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Author: xyla73

[SBS/viu] Why Her? (Seo Hyun Jin, Hwang In Yeop)

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Post time 18-7-2022 07:02 PM | Show all posts
hijau88 replied at 18-7-2022 06:21 PM
Aku dah smpi epi 13...
X sbr lak nak tgk. Tp kat tv tetap tgk jgk.

i think Oh so Jae akan all out, lagipun apa lagi dia nak kesalkan, anak dia dah meninggal so..she hates Jo Wan , Choi, she will be all out naktumpaskan depa, cane? i tatau...lagipun

dia dah dapat kaitkan foetus Park So Young dengan Choi - DNA test tu
dia dah ae Se Pil belikan rumah tu and lihat dah dapat bukti
dia ade Baek tu - dan dia habaq awal awal yang baek akan terima tempiasnya juga ( memang patut pun , Baek ni tak malu dan penakut )

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Post time 18-7-2022 08:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
X sangka cerita ni akan abis minggu ni.
Aku x letak high expectation sgt kat cerita ni pd awalnya. Sbb baca sinopsis mcm besa2 jek, dah la terselit psl gong chan suka soo jae.
Cuma, awalnya mmg nak tgk sbb seo hyun jin.
Tak sangka cerita best, n watak soo jae pun best jgk. So far, antara kdrama best utk thn 2022. Ini pendpt aku la.


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Post time 19-7-2022 12:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Korg dpt tak search channel sbscatch kat youtube?
Aku ni nak tgk bts why her. Tak jumpa pula channel tu dah.

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Post time 19-7-2022 07:56 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 19-7-2022 08:01 PM
hijau88 replied at 18-7-2022 08:52 PM
X sangka cerita ni akan abis minggu ni.
Aku x letak high expectation sgt kat cerita ni pd awalnya. S ...

ape prediction you ttg ending drama ni

adekah Oh so jae akan pilih jalan hidup sendirian

atau she is with Gong Chan?

atau ???

siapa akan kuasai TK firm?
sedih juga sebab Doctor Lawyer akan habis this week, too...and Oh So JAe , depa start sama sama week.

well...yes this spring and summer best best k drama

kalau i dari bulgasal, Business proposal, again my life, kiss sixth sense , crazy love , from now on show time, bloody heart , kings affection , i suke je drama2 ni

i pending Tomorrow tu i belum tengok and Woori tu ...i stop, i takleh go on lah after ep 5 u know...terlelap hehehe


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Post time 19-7-2022 08:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tiba2 ada dah channel sbscatch. Semlm xde pula. Ada dah bts ep 13 n 14.

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Post time 19-7-2022 08:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by hijau88 at 22-7-2022 09:39 PM
mbhcsf replied at 19-7-2022 07:56 PM
ape prediction you ttg ending drama ni

adekah Oh so jae akan pilih jalan hidup sendirian

Klu ending mcm cerita doberman aku rasa ok dah. Puas hati jgk.
Org jahat tumpas n kot2 la ada tunjuk sipi2 je Soo Jae n gong chan akan jdi couple.

Klu Soo Jae nak ambik alih TK pun ok jgk. Agak2 bleh tukar tak nama firma tu?

Atau pun yoon sang yg akan ambik alih TK.

Lgi 1, klu la TK tu terkubur, lebih baik. Kewujudan TK menyebabkan ramai yg tak bersalah jdi mangsa.

N kot2 la Soo Jae akan buka firma baru kat bangunan yg dia beli tu.
Kan Soo Jae pun dah ada org2 yg setia ngan dia.

Mungkin masa tu 70 billion tu dah ada kat dlm tgn dia. Leh la terus buka firma yg besar gtu.
Nama dia pun mmg dah gah n mmg antara peguam terbaik gtu.

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Post time 19-7-2022 11:36 PM | Show all posts
hijau88 replied at 19-7-2022 08:41 PM
Klu ending mcm cerita doberman aku rasa ok dah. Puas hati jgk.
Org jahat tumpas n kot2 la ada tun ...

wah ni bagus ni , komprehensif babe.

tak pe , last nanti kite saksikan

i nak juga Choi Ju Wan tu dihumban dalam penjare je...sebab mamat ni tak guen betul. good for nothing, dia suka ambil peluang So jae and bagi awal awal so je buat keje...

