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Macam Mana Nak Jadi Kaya????

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Post time 26-4-2011 11:07 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Salam Semua,

Aku nak tanya pendapat mereka yang ada pengalaman nak jadi kaya dan TELAH BERJAYA..tapi mintak maaf awal2..if suh masuk ala2 MLM aku mmg tak nak yer..maksud aku macam mana korang jadi kaya...adakah dengan berbisnes jual barang??? atau buat home tuition...atau melabur..if boleh..sharekan lah cara2 nya dari bawah...kegagalan yang pena ditempuhi dan macm mana korang bangkit

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Post time 26-4-2011 02:44 PM | Show all posts
Kaya tu mcm mana bro?
Kalau compare niaga sendiri betul2 dgn keje mkn gaji betul2..memang yg niaga, lebih cepat kumpul harta
Eg. Dulu aku mkn gaji pharmacist, keje 6 thn..increment tak berbaloi dgn usaha yg di curah..cuma advantage, malas ke rajin ke..ujung bln tau2 dpt gaji
Skrang niaga sendiri 4 thn lebih, mahsyuk pun lebih..gaji lipat kali ganda drp mkn gaji dulu..tak payah nak tunggu gaji JUSA

Mana2 bisnes, nak kene rajin..kalau pemalas bisnes apa2 pun lingkup terbalik
Kita tgk mcm senang, tp di sebalik kesenangan tersirat kesusahan lampau
Bak kata pepatah, bkn senang nak nak susah, mudah aje..

Niaga dgn jujur, org suka
Niaga nak kene tebal muka

belajar tinggi sampai oversea..dah elok2 keje berenti jual insuran..Pegi mampus org nak kata, janji  duit mahsyukkkk..jalan terussss, jgn belok2

Aku belom kaya tp alhamdulillah better drp dulu..

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2011 02:47 PM | Show all posts
Kaya tu mcm mana bro?
Kalau compare niaga sendiri betul2 dgn keje mkn gaji betul2..memang yg niaga ...
jenglut Post at 26-4-2011 14:44

    maksud aku lebih kurang JUSA kot gaji baru kaya...hehe...taklah maksud aku ko tak terikat dengan telunjuk orang...aku keja gomen banyak kena ikut keja bawah orang, pastu kena bijak selamatkan montot..apa yang wat ko benti farmasi? ajar lah

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Post time 26-4-2011 03:12 PM | Show all posts
ako suke thread ni.

sebab ako pon malas tunggu jusa baru jadik kaye

jadik marik kite bincangkan.

masalah 1-
planning yang cantik tapi execution yang buruk @ dalam kate lain cakap pandai buat cam haram

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Post time 26-4-2011 03:41 PM | Show all posts
maksud aku lebih kurang JUSA kot gaji baru kaya...hehe...taklah maksud aku ko tak terikat  ...
zazb46 Post at 26-4-2011 14:47

    Keje gomen pun okk bro..bini aku pun masih keje di gomen lg
Especially kalau ko doctor, sambung buat pakar..pun mahsyukkk jugak elaun gedebak gedebuk pun dah ribu
Kalu ko keje gomen biasa2..start bisnes pinggan mangkuk or tupperware kat opis..mahsyukkk jg tuu..hehege
Dulu aku buat mcm ni gak, tp bkn pinggan mangkuk..aku jual insuran kat doctor2 aka kwn sepejabat..

Kalau nak ikutkan, aku tak yah berenti keje pun bole niaga jg..tak syok la..kita keje dgn org pastu niaga kat opis plak..mcm nampak tak amanah

Masa nak berenti keje, mcm2 la sedara mara kwn2 yg bg negatif respond..
Takpe, gua simpan dlm aje..aku tanamkan dlm ati, bg aku masa 2/3 thn..
Yg penting wife understanding, walaupun mula2 tu dia pun ada merungut gak..duit tak cukup etc..biasa la ppuan memang mcm tu
Mak mentua pun sama 2x5..hahaha

Now, sume ok bro..alhamdulillah..rezeki Allah kasi..
Kita sume ada 10 jari..sama je cukup sifat..tak tau la kalau bro ada 11 jari plak

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Post time 26-4-2011 04:22 PM | Show all posts
nak jadi kaya tak susah...  yang a bit more difficult tu macam mana nak jadi orang yg berjaya...

nak berjaya nie u must be passionate about yr believe and what u do... insyAllah...

dan biasanya orang yg berjaya nie jugak akan dianugerahkan dengan kekayaan.........

so... instead of ajar anak mcmmana nak jadi kaya...
didik lah mereka bagaimana untuk menjadi insan yg berjaya suatu hari nanti..........

