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Wabak cacar monyet kini ancaman global- WHO
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Edited by maklukpenggoda at 16-8-2024 04:12 AM
The World Health Organization today declared an ultra-deadly strain of monkeypox a global public health emergency.
Officials said that an outbreak of the virus in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and its neighboring countries posed 'international concern' - the WHO's highest level of alert.
The hope is to speed up research and accumulate more funding and public health measures to contain the virus, which is more infectious and several times deadlier than the one that caused the global outbreak in 2022.
No cases of the new strain have been reported in the US or the UK yet, but the American CDC is urging doctors to be extra vigilant for symptoms like skin rashes and lesions.
More than 17,000 suspected cases of monkeypox, now called mpox, and 517 deaths have been reported on the African continent this year alone, according to the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. This is a 160 percent surge compared to the same period last year.
A total of 13 countries have reported cases. And in the past month, at least 50 mpox cases have been reported in four other countries bordering the DRC - countries that have not experienced the virus before.
They include Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda.
Mpox caused an international epidemic in 2022 when it spread to more than 100 countries and killed hundreds of people - including 58 Americans. No deaths were recorded in the UK but several thousand Brits were infected.
That outbreak was caused by the more mild clade 2 strain, which is rarely fatal.
But for more than a year, the DRC has been struggling to contain a deadlier version of the virus known as 'clade 1a,' which kills up to 10 percent of those infected.
Dr Josie Golding, head of epidemics and epidemiology at infectious disease organization Wellcome in the UK, said: 'Epidemics pose a threat to health and health equity globally. The current surge of cases in Africa demonstrates the ongoing and growing threat of mpox.'
'We should not wait for diseases to escalate and cross borders before acting. Effective outbreak control requires sustained, coordinated efforts worldwide – from local and national governments, and public and private industry to funders, regulators and NGOs.'
Two vaccines have been backed by the WHO to prevent mpox infection.
The organization recommends a vaccine within four days of contact with someone who has the virus or within up to 14 days if there are no symptoms.
Healthcare workers and men who have sex with men are advised to receive a vaccine even if they have had no mpox exposure.
Symptoms of mpox include a rash, skin lesions, fever, headache, muscle aches, back pain and swollen lymph nodes.
It is spread through physical contact, such as kissing or sex, animals when cooking them, contaminated materials and pregnant women who can spread it to a fetus.
DailyMail UK |
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Byk betol disease outbreaks kt belah² afrika nih. Cholera ebola monkeypox la.. Seghamm |
Cacar monyet serang lelaki yang buat sex sesama lelaki kan sissy?  |
Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, is a viral disease that can spread easily between people and from infected animals.
It can spread through close contact such as touching, kissing or sex, as well as through contaminated materials like sheets, clothing and needles, according to WHO |
There aren't any currently approved antiviral treatments for mpox.
If you're very sick, your provider might prescribe antiviral drugs like cidofovir or tecovirimat.
These drugs are approved to treat other viral infections (like smallpox), but researchers need to learn more about how well they work for mpox.
Belum ada ubat |
Kejap lg ada yg gatal pi travel sana..angkut bawak blk sini |
Monkeypox ini selalu jankiti lelaki lebih 90% cases... Hubungan sexual men to men.... International gate should aware travellers dari central and west africa... Gay ber hati hati dengan dari abam aprika... Case sangat kecil berlaku kepada female and food transmission |
Semoga wabak monkeypox ini dapat dibendung dengan sepenuhnya |
Peminat vaksin dah mula terngiang ngiang lengan pengen dicucuk |
Kat belah sana mmg style main tunggang depan blkg ke? Dulu info bnyk merebak sbb kaum gay. Pastu senyap la skjp. |
we gonna daiiiiii 

aduiiii risau lah plak...adik meols prolly kena gi S. Africa kerja.... |
Kat media sosial lain daa mula copy paste tajuk tanpa baca isi.
Plandemic katanyehh.
Kronologi virus, asal negara mana apa lancau info semua tolak tepi.
Yang penting, lu worang jangan dengar cakap WHO. 
Pandai bangkang, tapi solusi dan usaha takdak.
Kalau pemikiran level gini pun mudah terpengaruh, apatah lagi nak pimpin segerombolan manusia duduk hidup diam dalam hutan.  |
ada yang sakai ucap raya pkpmcm bangang mentaliti beruk sekor2
Bukan tahun lepas ada vaksin tuk mpox ni ke? Then ramai jejants pergi amik shot kan.
Tapi kalau kat afrika tu nak tuduh bill gates punya kerja. |
dah sedia ke PKP lagi dan bekcin lagi |

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Post time 16-8-2024 12:25 AM
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Sweden lapor kes pertama (varian Clade 1) cacar monyet
Edited by maklukpenggoda at 16-8-2024 05:59 AM
Sweden's public health agency has recorded what it says is the first case of a contagious new variant of mpox outside the African continent.
The person became infected during a stay in an area of Africa where there is currently a major outbreak of mpox Clade 1, the agency said.
The news comes just hours after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the outbreak of
mpox in parts of Africa was now a public health emergency of international concern.
At least 450 people died during an initial outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the disease has since spread to areas of central and east Africa.
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