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protein terlebih

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Post time 29-12-2010 03:38 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
salam....nak tnya skit...mcm mn kalau air kencing kita terlebey protein...
apa sebab dia????mcm mn kita nak pulihkan???
ada apa2 kena pantang ker?????

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Post time 29-12-2010 09:38 AM | Show all posts
Jumpa doktor nanti dia buat blood test.

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Post time 29-12-2010 09:50 AM | Show all posts
sepatutnya takde protein dalam air kencing...
semua dah ditapis oleh kidney...
so bila keluar tu maknanya ade problem kat kidney...
ataupun ade jugak kes terpencil lain...lymph duct dan ureter bersambung ke...jadi keluar protein gak dalam air kencing...

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Post time 29-12-2010 03:01 PM | Show all posts
salam....nak tnya skit...mcm mn kalau air kencing kita terlebey protein...
apa sebab dia????mcm m ...
are_you Post at 29-12-2010 03:38

    proteinuria? dh jumpa dr? kalau belum better jumpa dr n ask for urine protein test (electrolysis test). takut2 ia adlh signal kidney failure...byk penyakit blh dikaitkn dgn excess protein dlm urine ni kdg2 blh disebabkan infection je. kalau nak tau tanda dia biasanya foamy urine....

nak bgtau lebih2 aku pun dh x berapa nak ingat...sbb keje skrg ni tak sama dgn yg aku belajar dulu..huhu..
ko pi je la jumpa dr ek..

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 Author| Post time 29-12-2010 11:58 PM | Show all posts
esok ada blood test.....adess...gerun plak bila jd mcm nieh...
sebab apa boley jd???faktor pemakanan ker????

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Post time 30-12-2010 03:16 AM | Show all posts
protein terlebih nie cmna maksud kau nie?mcm mana kau cek protein terlebih nie..? mesti cek doctor kan..
1st kalau terlebih sikit tue..doc akan suggest makan ubat UTI..( ade aku bc kadang2 penat pun protein akan ade)

2nd. mmg penyakit buah pinggang..proteinuria..

okay...aku based on pengalaman aku...bnyk kali urine test..susah nk confirm kt klinik biasa..aku g pakar pas bape kali masalah x slesai..

cthnya penyakit..IgA Nephropathy...

hope xde pape...

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Post time 30-12-2010 03:20 AM | Show all posts
esok ada blood test.....adess...gerun plak bila jd mcm nieh...
sebab apa boley jd???faktor pemaka ...
are_you Post at 29-12-2010 23:58

faktor pemakanan x mungkin jadi issue..
hope youll be fine...

sbb bile dah sah sakit..makanan berprotein itu mmg menjadi issue...

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Post time 30-12-2010 08:32 AM | Show all posts
Tuan rumah ni lelaki ke prempuan. Kalau perempuan ..tengah hamil ke?

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 Author| Post time 1-1-2011 02:49 AM | Show all posts
protein terlebih nie cmna maksud kau nie?mcm mana kau cek protein terlebih nie..? mesti cek doctor k ...
mizsela Post at 30-12-2010 03:16

ari tu,p check up kat klinik kerajaan...doc ckp urine ada protein....
ada kaitan ngan buah pinggang...huhuhuhu

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 Author| Post time 1-1-2011 02:52 AM | Show all posts
faktor pemakanan x mungkin jadi issue..
hope youll be fine...

sbb bile dah sah sakit..makana ...
mizsela Post at 30-12-2010 03:20

oh,ye ker mcm 2....
harap2 x dak apa2 yg teruk la....

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 Author| Post time 1-1-2011 02:53 AM | Show all posts
Tuan rumah ni lelaki ke prempuan. Kalau perempuan ..tengah hamil ke?

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DARSITA Post at 30-12-2010 08:32

i perempuan la....hamil???oh,tidak...kawen pon belom lg...

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 Author| Post time 1-1-2011 02:55 AM | Show all posts
ari khamis sy da buat blood test...
tiba2 nurse tu ckp sy nie high colestrol...
gulp!!!!biar betol????
mcm mn nie......??????

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Post time 1-1-2011 06:28 PM | Show all posts
ari khamis sy da buat blood test...
tiba2 nurse tu ckp sy nie high colestrol...
gulp!!!!biar ...
are_you Post at 1-1-2011 02:55

so blood test ckp pe?cholestrol tinggi je?

bler lagi chekup

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 Author| Post time 2-1-2011 08:37 PM | Show all posts
so blood test ckp pe?cholestrol tinggi je?

bler lagi chekup
mizsela Post at 1-1-2011 18:28

result blood test x dpt lg....2mgu lg br dpat...
yg nurse tu ckp waktu amik darah....d

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Post time 2-4-2012 10:30 AM | Show all posts
Fren sumer,sorry ar aku up balik thread yg dah berjaman nih.Urine checked baru ni doktor kata ada protein camner nak wat kurang ek,boleh x klu aku telan air kosong banyak2 sebab esok nak repeat nih..saspen nih...trm kasih ek korang..

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Post time 3-4-2012 03:49 PM | Show all posts
Let me introduce what is the problem.
Proteinuria (pro-teen-yur-ee-uh) means protein in your urine (pee).  Your kidneys make urine by cleaning extra fluid from your blood.  Your kidneys also help prevent the loss of things that your body needs, like protein.  Proteinuria happens when your kidneys let protein leak into your urine.  Protein in your urine may also be called albuminuria or microalbuminuria.

Biomedical Eng. (Hons) UM

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Post time 3-4-2012 03:50 PM | Show all posts
Dear all,
Proteinuria may be a sign of renal (kidney) damage. Since serum proteins are readily reabsorbed from urine, the presence of excess protein indicates either an insufficiency of absorption or impaired filtration. Diabetics may suffer from damaged nephrons and develop proteinuria. The most common cause of proteinuria is diabetes, and in any person with proteinuria and diabetes, the etiology of the underlying proteinuria should be separated into two categories: diabetic proteinuria versus the field.
With severe proteinuria, general hypoproteinemia can develop which results in diminished oncotic pressure. Symptoms of diminished oncotic pressure may include ascites, edema and hydrothorax.

Biomedical Eng. (Hons) UM

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Post time 4-4-2012 12:20 PM | Show all posts
Reply 12# are_you

    dear, lau high colestrol nk kurangkan mcm plak? nurse tu xda ckp pape ker?

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 Author| Post time 6-4-2012 01:52 PM | Show all posts
Reply 18# four_five
tak sempat nak amik result ari tuh....sampai skrg tak tahu mcm mn...huhuhuhu

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