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Jetpod Crash!

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Post time 17-8-2009 11:13 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Inventor killed in Jetpod crash
                                        By RASLAN BAHAROM                                                                                       
  TAIPING: A prototype of the ‘flying taxi’ belonging to British-basedAvcen Ltd crashed and burst into flames during a test flight from Tekahairstrip, killing its inventor Michael Robert Dacre.

Dacre, 53,who is also Avcen’s managing director, died in the 12.30pm crashyesterday. He was piloting the newly-assembled Jetpod.

   Disasterscene: Fire and rescue personnel checking the wreckage of the Jetpodwhich crashed during the test flight in Taiping yesterday.

AvcenLimited Malaysia is based at Patimas Technology Centre, TechnologyPark, Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur and Dacre had intended for theeight-seater flying taxi to be ready in 2010.

Taiping deputypolice chief Supt Syed Abdul Wahab Abdul Majid said Dacre sufferedsevere burns and injuries and died at the scene.

The incident was witnessed by many residents including retired soldier Halim Hamid.
Halim,50, who resides at nearby Taman Saujana Jaya said he was scoopingshrimps to feed his pet fish at a pond about 50m from where theaircraft had crashed.

“Earlier, I saw it revving down the runwaythrice but it could not take off and later another three times in theopposite direction.”

“However, on the fourth run, the jet tookoff but at about 200m high, it shot vertically to the sky beforeveering to the left and falling to the ground.”

“There was a loud explosion when it crashed and firemen who were at the scene managed to put out the blaze,” said Halim.
He said the Jetpod, brought in parts in a lorry container, arrived at the airstrip about a week ago.

Policepersonnel at the scene were seen collecting the pilot’s burnt anddismembered limbs from the wreckage before sending them to the Taipinghospital mortuary.

Some of the residents said a co-pilot hadwanted to accompany the deceased on the test flight but the latter wasagainst it and decided to fly alone instead.

Several Royal Malaysian Air Force personnel were at the scene to check the wreckage of the aircraft.
This crash is wayyyy too near to my parents house. How can the authority approved the first flight of an experimental aircraft too near to dense residential area. Thank God no one at the ground is hurt. Sadly, the pilot and the inventor of this aircraft died. The Jetpod is an interesting concept, hopefully the project will still be continued eventhough the inventor has passed away. Just do the first flight somewhere else...

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Post time 17-8-2009 11:31 AM | Show all posts
Somewhere else? Where?

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 Author| Post time 17-8-2009 11:43 AM | Show all posts
any airfield which is far away from dense population area... ini kira cam X plane dah nih...

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Post time 17-8-2009 11:48 AM | Show all posts
UK aviation entrepreneur dies in Malaysia plane crash

Michael Robert Dacre killed when aircraft he was test piloting crashed during takeoff from Taiping airstrip, Sunday 16 August 2009 15.11 BST

A pilot who died when his plane crashed during a test flight in Malaysia today has been described as an aviation entrepreneur.

Michael Robert Dacre was killed when the plane he was test piloting crashed during takeoff from an airstrip in Taiping, Malaysian police said.

The 53-year-old was flying a Jetpod aircraft, developed by his UK-based company, AVCEN, when the accident happened.

The plane, which was being tried out at the Tekah airstrip, is being developed to take off and land in short distances and cruise at low levels.

It would need only 125 metres (410ft) to take off or land, allowing runways to be constructed close to city centres, and would be quiet enough to not be noticeable above the noise of traffic.

Professor Jeff Jupp, who worked as an aerospace consultant on Dacre's project in the UK, said the crash victim had a lot of flying experience.

"He was a typical aviation entrepreneur," he said. "He was very keen on his project ... he saw a market for it.

"He was very prepared to take on expert opinion – not dogmatic at all – and he was very enthusiastic, driving the project on personally.

"I thought his idea was very interesting. It could have been a useful addition to the aviation scene."

Mohd Sobri Abdullah, the senior officer of the Taiping fire and rescue service, told the Malaysian Bernama news agency that fire and rescue personnel had been stationed at the airstrip at the request of the company before the crash.

He said the plane had reached an altitude of 200 metres when it plunged to the ground and burst into flames.

The Department of Civil Aviation is investigating the cause of the crash.

Sources : ... lled-malaysia-crash


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Post time 17-8-2009 11:50 AM | Show all posts
Baru-baru ini Lapangan Terbang Tekah, telah digunakan oleh Bravo Bateri, 3 Arti untuk demo FSB (Fire Support Base) dan Latihan Anduh Bawah untuk Meriam 105mm PH (Eks. Sambar Helang). Agaknya kalau terlucut, jatuh atas rumah orang tak???...........

