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1# advark
Kecuali Singapore dan Australia....
Perbelanjaan dari negara lain blh dilihat sebagai "permodenan angkatan tentera"...bkn "arm race"... |
betul tu.. hanya singapura dan Australia aja beria ia nak jadi polis kawasan asia |
biorkan dorang....duit byk benor sampai tak tahu apa nak buat..kite ni kawasan yg perlukan pembangunan masih banyak lagi.. |
Bior lah timbalan sheriff nak bebelanja besor kat pertahanan...Malaysia sikit pon x terancam... |
malaysia tak perlu ikut2 singapore atau aussy , belanja ikut mampu je .. and pada asset2 yg strategist dan penting jee ...SG and aussie tu bayang2 sendiri pun takut :geram: |
Post Last Edit by belacan79 at 19-10-2009 14:47
Urmm..Singapore`s defence budget is 11.45 billion this year or during that time close to USD 9 billion. At current exchange rate, it is USD 8.2 billion.
Reference :
It should hit 13 billion soon. Actual troop numbers is actually 73,000 + 350,000 = 423,000 - 425,000. This is excluding para-military units from the police and civil defence forces and the the number of citizens military trained.
A large part of the the australian budget go to army personnel as taxes are very high unlike My or SG plus overseas deployments. |
6# w_md_harris
kalo tgk kat militarynuts forumer die org sendiri mengaku yang diorg paraniod bila mesia dapat toy2 baru.. |
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