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Author: Rahah

[SBS/Netflix 2021] OUR BELOVED SUMMER - Choi Woo Sik, Kim Da Mi

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Post time 22-12-2021 08:48 AM | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 21-12-2021 02:37 AM
Jomlah tgk…best citer ni…iols suka…

Bolehlah kalau nak kata romcom dgn unsur2 slice of life &  ...

Kak ipaq aku suka sangat Ji Chang Wook, tapi dia kata love struck in the city x best langsung....seyes lah...
i x penah layannn drama JCW... ingat nak start dgn lovestruck tu... tp dah bg review x best plak


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Post time 22-12-2021 09:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
JiEunTak replied at 22-12-2021 08:48 AM
Kak ipaq aku suka sangat Ji Chang Wook, tapi dia kata love struck in the city x best langsung....s ...

Best utk sapa2 yg suka genre slice of life…pasal do’s and don’ts in relationship…cara penceritaan lovestruck in the city memang lain sikit dgn drama2 lain sebab guna pendekatan interview watak2 dlm tu mcm seolah2 buat dokumentari…mungkin sebab tu kot ada yg rasa boring…bagi iols best sebab iols suka benda yg different…

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Post time 22-12-2021 10:24 AM | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 22-12-2021 01:15 AM
Best utk sapa2 yg suka genre slice of life…pasal do’s and don’ts in relationship…cara pencerit ...

ok pas Beloved Summer leh la layan...
back to back dah i nih, Dr Romantic - on going Happiness + Jirisan...
now suma dah habis Belover Summer plak...
rasa mcm storage otak dah full kalau layan BTB nih

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 Author| Post time 22-12-2021 10:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 21-12-2021 10:37 AM
Jomlah tgk…best citer ni…iols suka…

Bolehlah kalau nak kata romcom dgn unsur2 slice of life &  ...

Nanti iols tengok...

Drama Kim Soo Hyun tu pun iols belum start lagi... & drama Wookie...

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 Author| Post time 22-12-2021 10:32 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 23-12-2021 01:21 AM | Show all posts
ep 5&6

I suka cara pengarah/ drama ni atau, penyunting menyusun sub plot tentang siapa Kim Ji Ung tu, pendek je , summary of who is KIm Ji -Ung tu dengan penggunaan flashback yang baik dan bijak. So dalam sub plot yg ini kita tahu siapa sebenarnya mamat ni, apa kaitannya dengan kehidupan Choi Ung and Yeon Seo. Rupanya dia pun terminat  minah tu jugak, tapi dia back off sebab dia menghormati Choi Ung. Sebab banyak moments yg penting dalam hidup dia kongsi dengan keluarga ángkat'yakni family Choi Ung lah. bagus lakonan dedua budak tu. I mean , they made the scenes really fun and touching.

Cuma i am curious bila mana Choi Ung bersemuka dengan Jang Do Yul tu, mamat Team Leader ni ada  sebut , dia buaknnya perlu dibimbangi oleh Choi Ung  atau saingan Choi Ung dalam konteks relationship Choi Ung tu. menarik bila dia sebut macam tu. Dia suruh Choi Und bimbang org lain kan?
kalau i faham betul, adakah Jung The tEam leader tu observed something?

2.  I wish pengarah atu screen writer ni highlight  babak di mana Choi Ung tu lukis apa , nak tengok jugak produk terakhir lukiasannya tu bila dia buat live kat Seon Shop , bersama saingannya dengan Nu-A.

3. Tak sangka NJ juga kat acara live tu , siap bagi bunga lagi lah NJ ni. Pandai dia interacting dengan Choi Ung at his level of 'social communication skills'.

4.  Okay lagi satu - dah banyak ye pelanggan kedai kawan Yeon Su tu - Sol yi tu yg kecoh tu yg i think pernah pegang watak si pemilik kafe - sama denga watak dia dalam Her Private Life ( citer Park Min Young jadi curator art d gallery tu hahaha- i think her cafe was Choco Loco kot  hahaha). Sibuk je masukkan diri dia dalam documentary depa. Lagi satu hahaa selambak je call JiUng suruh ambik Yeon Su yg dah mabuk di kedai dia.

5. Teharu juga dengan cara layanan parents Choi Ung terhadap Yein Su ya, i mean is uka cara mak dia ( choi Ung) cakap kat Yeon Su  , she said , Choi Ung was not coping with their  the break up too well... tapi depa layan je minah ni...

6. About Yeon Su - i think minah ni i memang tak berkenan dengan attitude dia yg so indifference tu , ini org palig bongkak, i mean she was mean and still mean, dia teruklah , dia utuskan hubungan dengan Choi Ung bukan atas ape ape reson tapi because hse is insecure about herself , but then acah acah caring pulak and tahu pun jealous....

i mean  tak payah lah layan minah ni - setiap kali bila nak bercakap soal why did they breal up - Choi Und yg kena asak dia dengan soalan tu...i dont like her attitude. Dia pun tak lah berjaya mana pun.

i wish she could at least - confront Choi Ung with some explanations tak every thing nak elak...

anyways...trailers next week lebih menarik...

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Post time 24-12-2021 01:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 17-12-2021 04:47 PM
Mr. Jang tu ke?
tulah Lee Joon Hyuk, tapi xde sapa kat sini yg kenal dia...
kalau ada yg bagitau a ...

Lee joo hyuk ni antara pelakon fav i. Dah la hensem lepas tu berlakon best. 1st drama i kenal dia masa tengok city hunter dulu drama lain mcm 365 repeat the year, stranger (watak annoying giler tapi hensem), the lies within n naked fireman pun i ada tengok

Skrg i pun terlayan citer ni jugak n mcm biasa boleh cuci mata tengok dia sekali

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Post time 24-12-2021 09:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Afie13 replied at 24-12-2021 01:21 AM
Lee joo hyuk ni antara pelakon fav i. Dah la hensem lepas tu berlakon best. 1st drama i kenal dia  ...