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Post time 27-4-2011 03:20 PM | Show all posts
nk kaye gak...

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Post time 27-4-2011 03:35 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by jenglut at 27-4-2011 21:19

Kaya tak penting
Yg penting >> takde utang, sehat tubuh bdan, ati senang, buat amal

Tp kalau kita bole berlari..buat apa kita nak berjalan..huhuh

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Post time 28-4-2011 04:08 PM | Show all posts
nk kaye gak...
kreditdebit Post at 27-4-2011 15:20

ok... belajar rajin2 dulu........

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Post time 28-4-2011 04:09 PM | Show all posts
camane nak jadi kaya??

jawapan: bisnes.buat company sendiri. masuk tender,dapat projek, dapat bisnes,dapatlah duit,pandai rolling, kayalah kau

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Post time 28-4-2011 04:43 PM | Show all posts
camane nak jadi kaya??

jawapan: bisnes.buat company sendiri. masuk tender,dapat projek, dapat bis ...
wanitajelita Post at 28-4-2011 16:09


keje mkn gaji bkn xleh lambat banyak sket keje teruk2 pn dapat x semua.

tp klu niaga sindri,untung rugi smua ko punya.nak xnak je.klu cakp nk kaya tp xde usaha pn xleh kaya gak..mari berusaha jadi kaya

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Post time 28-4-2011 05:24 PM | Show all posts

keje mkn gaji bkn xleh lambat banyak sket keje teruk2 pn dap ...
kreditdebit Post at 28-4-2011 16:43

kerja makan gaji pon boleh kaya depends pada co. mana ko kerja dan bidang aper ko buat.

contoh macam dkt IB or foreign house like Macquarie or Credit Suisse, bonus ajek 18-24months - biasaaaaa.

increment 30-40% per year

utk ladies, maternity leave 6 months (wooooohoooo!!!)

amek busuk2 gaji 8k la utk avp ala ala exec second level duit bonus ajek boleh tempah bmw E90 selamba....

itu belum travelling or salary in USD or euro or pound...... pakcik kayoooooo!!! ekekekekekke

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Post time 28-4-2011 05:30 PM | Show all posts
see...IB nomot 1...

Top 10 List of High Paying Careers and Best Average Starting SalariesTweetPosted by Kristina Cowan

With the cost of living soaring, it makes sense that jobs offering the best starting salaries are increasingly sought-after--by everyone from recent college graduates to career-changers. This article touts a handy list of high paying careers that might surprise you.

By Cherie Berkley

You may be striking out on a new career path, but that hopefully doesn’t mean your salary has to start low on the totem pole. has created the following list of high paying careers with the highest average starting salaries. Most all of these hot jobs has an average starting salary well over $50,000. So, with no further ado, here is a top ten list of high salary careers with the best starting salaries.

High Salary Careers
1. Investment Banking Analyst. If you are good with numbers and solving real-world problems, this hot job pays handsomely in the early years. Not to mention its strong long-term earning potential with bonuses and benefits that can take you far beyond the average starting salary.
Average Starting Salaries of $81,800+

2. Business Analyst, Computer Software. Data mining is a hot field with strong career potential. There’s also strong potential with the salary of business analyst jobs, and they offer one of the best starting salaries today. Normally used by financial institutions such as banks, data miners sort through vast amounts of information that help companies make the best use of the information in their data warehouses. A master's degree in computer science, physics, or statistics is usually required.
Average Starting Salaries of $52,000+

3. Forensic Computer Analyst. Computer forensics is the analysis of information contained within and created with computer systems and computing devices. Forensic computer analysts frequently contribute to white-collar criminal investigations and investigate causes of computer meltdowns, computer system misuse, or crime details contained within computer systems. Given the computer forensic salary potential, more people are beginning to investigate this growing career.  
Average Starting Salaries of $47,700+

