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Author: Rahah

[JTBC/Netflix 2022] FORECASTING LOVE & WEATHER - Song Kang, Park Min Young

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Post time 4-4-2022 07:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 4-4-2022 05:03 PM
gitu je la endingnya flaw ni.. x pe la, at least we know weather forecasting ni not easy n we all le ...

Ada tgk sket2 klip ending. Ternyata simple je endingnya, bkn scene kawen tp happy ending la kan.

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Post time 4-4-2022 09:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iols baru abis tengok ending flaw ptg td..dengan belum nk move on lg dgn 2521...
Ending drama ni okla...kira ending yg boleh predict...cuma diorg takde la tnjuk kira kearah tu...atleast siwoo pun berbaik dengan appa dia...the exes pun bahagia la hingga anak cucu hendaknya...hehhehe...and anak2 buah jin kyung yg lain pun dpt mengatasi masalah masing2

Kakak jin kyung dengan seokho tu adoi..lawak.mmg seokho first time bercinta...masa frust nk break tu hilang kisah rumsh nk berkemas...berselerak dengan botol2...cinta mati tu ha..siap jd publisher nk terbitkan buku girlfriend...hehehee..sweet jee..

For me flaw ni mula2 ok..tengah2 iols dah rasa bosan..nsb baik tak keciciran...dh nk ujung2 ni ok kira happy la sume...kita tunggu business proposal plak nak bagi apa plak...

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Post time 4-4-2022 11:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hijau88 replied at 4-4-2022 07:37 PM
Ada tgk sket2 klip ending. Ternyata simple je endingnya, bkn scene kawen tp happy ending la kan.

iyaa, happy ending yg open to our interpretation.. well, i suka story penguin couple.. cheater couple tak kena cash apa2 ehhh, so lame.. elok je bahagia menanti baby..
mcm nak bg tau yg cheating is normal n ppl yg affected to move on cos the world does not revolve around u.
cut your cost n get lost, gitu…

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Post time 5-4-2022 05:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lynn_dmm replied at 4-4-2022 09:29 PM
Iols baru abis tengok ending flaw ptg td..dengan belum nk move on lg dgn 2521...
Ending drama ni okl ...

Itu la, episod tgh2 ada jgk rasa slow sket tp aku cuba jgk bertahan.
Ujung2 rasa ok dah.
Cuma ep 15 n 16 lum tgk lgi.

Yg psl cerita 2521 tu aku mmg x tgk. Tp tertgk ending scenenya.
Klu aku mmg la akan rasa sakit hati.
Mcm time aku tgk penthouse. Lama jgk nak move on. Skrg ni pun ada rasa geram yg tersisa ngan ending penthouse.

Memandangkan cerita FLAW ni bkn komedi romantik sgt, itu yg mmg dah jangka takkan ada scene kawen bagai. Happy ending pun mcm tu jek.

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Post time 5-4-2022 05:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 4-4-2022 11:06 PM
iyaa, happy ending yg open to our interpretation.. well, i suka story penguin couple.. cheater cou ...

Haha. Penguin couple tu mmg cute la.

Geram jgk kan cheater couple tu x dpt apa2 balasan sgt.

Geram sgt klu watak antagonis aman2 je hidup. Kekdg writer siap justify kenapa watak jahat tu jdi mcm tu. Spy penonton kesian gtu.


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Post time 5-4-2022 05:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Yg pasti aku suka tgk PMY klu bw watak2 keja ofis. Mmg sesuai utk dia.

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Post time 5-4-2022 01:49 PM | Show all posts
ep 15
final ep

Wow  - satu ending yang melodramatic yg nice , satisfactory ending , yg memuaskan hatilah..
kelakar betul Director Shin and TaeHyeung tu - dia sendiri publishing her book , baik ye mamat ni ...hahaha

Then , Lee See Woo - baguslah  taut balik ...

Nice ending for Dong Han and his wife ....good

i mean i like the concluding narration yg dibuat  suara latar oleh Jin HA Kyeung is all about team mates ..andthe nature of the job they do...

i suka drama ni , at least kita dapat tengok selok belok  kaji cuaca...

bagus Park Min Young dalam jiwai the roles and emotional sides of Jin Ha Kyeung.

Okay my next K drama mission
- Military Prosecutor Doberman
- Crazy Love
? Tomorrow?


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Post time 14-4-2022 03:12 PM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 1-3-2022 08:47 PM

mana satu idaman youuuuuuuu

lps tgk 2521, layan business proposal lak.. pastu lajak tgk 39 sbb x leh nk layan serentak tiga2 ni. & then baru tgk, betul la you.. i pon suka FLAW lg dr BP ni..
BP santai2 jer sbb citer org br nk mula bercinta.. FLAW ni lak sbb after breaking up ala2 NWABU tp lg best dr NWABU kan. Office couple ni risikonya gitu la...kalo jadik ke x jadik ke org asik bercerita jer tp FLAW ni best sbb tunjuk perspektif psgn msg2. Kalo x, weols pon x tau knp deyols broke up & knp ha kyung still nk ambik risiko bercinta 1 opis lg kan...


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Post time 17-4-2022 07:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by hijau88 at 17-4-2022 07:19 PM

Akhirnya settle tgk final epi setelah lama tertangguh.
Aku dah agak ending akan mcm tu jek. Pandai2 la reka kesudahan hubungan ha kyung n si woo lepas ni. Ye la ending pun sekadar tunjuk dorg dah berbaik.

So, semua watak dpt ending yg baik2.
Cuma scene kijun n wife dia mmg membosankan esp ep 15 n final. Aku fast forwardkan malas nak ambik tau.

So far, ok la jgk cerita ni. Smbl2 bljr psl cuaca.
Alang2 dah follow dr ep 1 kan.

Cuma klu Ha Kyung n si woo tu tunang ke alangkah lgi best. Hiks.

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Post time 21-4-2022 01:27 AM | Show all posts

23 April ni TvN premier the shooting star

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