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[Tempatan] Kenaikan SST: Wayang kambing hitam Mula dimainkan

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Post time 1-3-2024 10:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
Ujung2 objektif dia utk salahkan b40

- Kenaikan SST kununnya utk perbelanjaan sosial.

- Jalan di pedalaman utk buka peluang ekonomi.
Boleh tambah peruntukan Jab. Kebajikan Masyarakat yadda yadda yadda.

Kenapa perlu ada kambing hitam?
Kerana net effect kenaikan sst ke 8% ialah 15-30% pada end user kerana kesan cascading effect of SST.

Jadi main Wayang dgn melaga2kan rakyat yg tanggung kesan inflasi kenaikan harga dgn b40.

Tang bodoh dia yg beralih dari 40bn kutipan gst 2017 kpd kurang 30bn kutipan SST dia tak berkutik pulak.



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 Author| Post time 1-3-2024 10:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Artikel main propa main Wayang di sini

Edited by kasibiman at 1-3-2024 10:20 PM

Additional SST revenue can boost social assistance, says researcher
Bait al-Amanah’s Chong Yoong Wen says channelling the new revenue to infrastructure projects will create a ripple effect.

Ameera Huda - 01 Mar 2024, 1:44pm

With effect from today, consumers will have to pay a little more for their purchases but there will be no price increases for essential items.
PETALING JAYA: Additional revenue derived from the slew of new taxes and increases in some existing ones will benefit the country, according to a researcher at a think tank.

Chong Yoong Wen of Bait al-Amanah said funds collected from such taxes and then channelled to public infrastructure projects can create a “sort of” ripple effect.

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“For instance, building and improving roads can lead to increases in national productivity while also offering rural communities more economic opportunities,” he told FMT Business.

The increase in the sales and service tax (SST) from 6% to 8% comes into effect today.

Chong agrees with second finance minister Amir Hamzah Azizan’s view that the RM3 billion in additional revenue that can be derived from the higher tax rate can help Putrajaya provide better social services to the public.

Amir had said on Wednesday that the money could be used to underwrite the cost of improving critical public infrastructure such as hospitals, schools and roads.

He also clarified that despite the higher tax rate, 85% of consumers nationwide will not see higher cost of utilities such as electricity.

However, Chong conceded that the 2% hike will lead to an increase in the cost of living despite the fact that certain essentials have been exempted.

The new rate of 8% will not apply for food and beverages, telecommunication services and logistics, including the delivery of goods and parking services.

Spending on these items make up as much as half of all household expenses, according to the findings of a department of statistics Malaysia survey on mean monthly household expenditure.

On the new capital gains tax and high-value goods tax (HVGT), Chong said that while they expand the tax base, they are also less regressive.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim told the Dewan Rakyat last night the HVGT is expected to bring in another RM700 million.

Chong said that while the additional RM3 billion that can be derived from the increase in SST represents less than 1% of the 2024 Budget, it will raise total indirect taxes by 5%.

This is more than the RM2.4 billion allocated to the Social Welfare Department under Budget 2024 for the benefit of hardcore poor households, elderly, children and the disabled.

“Overall, I believe the various increases in taxes will be a net positive for the nation as it will help to increase revenue and lessen the fiscal deficit, which is one of the goals set out by the government,” Chong said.

Last night, the Dewan Rakyat was told that the country has already achieved its target of reducing the fiscal deficit to 5% of the GDP, or RM91.4 billion, in 2023 from 5.6% or RM99.5 billion in 2022.

The finance ministry said the government is on track to achieve its target of reducing the fiscal deficit to 4.3% in 2024 after taking into account new loans amounting to RM85.4 billion



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Post time 1-3-2024 10:53 PM | Show all posts
Dulu masa Najib buat GST 6%, melalak macam iblis kena toron juboq, laa ni 8% bebehhh, apa cerrrr

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Post time 1-3-2024 11:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dulu ok la macai2 bodoh kena hirup kencing PH pun takpe asalkan BN tumbang...demi matlamat perjuangan terulung mereka untuk jatuhkan UMNO & BN...

Masalahnya sekarang PH sendiri selamatkan & enak comolot dengan BN...

Kesian macai2 bodo terus kena kencing forever.

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Post time 2-3-2024 10:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Baper byk cukai nnt dikenakan? Once cukai start, takleh abolish

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Post time 2-3-2024 11:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dulu dorang kata duit 6% gst masuk poket rosmah

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 Author| Post time 2-3-2024 11:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tinot7 replied at 2-3-2024 10:37 AM
Baper byk cukai nnt dikenakan? Once cukai start, takleh abolish

Kalau starlink tak de pejabat kat Malaysia,

Boleh ke gomen kenakan cukai atas starlink?

Kalau starlink tanak bayar apa tindakan boleh gomen amek mengambilkira starlink tu takde opis di Malaysia?


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Post time 2-3-2024 01:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kasibiman replied at 2-3-2024 11:21 AM
Kalau starlink tak de pejabat kat Malaysia,

Boleh ke gomen kenakan cukai atas starlink?

Alangkan yg produk timbang kilo takde kampeni pun deme takleh kejar.. sumer cash transactions jahh.. hat jerung2 pulak bukak kampeni offshore..  camne deme nak tangkap?

Yg bayaq mati2 nnt m40 dan marhaen yg tak reti main tipu..

