[Graphic Content] Gambar2 tragedi gempa bumi di Turkiye dan Syria - lebih 11,000 terkorban -- list bantuan antarabangsa - Malaysia to deploy 2nd SMART team
-Ukraine, Russia, Afghanistan termasuk Israel offer bantuan kemanusiaan atau derma.
-Masih ramai survivors ditarik keluar dari runtuhan.
-Malaysia derma USD1mil, akan hantar pasukan kedua SMART team. Juga atas permintaan Turkiye yg minta tambahan rescuers.
Semoga yg meninggal dunia dicucuri rahmat dan yg hidup diberi kekuatan menempuhi ujian Tuhan.
Massive destruction in freezing temperatures.
Father Mesut Hancer holds the hand of his daughter, who was crushed to death when her home collapsed in Turkey.
A mother delivered her baby under the rubble in Syria - the mother sadly died, but the baby is rescued.
More babies rescued.
A Turkish soldier cries (right) after he and his team rescued two women under a collapsed building.
People are left homeless and it's very cold outside, no shelter no food..
The fault lines...bumi Turkiye berubah 3 meter selepas gempa bumi.
Historical sites pun ada yg rosak..
UNESCO launches effort to survey and preserve damaged heritage sites with an aim to help rapidly secure and stabilise them. The Paris-based UNESCO is 'particularly concerned about the situation in the ancient city of Aleppo' in Syria, which is on the list of endangered World Heritage.
KL tu betul2 terletak atas ancient fault lines ni. Kalau gempa 6.5 skala ritcher ke atas, memang ranap habis KL tu. Bangunan/rumah2 di KL bukannya dibuat kalis gempa.
Kat Kundasang, ada 1 kampung tu dah disarankan berpindah semua penduduknya sebab geologist syak pergerakan tanah aktif di sana. Rekahan2 pun dah mumcul atas permukaan tanah/di rumah orang.
Deols selalu dengar bunyi macam benda terbelah atau patah (dalam tanah ai presume) katanya. Tapi aiols yakin deols tak mau pindah malah buat tak endah. Tengok la nanti kalau dah jadik macam Syria Turkiye jangan menyesal.