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apa yang menyebabkan kesakitan?
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nak tnya korang2 yang pakar kat sini..apakah yang menyebabkan kesakitan...contohnya terluka..adakah ianya disebabkan oleh perubahan sel2 ke badan??atau saraf?kawan2 selalu bagi jawapan "sebab kene pisau", sebab terjatuh...n bla.bla..bla..nak tau secara saintifik laa.. |
sakit...sebab inflammation.. |
okay let us dissect one by one
apakah perkataan itu
adakah ia bersifat "perceptive"
atau objective
kalau perceptive then ....apa deria yg boleh sense sakit
answer that one first... |
aku bukan doktor, so xtau sgt hek3...
sakit ni just mcm deria laen la, electrical signal yg hanta ke otak... klu boleh stop signal tu, kite mmg xkn rse sakit...
setiap org mesti ade pengalaman, klu jln2 atau lari2 n kaki tepijak ape2 ke, smpi luke, kte x perasan. kte tgk luke tu bru kte rse sakit.. dlm kes ni, otak kte tgh busy nk urus sume muscle n signal rse sakit tu dipinggirkan kejap... bnde yg sme blaku dlm emergency, for example, kne keja anjing.. kte lari sekuat hati smpi muscle sakit, tp kte xrse pun sakit until lepas kte selamat, psl signal sakit tu dihentikan kejap utk slmtkn body....
ini just bukti yg sakit tu sbnrnye hnyelah electrical signal yg smpi ke otak, sme mcm deria yg lain.. hope that helps  |
okay let us dissect one by one
apakah perkataan itu
adakah ia bersifat "perceptive"
atau objective
kalau perceptive then ....apa deria yg boleh sense sakit
answer that o ...
mbhcsf Post at 4-4-2010 14:25 
pain receptor la kan yg dpt kesan deria skit.. |
pernah dengar "nociceptors"
dan pernah kan belajar atau pun mendengar
"hujung saraf" dalam keratan rentas sel kuit / dermis ? epidermis?
Corpuscle PAcini, riffini, krausse, Meissner ...saya lupa dah satu lagi....
so apa tu sakit .....
apa kaitan inflammation
okay ada juga kaitan
sebab inflammation / radang ni sebenarnya respon isi ? sel tissue kita pada sebarang ancaman , kecederaan pada mana sistem physiology/ structural tubuh ( ni i generalised definition - bukan ikut mana pathology textbook sangat)
ancaman ni banyaklah- secara physical like the one you mentioned above - like cuts etc etc chemical acids...blbla
or anything lah
so dalam inflmmation ? Virchows kata ada ciri merah, bengkak, loss of function, rasa panas, pain...
pain tu sebab apa - sebab bila badan kita sedang bertindakbalas terhadap sebarang kecederaan, then bhgn tissue tu akan keluarkan bhn kimia lah ....yg stimulate nerve endings yg sensitive to "PAIN" sensation...dan logiknya ( sebab tu Allah ni pandai ) bila pain , kita tak lah gerak gerak sangat bhgn badan yg tercedera tu |
aku bukan doktor, so xtau sgt hek3...
sakit ni just mcm deria laen la, electrical signal yg hanta ke otak... klu boleh stop signal tu, kite mmg xkn rse sakit...
setiap org mesti ade pengalaman, ...
aku_EnSeM Post at 4-4-2010 14:26 
haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.. mate...long time no see...board ni ada pembaharuan dah u know...
get into the debate can do it .... |
to add some more, klu electrical signal ni xsmpi otak, u wont feel any pain...
alcohol & specific dadah blh block electrical signal dr smpi ke otak... we always wonder npe penagih dadah boleh suntik tgn diorg hampir tiap hari kan.. the fact is, they dont feel as much pain as they do if they were actually stick the needle into their skin without any drugs in it.  |
to add some more, klu electrical signal ni xsmpi otak, u wont feel any pain...
alcohol & specific dadah blh block electrical signal dr smpi ke otak... we always wonder npe penagih dadah boleh sunti ...
aku_EnSeM Post at 4-4-2010 14:38 
okay kalau isyarat tu - "PAIN" tak sampai ke otak yessssssss tak lah rasa pain
since you dah develop good analytical thinking skill ni
okay my question to stretch a bit
think again...
PAIN/INSULT ------> receptors( nociceptors) ----- AScending tracks to the brain spinothalamic tract ( nak tahu baca keh keh keh ) ---brain ..( heheheh which side hehehheheheh nikena tahu neuroanatomy keh keh keh) ...
so you are not an anatomist kan i tak pa tak tahu tu pun tak pa
but based on that flow chart
and relating this back to your previous statement on the direction of electrical impulse tu, apa lagi yg boleh terjadi ( any answer ...will do )
what else could go wrong if a person tu tak leh perceive PAIN...salah satu cara nak fikir ttg teh direction / site of electrical impulses tu, like you said kalau tak sampai ke otak = well no pain is perceived
lagi....hehehee |
so mana pi larikesurga ni ??? |
well dear , you tak suka tapi for those in medical yg dok manage pain management clinic - those anaesthetist they they have to know the type of fibres that carries the pain nociceptic impuls kan?
apa dia fibre dia i lupa dah .... |
so mana pi larikesurga ni ???
mbhcsf Post at 4-4-2010 15:09 
taw takpe..mana TT ni..
mbhcsf telah terang panjang lebar ni |
well dear , you tak suka tapi for those in medical yg dok manage pain management clinic - those anaesthetist they they have to know the type of fibres that carries the pain nociceptic impuls kan?
mbhcsf Post at 4-4-2010 15:17 
oh..thats fiber..
nak kena pegi korek note phsio ni.. |
okay kalau isyarat tu - " AIN" tak sampai ke otak yessssssss tak lah rasa pain
since you dah develop good analytical thinking skill ni
okay my question to stretch a bit
think again ...
mbhcsf Post at 4-4-2010 02:54 PM 
klu xleh receive pain, immune system still continue utk repair cell damage kte, depending on type of damage.. (kne tnye biologist, yg ni xtau sgt )
but just to share (ini bukan psl pain plak hek3)... few years ago, 1 group of scientists buat experiment kt lab rat psl perception.. (ini agak unethical sbnrnye hek3)
aed 2 group rat, group A ngan group B.. group A kne jge mcm biase... group B pulak, the rats have their brain stuck with electrodes at their pleasure region... xtau cmne diorg blh buat bnde ni, hek3...
diorg bg mkn kt both group.. mse jadual makan diorg smpi, diorg bia rat kt group A tu mkn, but group B pulak, diorg stimulate pleasure feeling rats tu so that tikus tu sume rse kenyang.. (n diorg xmkn mknn diorg langsung)
the result is, group A terus sihat n group B sume mati... possible explanation: sume tikus kumpulan B xpenah rse lapar..
back to you request, ini just a possible result if we mess up with out brains atau sistem saraf hek3...
p/s: experiment ni xpenah diulang due to ethical issues. |
marah animal rights move,ent or RSPCA
you are funny....hehehheehee
okay okay
you are showing me something kan
yang..........yang apa? ( yang -- kata sendi yer no ambiguous meaning intended)
yang .....what ?
clue : your previosu statement just now saying yang
perception sakit ni dari organ deria --------------- brain ( sensory cortex laaa)
so from ------------ to ---------------
but in certain pathology benda yg sama dilihat
sebab the direction of the impuls boleh juga berlaku dari _________________?????( or rather the perception centres....semua semua tu lah ) ......... |
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Category: Belia & Informasi