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Post time 6-9-2022 09:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by gunkgurl at 9-9-2022 06:36 PM

I just found out tmski was partying in spain with his girlfriend. If I'm not mistaken his dad was very strict about religion in their country. How this can be happened? Hmm

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Post time 6-9-2022 09:07 PM | Show all posts
sejak bila Pmateen jadi artis jahh

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 Author| Post time 6-9-2022 09:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
arwenlotr replied at 6-9-2022 09:07 PM
sejak bila Pmateen jadi artis jahh

Omgg sorry tak perasan hahahaahha . Macam mana eh nak tukar yang kenamaan tu ? ????

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Post time 6-9-2022 09:09 PM | Show all posts
Aku pun berfoya-foya dengan skandal skandal , dengar azan terus ambil wudhuk dan solat

relax babe , jangan gelabah

dunia dan akhirat kena seimbang

bukan sembanggggggggggggggggggg saja


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Post time 6-9-2022 09:11 PM | Show all posts
gunkgurl replied at 6-9-2022 09:08 PM
Omgg sorry tak perasan hahahaahha . Macam mana eh nak tukar yang kenamaan tu ? ????


yang nak bergossip pun bodo tongong

Dajjei sungguh laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


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 Author| Post time 6-9-2022 09:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
.HannahMontana. replied at 6-9-2022 09:11 PM

Sebab bodo tonggong la boleh salah tu cik kak

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Post time 6-9-2022 09:16 PM | Show all posts
gunkgurl replied at 6-9-2022 09:15 PM
Sebab bodo tonggong la boleh salah tu cik kak


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 Author| Post time 6-9-2022 09:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
.HannahMontana. replied at 6-9-2022 09:11 PM

Opsss sorry. Cik kak ke cik abe ni? Hahahahaahhahaahahahahahhaahahhahahahaha

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Post time 6-9-2022 09:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
itu normal lah. xparty yg xnormal

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 Author| Post time 6-9-2022 09:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bawaku_terbang replied at 6-9-2022 09:17 PM
itu normal lah. xparty yg xnormal

Kenal ke girlfriend dia? Haihhhh x sangka sis umur2 macam ni still party2

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Post time 6-9-2022 09:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
gunkgurl replied at 6-9-2022 09:18 PM
Kenal ke girlfriend dia? Haihhhh x sangka sis umur2 macam ni still party2

party tu normal lah utk diorg. yg xparty tu yg xnormal. ko ni pn jgn lah jadi katak bawah tempurung.

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Post time 6-9-2022 10:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Apa lah kau tt jaga dosa pahala sendri dah lah.kau tengok je life abegong yg maksum ini kan pulak yang berdarah muda ni

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Post time 6-9-2022 11:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Party je pun takpe la, muda lagi. Yg buka benang ni tak prnh tengok lifestyle anak sedara SB yg pinoy tu ke?

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Post time 6-9-2022 11:40 PM | Show all posts
tt pic mne… jgn sembang kosong

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Post time 7-9-2022 07:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Gepren mana ni? Anisah ka?

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Post time 7-9-2022 08:03 AM | Show all posts
bukti gambar pliss! biar kami mengadili

ni tt terkejut sebab dia party ke? sebab dia ada gf lain ke? ke dengan gf sama?

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Post time 7-9-2022 10:15 AM | Show all posts
we want pic!

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Post time 7-9-2022 10:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
party tu benda biasa lah tt. tak pernah lagi tgk anak raja zuhud, yg ada pun kena scam hidup2 btw latest gq cover tmski helokknye

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Post time 7-9-2022 12:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Chuol tgk kt manaa dik tt
Tepek ler sini jgn simpan sowangg  

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 Author| Post time 7-9-2022 04:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Masukkeluar replied at 6-9-2022 09:55 PM
party tu normal lah utk diorg. yg xparty tu yg xnormal. ko ni pn jgn lah jadi katak bawah tempurun ...

Takdelah. Macam pelik sikit lah Cause of what his dad effort for their country.

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