Semalam akak tngok satu rancangan kat Astro TVIQ ni pasal industri buat rambut pelesu kat India. apa yang buat akak terkejut monkey tu bila pengulas tu cakap yang rambut-rambut yang dah siap di cukur dari kepala orang India tu selain di buat rambut pelesu, ia turut di jadikan sebagai enhancer flavour in CHOCOLATE!!!! Euwww... bayangkan diorg letak rambut yang bergumpal2 tu dalam coklat yang kita makan ni! sakit pulak hati I bila dengar. terpaksa pikir dua kali nak makan coklat pasnih. Even ada sehelai rambut jatuh dalam makanan pun akak dah tak lalu hoccay. Inikan pulak terus jadi ramuan makanan!
tak ada bahan lain ker yang lebih seswaii nak jadi enhancer tuh?? Pasal tu lah sedap semacam je coklat2 nih, ada rambot rupanyerr .... |
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tak pernah plak aku makan coklat jumpa rambut ...coklat kat india je kot.. |
coklat ekslusif di india |
aku pun rs coklat kat negara sana je tu....isk {:2_78:} |
a'ah aku pun tgk semalam. terkejut meerkat aku !!! dah lah bini aku suka buat moist cake salut segantang coklat!!!! abih la perut aku penuh dgn rambut depa nih...adoila!!!!! |
awat depa nak pakai enhancer kat coklat ekkk??? cocoa tuh tak dak perisa ka??? abih tuh ayaq milo tuh lagi banyak rambut la !!!! |
nasib aku x suka coklat |
adoi tak terbyg da bergantang2 cokelat aku telan ni!!!! |
owhh...yeke...rse2 kalo berak, kua mcm rambut2 x??? |
Post Last Edit by noell at 27-10-2009 17:26
nih aku mintak tolong cik google
Eating Human Hair by Another Name?
L-Cysteine from human hair is haram.
By Syed Rasheeduddin Ahmed
Posted: 26 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1422, 18 June 2001
Your bakery product may contain human hair and you may not even realizeit. It comes in the form of L-Cysteine, a non-essential amino acid.Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. There are 20 aminoacids of which 8 are essential for human growth. The amount of theseessential amino acids in a protein determines its quality. Casein, amilk protein, has the highest quality of protein whereas wheat proteinsare lacking in amino acid Lysine, so they have less quality than milkprotein.
L is refers to levorotatory a type of optical rotation of a compound under plane-polarized light.
L-Cysteine is used as a reducing agent in bakery products. It is used to:
Reduce the mixing time of the flour dough.
Stop shrinking of pizza crust after it is flattened.
Help move the dough through various bakery processing equipments or dough conditioners.
L-Cystein is used in Bagels, Croissants, Hard Rolls, Cake Donuts (fromhuman hair in Dunkin Donut's cake donuts only, Yeast raised donuts donot contain L-Cysteine), Pita Bread, some Crackers and Melba Toast. Itis also used as a nutrient in baby milk formula and dietary supplements.
The source of L-Cysteine is human hair, chicken feathers, cow horn,petroleum by-products and synthetic material. It was reported by a foodcompany that a Rabbi refused to Kosher certify L-cysteine from humanhair obtained from a temple in India where hairs are cut because ofreligious rituals.
L-Cysteine is manufactured in Japan, China and Germany only. Human hair is the cheapest source for L-cysteine.
Majority of L-Cysteine used in USA is from human hair, which is itscheapest source. There is no pressure from consumers in USA and Canadato ban it.
Some reports suggest that European Union countries are thinking to banthe use of L-Cystiene from human hair in food products. There is nopressure from consumers in USA and Canada to ban the L-Cysteine fromhuman hair. It is a haram product for Muslims because it is a part ofhuman body. Islam does not allow to consume any part of human body.Some Rabbis accept it as Kosher ingredient saying it is dead part ofthe body but some do not.
Majelis Ulema of Indonesia has halal certified L-Cysteine fromsynthetic material for Ajinomoto Company and this L-Cysteine is used inUSA by Caravan Products of New Jersey in their mixes for bakeryindustry.
Majority of L-Cysteine used in USA is from human hair, so please readthe ingredients on the package, if you find it call or write tomanufacturer and find out the source of L-Cysteine and also tell themthat you can not use it from human hair.
http://www.albalagh.net/halal/col2.shtml |
tak ada pun cakap chocolate contains human hair...sapa-sapa suka makan donut pizza segala...hah puas la makan rambut...the cheapest source lagik
patut la nyonya salon kat umah aku nih dok kumpul rambut org yg dia dah potong dalam guni... |
Biar bonar Aku ni dahlaa minat makan coklat, utk sejukkan ati ngan perut aku, sangka baik jela coklat dari india jek yg ada hair nih |
Errrrrrrrrr,,,,betui ka ni????
kalau disebarkan ni....konpem peratusan org yg sker makan coklat akan menurun......Company2 besar pembuat coklat mcm Cadbury tu konpemj susah hati bila dokumentari tu tersebar..huhuhuhuh................... |
Eee naik loya tekak aku baca. biar ke benar akak wei. mungkin kandungan rambut india tu boleh menyedapkan lagi rasa coklat tu gamaknya. manis2 kelat gitu rasanya. :geram: |
14# medangmru
Dokumentari tu disiarkan dlm slot Five Senses. Biasanya astro ni banyak ulangan kan. Kalau nasib baik dapat ler tengok proses buat rambut palsu tu. Diorg tak tunjuk cara-cara rambut tu dimasukkan dlm coklat cuma suara latar tu jer yang bagitahu. Tapi berdasarkan hasil gugelan oleh forumer Noell tu tadi akak berani jamin yg bukan coklat di India ni jer yg ada bahan L-Cysteine tu. Sah-sah kat sini pun ada. terpulanglah sama ada korang nak makan atau tidak, masing-masing punya selera. |
orh india di negara india mmg pelik sampaikan air kencing tikus pon blh minum konon utk sembugkan demam....aku penah tgk dlm rancangan ripleys believe it or not... |
pengotor betul la dorg ni... kalu la rambut org tu ada kutu ke... kelemumur yg bertempek2 ke... kudis kat kepala ke.... iskkk |
yuck..rambut dorg busuk..kepam |
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Category: Belia & Informasi