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Bagaimana untuk menyayangi wanita...???

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Post time 23-3-2012 03:25 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by akula203 at 29-3-2012 02:37

As Salam..

Aku ada terbaca.....yg pompuan perlukan adalah kasih sayang dan lelaki pulak adalah rasa dihormati...respek la...kata seorang perempuan akan mudah menghormati seorang lelaki kalau lelaki tuh menyayangi dia..dan seorang lelaki pulak akan menyayangi pompuan bila pompuan itu menghormati dia....yg byk berlaku skrg ni..isteri tak menghormati suami...dan suami pulak tak menyayangi isteri....tu yg asik bergaduh jek...

so aku nak tanya la...

1) cam ne nak menyayangi seorang perempuan..?? cukup kah dengan kata I love you..saya cintakan awak...sepuluh kali sehari..??? sure tak cukup kan...pasti perlukan perbuatan jugak kan...

2) so apa perbuatan yg lelaki perlu buat untuk membuat seorang perempuan itu rasa disayangi atau dikasihi...meh citer..meh share......

dan untuk membuat lelaki tu rasa dihormati...senang je....jangan merendah2kan dia....hormati pendapat dia walau pun tak betul...jangan maki dia...jangan melawan secara direct....nak lawan kena licik......itu jek..

For the Rest of My Life Lyrics

By: Maher Zain
I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You’ve found your home it’s here with me, and I’m here with you
Now let me let you know
You’ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there’s a couple of words I want to say
For the rest of my life, I’ll be with you
I’ll stay by your side, honest and true
Till the end of my time, I’ll be loving you, loving you
for the rest of my life, through days and nights
I’ll thank Allah for opening my eyes
Now and forever I, I’ll be there for you
I know it deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You’re my wife, and my friend and my strength
And I pray we’re together in Jannah
Finally now I’ve found my self, I feel so strong
Yes everything was changed when you came along, oh
And there’s a couple of words I want to say
For the rest of my life, I’ll be with you
I’ll stay by your side, honest and true
Till the end of my time, I’ll be loving you, loving you
For the rest of my life, through days and nights
I’ll thank Allah for opening my eyes
Now and forever I, I’ll be there for you
I know it deep in my heart
And now that you’re here, in front of me
I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt, and I’ll sing it loud
And that I will love you eternally
For the rest of my life, I’ll be with you
I’ll stay by your side, honest and true
Till the end of my time, I’ll be loving you, loving you
For the rest of my life, through days and nights
I’ll thank Allah for opening my eyes
Now and forever I, I’ll be there for you
I know it deep in my heart

Here are 10 ways to access this love and create an amazing relationship, how to love a woman:

1. Start by loving yourself
This is not being selfish. If you are unable to love yourself you are unable to love someone else.
This is something men, particularly, have trouble with. They might respect themselves, think they’re absolutely amazing, but loving themselves, that’s a bit sissy.
No it’s not, it’s the basis of life and the basis of a balanced personality. Anyone has had a troubled relationship should look, first of all, to themselves, this is often where the trouble lies.

2. Tell her you love her
This is lesson two of Love 101 for men, lesson two of how to love a woman. Tell her you love her!
This means saying the words so she completely understands and is in no doubt about it. You love her. She needs you to say this all the time and she needs you to volunteer it, not say it in reply to her questioning.
The worst thing a man can say is, “You know I do.” She doesn’t, that’s why she’s asking… Duh…

3. Just love her for herself
Our women all have qualities we love in them, perhaps they’re smart, or sexy, or inspirational, or funny, or even rich. This is not why you love her, you love her just because of her, nothing else.
Your love is not conditional, it is not based on any special qualities. You love her.
Even though you celebrate everything that she is, even though you worship her for what she does in the world, she needs to know that you simply love her, no matter what. This is so crucial.

4. Live in your power
Whilst a man in love is an emotional being he must not stop being the man he is. Your love should come from the power inside yourself, from your very soul. The love must be part of your power as a man and it must be part of how you live.
You must remain just who you are, you must be the man she met and fell in love with.
She finds excitement in your masculine strength, particularly when it laced with love. Don’t ever let her down.

5. Don’t live in the past
Life does not always treat us well and we certainly don’t always treat life well. Things go wrong and we mess up all the time. Strife in our loving relationship is something to let go of once it’s over, it’s something to let slip into the past.
We must learn the lessons and move on ensuring that we don’t go there again. But we must never dwell on the past and use it to either beat ourselves up or to judge our partner.
Move on and live, always, in the present.

6. Get to know her
How often do you hear men say, “My wife doesn’t understand me.” What they really mean is, “I don’t understand my wife.” This is basic in learning how to love a woman.
Love can only grow and deepen through understanding. You can never get to the point where you think you know everything about her, no woman is that simple. She is a complex person that even she doesn’t understand.
You need to love her and get to know her with patience and determination.

