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Author: xyla73

[SBS/viu] Why Her? (Seo Hyun Jin, Hwang In Yeop)

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Post time 26-6-2022 09:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lum sempt lgi tgk epi 7 n 8.

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Post time 26-6-2022 09:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kat one hd, ada dah tyg ep 1. Aku record je dlu. Nnti ingt nak tgk balik dr ep 1.

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Post time 27-6-2022 03:30 PM | Show all posts
citer ni dah ade kat OK tv 393 astro ep 2 , malam Ahad semalam.

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Post time 2-7-2022 08:45 PM | Show all posts
Why Her ..
Ep 9

aiayaaaaaa.. well i start with what i like first

i sebenarnay suke tengok dynamics between  Oh So JAe and Choi Tae Guk and Choi Yoon Song sebenarnya sebab those dynamics are between smart people..

So Jae and Choi Tae Guk - memang dedua tahu siapa memasing , memang dedua tahu motof and plan, strategy and counter strategy memasing, memang akan ade  pasang surut , kau gune - aku - i benci - you but  - i still need you at TK firm  etc  , hmm suke tengok dynamic kali ni, masa depa keluar makan and CEO Choi nak Oh So Jae pilih Choi  Yoon Song jadi intern hahaha ngader sungguh double agent ni..

okay lah....dapat lihat  yg kawan oh so Jae ni nak kembangkan social circle Oh So Jae agar dia feel supported and surrounded by good, reliable individuals..

suke juga dia dapat tengok her daughter...masa bincang pasal alimony tu hahaha

Actually , suke juga tengok dynamic Oh so Jae dengn Sk Partners tu, hahaha Gong Chan was a bit envious hahahaha

okay now the err erksssss part  yeah that NOON DOENSING Part  aiayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... i love the sceneic seascape beach landscapes tu cantik tapi

hishhhhh  weii...ini dah salah etika ...mamat ni daring lah ergghhh i tak suke laaa tak suke tak suke  eeeeeueww NOONa DONSENGGGGG  no way ....


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Post time 2-7-2022 11:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 2-7-2022 08:45 PM
Why Her ..
Ep 9

jap2 ..dak pompuan tu anak Soo jae ke? bukan anak dia mati dah Masa kt us?
yg part soo-chan tu kalau dyorg buat lite2 je cm EP 7 ke 8 cm okay la..jd tempat sandar muffler tutup gari...prepare makanan ..rasa sweet gak scene tepi pantai tu cm errr...esp bila ingat Soo jae duk sound kwn lawyer dia pasal ingat dia teenage girl ke?? krik2 sikit laaa..
but I really fall for oh Soo jae...her voice..her eyes...gud job Seo hyun jin

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Post time 3-7-2022 12:04 AM | Show all posts
rukia2 replied at 2-7-2022 11:05 PM
jap2 ..dak pompuan tu anak Soo jae ke? bukan anak dia mati dah Masa kt us?
yg part soo-chan tu kal ...

i speculate tu anak Oh So Jae sebab i speculate je tau based on

- dia ade jumpe the wife of Choi Joo Wan tu kat art gallery, masa tu kan wife tu cakap yg her daughter tu comel bla2 tapi dia kata itu bukan anak dia,
- guess what? dia kate anak dia stillborn
- anak oh so jae dikatakan stillborn meninggal ketia lahir so oh so jae lahir je tapi tak tahu kat ne
then Oh So jae balik ke South Korea

then satu scene malam  yg dia pi jumpe Hang Seok PAl sebelum mamat ni kene letuo, kan dia sedih ? sebelum tu dia bawa kete , fikiran dia mengimbau anak dia, and she will name her Haneri sebab dia tertahu yg anak wife tu adalah anak angkat ...
so instinctwise dia macam tahu tu anak dia....

tapi logik juga seba CEO Choi tu tak nak custody anak tu jatuh kat the wife , hmm...CEO Choi suruh Oh So Jae uruskan...


based on that i anggap itu anak dia...inraksi anak tu pun normal je dengan dia...

but again ini speculation  i je huhuhu , i could be wrong  though.


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Post time 3-7-2022 12:06 AM | Show all posts
rukia2 replied at 2-7-2022 11:05 PM
jap2 ..dak pompuan tu anak Soo jae ke? bukan anak dia mati dah Masa kt us?
yg part soo-chan tu kal ...

tu aah i ta suke interaction Oh So Jae dengan Gong Chan yg jiwang ittew...

i suke pulak dynamic Oh So Jae and Choi Yoon Song tu nampak macam bro and sis and okay je....

noona donsaeng ni arghhhhhhhhhh tak sukeeeeeeeeee eeeee

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Post time 3-7-2022 12:06 AM | Show all posts
hijau88 replied at 26-6-2022 09:55 PM
Lum sempt lgi tgk epi 7 n 8.

dah sempat dah???

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Post time 3-7-2022 03:17 AM | Show all posts
ep 10

well...berat ep 10 ni..gong chan ni pun...timing tak kene and choi yoon song - dia  tahu ye the beach scene pagi tu....hmm choi ni bijak, choi ju wan yg tak...
choi yoon son tengok kontrak hansu bio and TK firm ke Sk partner pun, dia tahu something was off...