4. Junior Associate Lawyer. The financial scales of justice certainly tip toward starting salaries for associate lawyers. And looking beyond lawyer starting salaries, after five years' experience the average salary jumps to $89,210. Depending on the field of specialty, the long-term earning potential is almost limitless. Big-shot lawyers like Sen. John Edwards (malpractice) and celebrity criminal defense attorney Mark Gerago have cleaned up millions in their careers.
Average Starting Salaries of $65,500+

5. Physical Therapist. What is the starting salary for physical therapists? Let’s just say that if anatomy is your thing, physical therapy may be your path to greener pastures. Physical therapists can specialize in areas such as hand or back therapy to boost their marketability – and salary potential.  
Average Starting Salaries of $62,000+

6. Nurse Practitioner (ARNP). If a doctor cannot squeeze you in for an appointment, chances are there is a nurse practitioner standing by in his or her place. While nurse practitioners don’t command the big bucks that physicians do, their services certainly don’t come cheap. This career path has among the best starting salaries.
Average Starting Salaries of $79,500+

7. Electrical Engineer. It is easy to do the math on how marketable engineers are. Companies dig deep to lure young electrical engineers and other subspecialties across the board. Electrical engineers focus on using electricity to transmit energy. shows that with experience, electrical engineering salaries can reach up to $81,078. Average Starting Salaries of $55,100+

8. Software Engineer. Software engineers design, write, and test computer programs. Computer networking and information technology are hot fields on the list of high paying careers.
Average Starting Salaries of $60,050+

9. Pharmaceutical Sales Representative. You don’t have to be a physician or even a science major to make big bucks in medicine. Just about anyone with a college degree and a killer personality can be trained in pharmaceutical sales. Pharmaceutical sales reps make sales calls to doctors’ offices, peddling the latest drugs from the companies they represent. Seasoned pros can make six figures in this field.
Average Starting Salaries of $64,700+

10. Veterinarian. Do you love animals? Veterinarians can combine a passion for their warm, furry friends with great earning power. With growing animal research and interest in pet care, veterinarian medicine is bound to remain a popular profession for years to come.
Average Starting Salaries of $60,600+

No matter what your skill, passion, or personality, the job market offers numerous professions that also have above-average starting salaries. Just keep your eyes open and reach for the green.

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Post time 28-4-2011 05:59 PM | Show all posts
kaya tu macam2 definition

ada orang gaji 5k dah rasa kaya

ada orang gaji 10k dah rasa kaya

ada orang gaji 1 juta pun rasa tak kaya2 lagi

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Post time 28-4-2011 06:21 PM | Show all posts
ustaz dkt musolla tpt aku nie cakap, if kita mampu bayar zakat kita sebenarnyer kaya

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Post time 28-4-2011 07:51 PM | Show all posts
kaya tu macam2 definition

ada orang gaji 5k dah rasa kaya

ada orang gaji 10k dah rasa kaya

damiqula Post at 28-4-2011 17:59

    aku akan rasa kaya kalau aku ada company sendiri yg steady.. yg projek sentiasa ada + claim sentiasa dapat.. nanti boleh beli rumah, kereta, property juta-juta guna nama kompeni. & boleh tolong sanak sedara dapat peluang pekerjaan

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Post time 28-4-2011 07:53 PM | Show all posts

keje mkn gaji bkn xleh lambat kreditdebit Post at 28-4-2011 16:43


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Post time 1-5-2011 12:38 PM | Show all posts
aku pun nak kaya jugak, macam2 aku buat tapi buat masa sekarang xkaya jugak. cuba ko buat macam ni, jawab survey je dah boleh dapat 1 dollar. betul ke tak aku pun tak taulah.. ni link dia.

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Post time 3-5-2011 03:03 AM | Show all posts
aku pun nak kaya jugak, macam2 aku buat tapi buat masa sekarang xkaya jugak. cuba ko buat macam ni,  ...
uboat Post at 1-5-2011 12:38

jwb survey leh dpt 1 bucks?
mengarut jer...
haku lebih percaye : kerja kuat + amal ibadat = rezeki melimpah ruah

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Post time 3-5-2011 09:38 PM | Show all posts
aku rasa TT tak percaya suggestion kita sebab dia nak pendapat org yg TELAH BERJAYA je.. means yg dah KAYA...

masalahnya, orang2 yg kaya ni SIBUK.. kalau tak sibuk takkan kaya.. so diorang takde masa nak masuk forum

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