7. Count your blessings
That means the blessings you have together, the things you have achieved together , all that you are as a couple.
This should be a regular part of your life together. While I said, above, don’t live in the past, it’s ok to recount the great things in the past. This must be tempered with looking at the amazing things you are going to do in the future.
As a rule of thumb it is advisable to expect a future way beyond one that you can imagine. Expectations can lead to frustration if they limit you, expecting them to go way beyond is a good step into the future.

8. Give love, always
Love is about giving rather than receiving. Love is a creative force that grows out of the desire to give more than you receive.
Yes, it is crucial that you are able to receive the love that is offerred to you otherwise it quickly dies, but you have to focus on the contribution you make to her.
‘Give and you shall receive’, but give without expecting anything in return.

9. Pay attention to her
Women need attention all the time. It is absolutely vital for all men, wanting to know how to love a woman, to understand this. Many of the annoying habits that women have are merely attempts to get the attention of a man who is not paying her any attention. Take heed of them and pay attention.
Men are focused and directed and can easily lose themselves in what they are doing. This is one of the qualities that many women love in their men, but not to the exclusion of them.
Men need to find a balance that shows how important their woman is to them without losing their passion for their mission.

10. Start afresh each day
I talked about this in, ‘How do You Keep it Fresh? – 10 Steps to Heaven‘. I said,

“Start again as if it was the first day of the relationship. Welcome her into your world and look forward to your day together. Give her your love and tell her you love her. Do it again in a different way and repeat. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you where to go from here.”

This refreshing of your love will keep it alive and bring you closer to each other. Through this your love will deepen and become an essential part of everyday you spend together.

So what is love… really?
It’s an overwhelming emotion you have about another person, an emotion that you can’t truly explain but you can’t get rid of. It makes you want to be with that person, hold them, touch them, have sex with them. It shows itself as an exchange of energy, a polarity, that excites your soul. Love makes you feel great and totally transforms life. Love is worship of the other person, the woman who is divine for you. Love is the power house behind our lives, it is the reason we live.



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Post time 23-3-2012 08:47 AM | Show all posts
sblm tu nak tanya dulu.........mane ko dapat statement ni? pengalaman sndri ke? sblum tanya pndapat org pmpuan better betulkan ayat natural dulu.......

yg byk berlaku skrg ni..isteri tak menghormati suami pun tak menyayangi isteri....tu yg asik bergaduh jek...
akula203 Post at 23-3-2012 03:25

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 Author| Post time 23-3-2012 09:48 AM | Show all posts
sblm tu nak tanya dulu.........mane ko dapat statement ni? pengalaman sndri ke? sblum tanya pndapat  ...
anaryu Post at 23-3-2012 08:47

Rajin2 la masuk..Family Planning..opssss...Family

kekadang kat Personal Problem pun ada.....yg curang la...yg nak bercerai la..yg tak bertanggungjawab la...senang cakap...macam2 itu kan tanda2 pasangan yg asik bergaduh jek...takkan tgh2 bahagia..tiba2 nak bercerai atau mintak cerai..kannn....even statistik pernah kuar....sehari berapa pasangan bercerai.....aku pun dah pernah la's a fact......

So untuk wanita2...sila la sentiasa respek suami korang...baru korang akan disayangi....tapi...ramai lelaki tak tau cara untuk menyayangi la....beri panduan ye....terima kasihhhhh...

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Post time 23-3-2012 11:08 AM | Show all posts
paling penting dalam sesuatu perhubungan, jujur, bertanggungjawab, bertimbangrasa, tolong menolong, cuba memahami, jangan cemburu buta dan jangan melakukan perbuatan yang tidak disukai oleh pasangan... x kira lelaki mahupun perempuan... dan banyakkan berdoa kepada Allah agar bahagia, kekal abadi hingga ke akhir hayat.... amin,....



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Post time 23-3-2012 11:34 AM | Show all posts
Rajin2 la masuk..Family Planning..opssss...Family

kekadang kat ...
akula203 Post at 23-3-2012 09:48

slalu dah masuk bod2 camtu....tapi yang dipersoalkan adalah...macamane u bleh judge suma masalah dalam bod2 tu berpunca dari sikap tak hormat isteri kepada suami?? so masalah dalam rumahtangga tu berpunca dari istri la yek? be natural la...baru la orang bleh kasi pendapat....