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Post time 2-3-2024 11:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Akak tak suka kambing hitam sebab tak nampak

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Post time 3-3-2024 12:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kakikuDibibirmu replied at 2-3-2024 11:38 PM
Akak tak suka kambing hitam sebab tak nampak

Kuda hitam?
Kuda Ku lari gagah berani?
Shuib berkuda?


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Post time 3-3-2024 01:48 AM | Show all posts
Alah....menggelupor la sekor2 cam pakar sangat.
Sama je era Najib.....yg bezanya zaman tu ekonomi dunia tak teruk. Sekarang ko nak cekau duit dimana...dengan China, US semua naikkan kadar....tu belum bab hutang 1MDB siap bunga lagik..Memang patut la ekonomi Msia tak kompetitif sebab yg kawal tu kroni2 engko!

Woi terimaje lah ringgit tu dah berzaman pegging against USD. Ko ingat Msia ni level Switzerland eh? Nak lawan Tahiland pun susah. Sayur, beras pun kena import ko nak bercakap pasal sustainable bagai? Nak Msia negara maju tpi mentaliti sama je mcm Yindon....bila kutok marah.  Jihad inflasi dulu turun ke harga? Tak kan? Tak payah bawak narratif yg konon tukar kerajaan je ekonomi terus miracle. Tambah la walaun2 yg masaalah air pun 30 tahun tak selesai. Pooodaahhh!!!!!


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Post time 3-3-2024 07:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dulu bukan main nak cari ketirisan dalam kerajaan. Dah cari dah tapi government spending tetap jugak tinggi. Terpaksa naikkan jugak SST sekadar utk collect additional RM3 billion. The so-called basmi ketirisan tu tak boleh save RM3 billion?

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Post time 3-3-2024 07:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iols ok je sst naik 2%.  Increment to the govt's coffer yg untung rural areas iols ok je.  Cuma iols nak padankan muka manusia2 yg rasa entitled much.  Kalau tak mampu kenaikkan 2% tu meaning kau mmg misekin dek jgn le berangan ongkaya, belanja within your means.

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Post time 3-3-2024 07:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
stingerkentot replied at 3-3-2024 01:48 AM
Alah....menggelupor la sekor2 cam pakar sangat.
Sama je era Najib.....yg bezanya zaman tu ekonomi du ...

Walaun2 lari duduk selangor dpt air bersih free bawah certain gaji tapi pangkah pas jugek. Meroyan gomen tak adil bagai juga. Tapi semua bantuan dia sapu.

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Post time 3-3-2024 10:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Samerosie replied at 3-3-2024 07:54 AM
Iols ok je sst naik 2%.  Increment to the govt's coffer yg untung rural areas iols ok je.  Cuma iols ...

Kalau uols zaman dulu tak merempan masa harga gula naik 3-5 sen tu ok la

Iols bukan apa..iols menyampah gila babi nk mampos dgn set2 taksub parti ni..bila harga brg naik..kdg tu bukan sbb salah sapa2 pun..mcm masa 2008 dulu..mmg satu dunia kut sbb parti yg sedang memerintah tu ko benci..ko berguling2 mengata mcm2...tup2 bila parti feveret ko yg naik semua brg harga naik ko redho pulak??? Sori mmg sial sgt perangai..AKU BENCI GILA BABI DGN YG TAKSUB PARTI PEGI MAMPOS

Kalau uols bukan puak2 ni jgn terasa yach..ini mmg pendam betul perasaan geram iols

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Post time 3-3-2024 11:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pocongkiutss replied at 3-3-2024 10:57 AM
Kalau uols zaman dulu tak merempan masa harga gula naik 3-5 sen tu ok la

Iols bukan apa..iols men ...

Tak iols bukan golongan itu. Mak pak iols totok bn tapi iols undi yg bawa progress ke area iols x kisah le hijau ka biru muda ka biru tua ka.  Sebelum ni adun biru muda onz aja sbb yg jaga complain kapir tak basuh montot kata setengah forumer tapi sekarang adun pn haram jadahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Lagipun, iols sejak sekolah mmg tak dapat apa2 bantuan pun sbb gaji parents tinggi sikit dr b40 dan kurang banyak dr m40 so tak dapat.  Kami adik beradik cuti sem kirja part time byr yuran uni.  Start kerja pun dah kategori m40 so mmg byr cukai tapi x de apa2 bantuan.  Iols sj perli so siapa yg terasa terasa la mentali u owe me ni.

Btw, iols pakai brown sugar sejak mampu so gula putih naik ka turun iols tetap byr rega premium huhu

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Post time 3-3-2024 12:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
So next pembangkang boleh main isu buat gst 5@6% hapuskn sst 8%. Mcm apa ph buat dlu

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Post time 3-3-2024 01:16 PM | Show all posts
ultra78 replied at 3-3-2024 07:51 AM
Dulu bukan main nak cari ketirisan dalam kerajaan. Dah cari dah tapi government spending tetap jugak ...

fitnah najib ke hulu kehilir last2 performance ringgit rahmah junam teruk..rakyat lingkup

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Post time 3-3-2024 06:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Patut laa masa sii shopping groceries hujung bulan tuhari kemain semua barang harga bavk to normal..dah xbanyak promotion harga w/pun hari gaji.rupanya rega barang2 nk naik utk sst ni kaa gilaaa laa shopping groceries xpenah2 kena 5++ tu xbeli beras minyak sabun basuh tau.

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Post time 3-3-2024 08:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
No worry. Masalah ni kita bole lupakan dgn up lg thread kutuk najib lg ye

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