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Post time 19-7-2022 11:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Menyampah tgk chairman choi tu, dgr dia bckp psl jaeyi tu pun menyakitkan hati. Bleh lgi senyum2.

Soo jae patut bgi penampar kat juwan tu berkali kali. Ni bagi 1x je. X cukup.

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Post time 19-7-2022 11:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ada pula Soo Jae bgmbr ngan jaeyi. Nasib baik ada jgk kenangan dia ngan jaeyi. Kesian.

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Post time 20-7-2022 12:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Soo Jae ni apa2 hal, agreement kena ada.
Utk lawan chairman choi kena la berani n bijak atur strategi.
Hrp apa yg Soo Jae rncg menjadi la. Tau la kan chairman choi tu licik orgnya.
Tp Soo Jae pun leh tahan liciknya.
Tgk la semua dokumen penting, rahsia 3 org tu ada dlm tgn dia. Cuma tunggu masa yg sesuai je nak expose.
Sbb bank acc d bahamas tu yg under nama dia tu pun xtau la mcm mana dia nak settle kan tu nnti.

Tu yg kena atur strategi baik2 gtu.

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Post time 20-7-2022 12:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Klu la juwan n bakal exwife dia tu tak terjerit jerit memanggil jae yi. Mesti jaeyi x kemalangan.

Dah la highway. Tiba2 lak jaeyi berani nak melintas.
Bfore tu scene kat pantai dia x berani lak melintas jln. Mungkin jgk sbb Ayah n Mak dia panggil, tu yg jaeyi bergegas melintas jln.

Cisssss. Penthouse betul. Sj tau buat scene2 mcm tu bila nak abis. Mmm.

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Post time 20-7-2022 01:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mmg chairman choi gunakan park so young utk jatuhkan Soo Jae bila Soo Jae berkeras jgk nak jdi rakan kongsi TK.


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Post time 20-7-2022 01:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by hijau88 at 20-7-2022 01:05 AM

Settle tgk ep 14.

Klu tgk preview ep 15.
Mcm chairman choi bergumbira sbb dpt kenakan Soo Jae n director baek psl hal2 bfore ni.
Hrp2 ada plot twist.

X sbr nak tgk ep 15.

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Post time 20-7-2022 01:34 AM | Show all posts
hijau88 replied at 20-7-2022 12:58 AM
Klu la juwan n bakal exwife dia tu tak terjerit jerit memanggil jae yi. Mesti jaeyi x kemalangan.

aje yi panggilSo jae  - madam...hahaha , tak sempat kenal ibu sebenar ye. Ibu tu bila terima daisy tu, dah la  nak nangis terus sebak and hampir setengah mati kat tengah jalan tengok anak gelimpang kaku. Baru kenal beberapa jam je. kesian betul.

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Post time 22-7-2022 05:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mlm ni turn tgk live why her lgi.

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Post time 22-7-2022 07:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 19-7-2022 07:56 PM
ape prediction you ttg ending drama ni

adekah Oh so jae akan pilih jalan hidup sendirian

pendapat aku so jae akan dgn gong chan utk take over TK mmg xkut...maybe g ddk Kampung nelayan yh fia n gong chan dating dulu n jd legal advisor mcm yg chan cdgkn tu...pagi pergi kk je, ptg balik chan da masak
hidup biasher bbiasher bahagia

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Post time 22-7-2022 09:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
rukia2 replied at 22-7-2022 07:01 PM
pendapat aku so jae akan dgn gong chan utk take over TK mmg xkut...maybe g ddk Kampung ne ...

Haha. Bleh jdi jgk ending mcm ni.

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Post time 22-7-2022 09:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
TK tu byk sgt tragedi buruk yg jdi kat soo jae. Bleh trauma klu nak jgk ambik alih. Bagus lupuskan je TK tu.

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Post time 22-7-2022 09:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Haish. Tgk live tersekat sekat lak. Tiba2 dah ke scene lain. Lps tu tersekat, scene lain dah.

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Post time 22-7-2022 10:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Alamak. Ter reveal lak hubungan ahli dewan An dgn Soo Jae.
Even Soo Jae nmpk terkejut tp dia maintain cool jek. Suka tgk expresi SHJ bila dia act cool jek.

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