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Post time 23-3-2012 11:41 AM | Show all posts
So untuk wanita2...sila la sentiasa respek suami korang...baru korang akan disayangi....tapi...ramai lelaki tak tau cara untuk menyayangi la....beri panduan ye....terima kasihhhhh...
akula203 Post at 23-3-2012 09:48

tak susah nak sayangi wanita ni....jaga hatinya, peka dengan emosi dan kesihatannya...nafkah secukupnya...fahami & ringankan beban kerja yang ditanggungnya...layan sebaik2nya..tu je...sbb banyak dah tanggungjawab suami yang dipikul isteri zaman skrang ni.....

so untuk lelaki2....sila la sayangi anak istri anda, mereka adlah amanat anda yang akan disoalkan di Akhirat kelak....



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Post time 23-3-2012 11:57 AM | Show all posts
Action speak louder than word....

Bagi bunga, coklat, jewellery, tiket utk holiday, hand bag, credit card

Sound materialistik kan? However it depend what kind of women she is la.

Walaupun laki sayang, cakap i love u everyday, sometimes the woman need assurance.

Satu lagi, body contact, slalu2 la pegang tangan n hug (takyah over) so the woman can feel safe and protected and the guy has shows the world that she's mine

Eh, jwb soklan tak ni?



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Post time 23-3-2012 01:27 PM | Show all posts
kawan2 aku yg dh berkahwin selalu kata husband dorg lepas dh kawen dh macam slow nk tunjukkan perasaan syg pada para isteri. dulu setiap sejam call, biler besday bunga & hadiah mesti dpt. pastu ada je yg nk dibualkan. lepas kawen balik rumah buat tak tau. kdg2 suami kena jugak jengok2 bini tu kat dapur. tlg basuh pinggan sendiri lepas makan pun bini terasa happy... jgn mulut aje kata syg tapi perbuatan langsung takde nk tunjukkan perasaan tu. lelaki pulak bila dh kawen selalu komplen bini dh tak berapa hiraukan dia sebab sebuk dgn anak. pokok pangkalnya dua2 kena la berusaha buat pasangan masing2 terasa dihargai... kena peka dgn mood masing2 pun penting gak. laki balik muker kalah cuka pastu lagik suh laki belikan gelang 6 inci mmg nk kena penampo la jawabnya...



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 Author| Post time 23-3-2012 03:07 PM | Show all posts
slalu dah masuk bod2 camtu....tapi yang dipersoalkan adalah...macamane u bleh judge suma masa ...
anaryu Post at 23-3-2012 11:34

alamakkk..baru perasan la....aku slah tulis..sori la..pagi2 buta....mamai ckit......dah edit dan betul kan tq....dua2 ada sumbangan kepada ketidakbahagiaan .....

dan terima kasih kepada yg reply.....panduan yg berguna...tq..tq..tq..dan tq...

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Post time 23-3-2012 04:42 PM | Show all posts
1.terima dia seadanya..
2.bimbing dia dan pahami dia.....
3.hargai dia..



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Post time 23-3-2012 04:43 PM | Show all posts
Reply 8# Revolver

so far, carly ada je topik nak borak dgn hubby.... dari isu semasa hingga isu x semasa.. sumer kuar.... pastu sama2 tolong menolong.... kekadang kena tgk orang jugak... kalu isteri dapat suami jenis pendiam, si isteri kena lah mulakan topik dulu.. tp tolong ler jangan membebel... cari ler topik apa yg boleh diborakkan... sebab kalu sama2 diam... boring ler.... ko tengok muka aku, aku tgk muka ko... dah... jom tidur.. erm



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Post time 24-3-2012 07:05 AM | Show all posts
bagi barang kemas riban2, beli banglo siap ada swimming pool, bagi kreta sport, bagi duit shopping banyak2, ajak gi obersea, cukupla tu untuk tunjuk kasih sayang.



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Post time 24-3-2012 10:12 AM | Show all posts
i rasa sayang dan menghormati antara satu sama lain adalah yang terpenting...mesti keluar dari hati yg ikhlas



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Post time 25-3-2012 04:15 PM | Show all posts
1st Perkara yang paling terpenting ialah PERaSaaN....
Ini pada aku yg paling utama...Duit berkepuk..I luv u sampai penuh Wall .Text non stop..
Tetapi Perasaan Ikhlas kita pada pasangan semakin berkurangan..
.Akhirnya perhubungan akan jadi tawar...
.Permulaan cukup menarik..tetapi ending amat menyedihkan...
Sebab kita tak jaga Perasaan masing2..
Macam kita mula2 kenal...



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Post time 25-3-2012 04:32 PM | Show all posts to love a woman??...caring..mcm my dad n my mom...hari2 calling without mana2
sentiasa berdua..terima pasangan seadanya..