So , Gong Chan reality check ye kali ni, so yes , now Oh So Jae dapat lihat motif Gong Chan...hmm interesting.. tapi ep 1 ke 2 dia dapat agak sense of familiarity  dah pun kan...

wife choi ju wan nak buat DNA check ...

next week best - trailer dia , lagi thrill...

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Post time 3-7-2022 05:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 3-7-2022 03:17 AM
ep 10

well...berat ep 10 ni..gong chan ni pun...timing tak kene and choi yoon song - dia  tahu ye t ...

can't wait for ep11..lepas tgok ep10 ni, rasanya ur theory ttg anak Soo jae tu mungkin betul..Jauh betul chairman Choi tu fikir...agaknya dah xde Jalan lain hujung2 nanti, boleh ugut Soo jae guna her daughter pula..


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Post time 3-7-2022 05:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 3-7-2022 12:06 AM
dah sempat dah???

Lum sempat lgi uols.
Eve, dr lawyer, why her, semua epi dr minggu lps still pending.

Juat tgk klip2 kat ig sket2 jek. So, dpt la bygn sikit2.
Why her ni dah tyg kat tv, mcm nak follow kat tv jek. Lmbt la sikit nak join hype dia kat sini. Kan skrg ni kat tv pun bru epi 3 n 4 kan.

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Post time 3-7-2022 06:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Yg prpn misteri, kat rumah pjagaan / hospital tu... Si eunsoo tu anak kpd prof baek ke? N gf ke yoon sepil?
Kiranya prof baek tu skrg ni bkn sekutu chairman choi dah kan.

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Post time 3-7-2022 06:32 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 2-7-2022 08:45 PM
Why Her ..
Ep 9

Aku xde la support or suka noona donsaeng.
Tp mcm ok je tgk soo jae n gongchan dlm sini.
Mungkin cara dorg bw watak dorg tu nmpk ok.


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Post time 4-7-2022 08:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mcm adik gong chan tu juwan n kwn2 dia yg bunuh kan.
Sbb tgk baju/jaket warna pink. Sama.
Tp kesian la smpi skrg x jumpa mayat adik gong chan tu kan.

Hrp2 ada closure utk kes tu.
Sbb nmpk sgt juwan n pengerusi choi ada kaitan ngan kes gong chan n adik dia tu.

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Post time 4-7-2022 09:44 PM | Show all posts
hijau88 replied at 4-7-2022 08:05 PM
Mcm adik gong chan tu juwan n kwn2 dia yg bunuh kan.
Sbb tgk baju/jaket warna pink. Sama.
Tp kesian ...

choi ju wan tu nampak mcm budak mentah je compared to his younger brother yg Choi soon yong tu  ( the intern Oh So jae tu )..isk dia ni suke je kasi masalh tapi, tapi CEO TK firm Choi t suke pulak Choi Ju wan sebab dia lemah and mudah dimanipulasikan, walhal CEO Choi tu bukan gemar yg anak kelaki dia yg bijak tu yg sevbatch dengan  Ging Chan...sebab he is clever.

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Post time 4-7-2022 11:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 4-7-2022 09:44 PM
choi ju wan tu nampak mcm budak mentah je compared to his younger brother yg Choi soon yong tu  (  ...

Chairman choi tu kesian kat juwan asyik mcm dibuli n direndah rendahkan. Agaknya juwan tu je yg leh ikut ckp buat benda2 jahat even mcm selalu buat masalah n tak berapa nak bijak.
Yoonsang tu mungkin lain haluan. Itu yg mcm x serasi je dia ngan abg n Ayah dia tu.

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Post time 10-7-2022 01:28 AM | Show all posts
Ep 11.

expected lah , Yg Oh So Jae amat amat marah dengan benda yg dia baru tahuuuu: Gong Chan os Kim Dok Gu and  semua konteks difahami ...hmm ...hmmm....camne tu?

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Post time 11-7-2022 10:56 AM | Show all posts
Ep 12...

wah makin banyak rahsia yg terbongkar , pada episode ni.
Rahsia anak perempuan Director Baek - SP Partners - dan  konteks sebenar yang berlaku semasa trial Kkm Do Gu  akhirnya terburai ......haaaa dapat lihat tangan tangan halus tu

iskk i geram kat Director Bek tu -  nampam baik tapi ruthless. sanggup dia baut cam tu kat Gong Chan...walaupun dia boleh do something...

Choi Jui Wan pun tahu...

Choi Yoon Song ni macam bapak dia ye, pandai gunakan material suntuk manipulasi situasi..

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Post time 11-7-2022 08:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Klu tgk dr jauh, pbantu soo jae, song miran tu dah mcm iras2 kim se jeong pula. Mungkin sbb style rambutnya.

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Post time 11-7-2022 10:15 PM | Show all posts
hijau88 replied at 4-7-2022 11:17 PM
Chairman choi tu kesian kat juwan asyik mcm dibuli n direndah rendahkan. Agaknya juwan tu je yg le ...

i rase ju wan ni mmg teruk, dia tahu semue bende tapi dia terlalu bodoh untuk bertindak.

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