |
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Category: Belia & Informasi