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Post time 25-3-2012 07:30 PM | Show all posts
Banyak jer caranya untuk buat perempuan tu rasa disayangi.. Contohnya kan  :-

- Bagi hadiah. Tak semestinya hadiah yang mahal-mahal. Pastu tak semestinya ada occasion baru nak bagi hadiah. Bila - bila pun boleh..

- Sekali sekale masaklah untuk dia.. Even nasi goreng ngan telur dadar pun dah cukup kot utk buat dia senyum sampai petang...

- Dulu masa bercinta kan boleh sms dari pagi sampai ke malam kan.. So, why not, even dah kahwin, sekali sekale tu kat tempat kerja hantar je lah mesej/ call just untuk check up on her

tu semua akan buat dia terharu dan rasa disayangi...



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Post time 26-3-2012 12:05 AM | Show all posts
Wanita ttp wanita,walaupn dri luaran nmpk kasar,keras,kental&lasak,
Mahu disayangi,dikasihi,dibelai oleh insan bernama lelaki@suami......
Bgi put,skrng lelaki ramai yang lepaskn tngnggjwb kat pompuan,
Slh 1sbbnya iala, gji pompuan lagi tinggi dri gji lelaki....
Keduanya kurng komunikasi..... Kalo de mslh,xnk berbibcng......
X dinafikan jgk, ade sesetengh pasangn yg mana isteri lngsng x hormat pada suami,
Mcm kawan put,selalu cite kat put yg suami dia selalu ckp yg dia suka melawan& x hormat suami,
Tpi kawan put de sbb npe dia mcm 1, sbb nya si suami die selalu berckp kasar,selalu naik hangin bile hal2 kecik....
Cntohnya 1hari 2 dia berkemas nk blik kg,then otw dlm perjalann terlupalak nak bwk berus gigi,sabun&ubt gigi...l then sepanjng perjalann kena maki dek suami..... Mna boleh thn kawan 2....... Pda hal benda 2 boleh je cri kat kedai2 berhampirn kn?? Put rsa kalakr plak bla kawan putcita, tpi 2 la hakikatnya..... Suami melenting x tntu pasal&pns baran pn mau sabar?? Smpi ada yg maki smpi ke mak bapak.....



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Post time 26-3-2012 09:59 AM | Show all posts
sayang tu satu perasaan yang tak boleh dibuat buat..
kalo buat-buat sayang,tu bukanlah antara usaha untuk menyayangi wanita

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Post time 26-3-2012 03:20 PM | Show all posts
Action speak louder than word....

Bagi bunga, coklat, jewellery, tiket utk holiday, hand bag, cre ...
wymer Post at 23-3-2012 11:57

    Tang Pegang tangan tu i like..hahaha..

*Tapi aku x pernah pulak pegang tangan awek secara sengaja.

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Post time 26-3-2012 11:36 PM | Show all posts
soalan nih na jawab...

1) cam ne nak menyayangi seorang perempuan..?? cukup kah dengan kata I love you..saya cintakan awak...sepuluh kali sehari..??? sure tak cukup kan...pasti perlukan perbuatan jugak kan...pmpn nih senang jek..kadang2 ngan sms i love u jek leh bt ktorg senyum smpai tinger..xyah sampai 10 kali sehari..sehari skali pon da cukup..ble byk sgt rase mcm ayat 2 da xde biase ar..pmpn nih mcm laki gak..byk jenis..dpt yg xcerewet...mmg best la..dpt yg complicated..ckp i love you 5 juta kali sehari pon x cukup gak..perkataan/perbualan/pernyataan mest lah selari ngan perbuatan..ckp jek i love you bt endah x endah..mmg na kne la kan..bkn nye na suh korg melekat ngan ktorg 24/7..but kami na curik skit jek mase yg korg ade utk ktorg..xsalah kan???

2) so apa perbuatan yg lelaki perlu buat untuk membuat seorang perempuan itu rasa disayangi atau dikasihi...meh citer..meh share......
laen org..laen carenye..laen pmpn..laen pendekatannye..ade sesetengah pmpn ngan msj slamat pagi n slamat mlm da cukup..itu menunjukkan korg igtkan ktorg..xperlu ngan klu korg mampu na bagi barang2 mmg bonus la kan..kol atleast sehari..xpon ckp la mende2 yg indah utk didengar..contoh ayat yg best..i xleh klu x dgr suara u..itu klu ckp kt pmpn..sampai sok tesengih lagik..pmpn nih xreti bace hati korg..ktorg bkn tau pon ape yg ade dlm hati korg terus terang la..jgn assume yg ktorg nih paham..pmpn x sesimple laki..dlm otak ktorg nih ade 1001 persoalan mengenai pasangan...ape die bt..die igt kt aku ke x...sume 2 mende biase yg ade dlm rajin2 la sms pasangan seperais ke..

sekian sahaja pendapat dr saye



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