Kan? Dia best berlakon tapi underrated…i pun secara kebetulan byk tgk drama yg dia berlakon…cuma dark hole je yg i drop separuh jalan sebab cerita merapu meraban…dlm byk2 drama yg dia berlakon tu Stranger paling famous…walaupun dia annoying dlm tu…

So watak2 mcm Mr. Jang ni memang makanan dialah…jenis no nonsense type camtu…

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 Author| Post time 24-12-2021 07:54 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Rahah at 24-12-2021 07:55 PM

Feel butterflies...

MV version...

Audio version... lirik kat description...

1 hour version... lyric video...


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 Author| Post time 24-12-2021 08:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 24-12-2021 09:08 AM
Kan? Dia best berlakon tapi underrated…i pun secara kebetulan byk tgk drama yg dia berlakon…cuma ...

Lee Joon Hyuk pun berlakon ye uols...
Iols copy list cast tak perasan pulak nama dia... check semula kat Asianwiki baru nampak gambar dia...

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Post time 24-12-2021 08:08 PM | Show all posts
my colleague yg minat BTS dah whatsapp i lagu BTS - V tu heheheh ...

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Post time 24-12-2021 08:11 PM | Show all posts
ok best so far till ep.6 i suke citer ni...OST pun sedap

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Post time 24-12-2021 08:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 24-12-2021 08:01 PM
Lee Joon Hyuk pun berlakon ye uols...
Iols copy list cast tak perasan pulak nama dia... check semu ...

Dia memang camtu uols…dlm The Lies Within tu pun nama dia xde dlm senarai cast tapi bila dah tgk baru tau dia ada…maybe dia antara yg last dpt casting offer…

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 Author| Post time 24-12-2021 08:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 24-12-2021 08:08 PM
my colleague yg minat BTS dah whatsapp i lagu BTS - V tu heheheh ...

Rajin dia whatsapp...

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 Author| Post time 24-12-2021 09:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 24-12-2021 08:48 PM
Dia memang camtu uols…dlm The Lies Within tu pun nama dia xde dlm senarai cast tapi bila dah tgk  ...

Tapi iols check kat Asianwiki pun nama dia kat bawah... agaknya sementara tunggu next offer... terima jela kan...

OT jap...
Bae Sung Woo dah habis hiatus... dah dapat offer drama baru...

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Post time 27-12-2021 04:46 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 27-12-2021 04:47 PM

this is nice, lyrics dia deep, sape lyrcist lagu ni? Suga? RM???? sebab english dia best

i mean ..sentimentally nice !!!!

boleh pun depa buat english version niceee


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 Author| Post time 27-12-2021 09:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 27-12-2021 04:46 PM
this is nice, lyrics dia deep, sape lyrcist lagu ni? Suga? RM???? sebab english dia best

i mean . ...

Nope... orang lain...
Lyricist Christmas Tree is the same lyricist ost Goblin, It's Okay To Not Be Okay, Vagabond...

I suka lirik & melody ost ni...

BTW RM yang fluent English... yang lain still learning...

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Post time 27-12-2021 09:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Best cite ni. Dari awal dah look fwd sbb dlm trailer both dami and woo sik cute gile, and bila dah tengok yes mmg dorg cute and sepadan!

Anddd bila dah tengok iols rasa best best best sbb love story dorg tu mmg relatable, jenis 1st love zaman skolah gitu. Tiber teringat memori sendiri pulak,gituuuu

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Post time 29-12-2021 12:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Epi 8 is so beautiful…the scenery, the feeling, everything…scenery tempat diorg gi vacation tu cantiknya…drama kalau shoot time autumn memang cantik…tambah lagi dgn heart fluttering ending scene…

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Post time 29-12-2021 05:58 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 29-12-2021 06:06 AM

ep 7 & 8 ....

tak banyak  yg berlaku  dalam dua epi i dari segi events cuma ade perkembagan yg menarik daripada spek emosi and their dynamics tu...
i mean bagus juga saranan penulis senior tu kepada  Kim Jung Ung - kawai choi Und untuk tak bagi depa lari , bawa depa pi satu lokasi ...yg jauh...hahaa

akhirnya...............hahahahah whay do you know kannnnnnn....interesting....the ast 10 mins scenes felt so familiar , seen it before  but then BOOM....

okay  - apa susah sangat minah Yeon So ni nak buang ego dia and said she was alll so very damn sorry for what she has done?

tu je...then semua  okay...

tapikan i nampak kan NJ bagus lah dalam satu aspek , perasan tak minah NJ ni dapat 'communicate'to Choi Ung as his level , makna kata dia dapat tahu kat man Choi Ung confuse and kat mana Choi Ung boleh dapat atau fahami mesej di sebalik tindakan atau perkataannya.
sebab i suspect pengrah atau penulsi ni tahu kot pasal asperger's atau u know kids with aspergers and adults with aspergers...i think kesian tau daripada persepctuve choi ung nak faham yeon su ni...she is clever and very crafty at hiding her emotion  and insecurities and guan pelbagai cara yg mana kebanyakannya confsuing pada Choi Ung,

tapi kan , Choi ung ni tak lah blurs2 ayam sangat pun as Cahe ran - assistant cameralady tu yg capture scene Choi Ung dok drawing scenic view of the vacation house tu by the lake tu , cakap kan...bila dia meneliti setiap frame documentary tu dia sedar something yg bila choi ung mula suka Yeon su and Choi Ung ni pepera blur....

but why ? tu i am a bi blur i leave it at that lah ...

i suka part asssitant intern tu - hahahahah sabaq jelah mamat ni....

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