Seriously, Rhyno rasa season 7 tahun neh adalah paling best sebab finalis-fanalis unik-unik belaka dari segi ton suara macam Rebecca Ferguson, Matt Cardle, Cher Lloyd dan Katie Waissel...Mary Byrne pulak paling power dari segi vokal range...ada gak finalis2 yang sora out tp showmanship atas pentas bagus macam Diva Fever dan Wagner...
Season 7 ni Rhyno paling suka Matt Cardle dan Rebecca Ferguson...harap dorang ni Top 2...saingan terhebat dorang ialah Cher Lloyd dan Aiden Grimshaw...
oh..Thanks Rhyno for opening this thread...
mg dok tercarik2 takde ke org follow x factor cam aku huhu..
i do agree that this year finalists are the best..
Im rooting for Rebecca Ferguson, Cher Lloyd and Matt cardle, also Aiden..
im hoping to get eliminated sooner are wagner, and paije..dont like them..dont know why
*sad to know that Belle Amie n TreyC Cohen Got booted.
1. STAY - Cher LLoyd
2. Wicked Games - Rebecca Ferguson
3. Baby One More Time - Matt Cardle
4. teardroPs - Rebecca Ferguson
5. teh First Time Ever i saw - Matt Cardle
6. Its A Man Man world - Mary Byrne
7. Why dont u do right - Rebecca Ferguson
8. Mad world - Aiden
9. Big girls Dont cry - Belle Amie
10. Purple Rain - Treyc cohen
suka zain malik
mcm arabic skit kn muka die
tp xtau ar ape religion die
based on ape yg dibaca kat Uk newspaper rasenye current fav utk menang dis season is matt
but one direction punya fans base pon agak kukuh
perhaps those two yg akan jadik finalis kot
Calon juara....even Simon pun yakin anak2 didik dia neh leh jadi juara X-Factor 2010...majoriti penonton adalah gadis2 bwh umur kan...harusla menang....