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Post time 17-8-2009 11:56 AM | Show all posts
itulah tak sangka kat Malaysia ada test X-PLANE.......

berita sedih untuk Industri Aeroangkasa Malaysia.....

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 Author| Post time 17-8-2009 12:00 PM | Show all posts
Baru-baru ini Lapangan Terbang Tekah, telah digunakan oleh Bravo Bateri, 3 Arti untuk demo FSB (Fire Support Base) dan Latihan Anduh Bawah untuk Meriam 105mm PH (Eks. Sambar Helang). Agaknya kalau ter ...
zulupapa Post at 17-8-2009 11:50

You guys bawak equipment and pakai procedure yang dah proven. So the risk of arti tu tertanggal jatuh atas rumah orang agak rendah. Jetpod ni experimental aircraft and unfortunately, the crash happens during its maiden flight. Macam korang tau, first flight of an experimental aircraft risk dia sangat tinggi di mana probability of a crash amat tinggi. Sbb tu aku tak setuju dia buat kat kawasan yang terlalu hampir dengan penempatan high density.

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 Author| Post time 17-8-2009 12:01 PM | Show all posts
itulah tak sangka kat Malaysia ada test X-PLANE.......

berita sedih untuk Industri Aeroangkasa Malaysia.....
HangPC2 Post at 17-8-2009 11:56

Hopefully projek aircraft ni tak berkubur dengan kematian inventor dia...

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 Author| Post time 17-8-2009 12:40 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by escortburuk at 17-8-2009 12:42

Gambar Jetpod before the crash. Picture credit to W Goh from



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Post time 17-8-2009 12:49 PM | Show all posts
Taiping / Tekah airstrip



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Post time 17-8-2009 02:29 PM | Show all posts
10# HangPC2

Gambaq nie time biler eik .. aku ingat tekah dah jadik padang rumput sebab las aku pegi masa tu ada cub prix kat area dekat situ tekah dah jadik macam padang rumput ka depa dah pepair balik tekah nie  ada sesaper leh bagi info sikit ...

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Post time 17-8-2009 08:51 PM | Show all posts
X-Plane mcm ni, takde safety procedures ke mcm emergency chutes..?

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Post time 17-8-2009 10:51 PM | Show all posts
x-plane bagus utk malaysai...tapi baru ja nak start inventor lak mati...harap projek ni diteruskan......

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 Author| Post time 18-8-2009 10:48 AM | Show all posts
Jetpod flight plan not filed

TAIPING: No flight plan was filed for the maiden test flight of the Jetpod which crashed at the Tekah airstrip here on Sunday, killing its inventor Michael Robert Dacre.

The Civil Aviation Department said the test flight was not registered in the Civil Aircraft Register.

“Any aircraft flight in Malaysia must comply with the Civil Aviation Act 1969 and Civil Aviation Regulations 1996,’’ DCA director general Datuk Azharuddin Abd Rahman said in a statement yesterday.

On Sunday, a prototype of a “flying taxi” belonging to British company Avcen Ltd crashed and burst into flames during a test flight at the Tekah airstrip.

Dacre died in the incident after suffering severe burns and injuries.

Meanwhile, the police here was never consulted over the test flight.

Taiping deputy OCPD Superintent Syed A. Wahab Syed A. Majid said since the airstrip was surrounded by housing schemes, advice from the police should have been sought.

“Although we are not empowered to approve or disapprove the maiden test flight, we would have studied the matter and given our views because we must also think about the safety of civilians in the vicinity,” he said.

MCA vice chairman Datuk Ho Cheng Wang said the Tekah airstrip was no longer surrounded by jungles as in the old days.

“The airstrip is now surrounded by housing estates and who is going to be responsible had the plane crashed into some houses in the vicinity?” he asked.

The airstrip is not suitable for conducting test flights and the Civil Aviation Department should take action.

Meanwhile, Dacre’s body remained unclaimed at the Taiping Hospital.

Supt Syed A. Wahab said the body would be released to a representative of the British High Commission soonest possible.

He said a pathologist had sent tissue samples for a DNA test but the cause of death had yet to be ascertained.

When contacted, a British High Commission spokesman said the necessary consular assistance would be provided to the victim’s family.

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Post time 18-8-2009 07:46 PM | Show all posts
hanya bomba yg diberitahu tentang test flt tuh...jabatan2 lainnya tak tau....

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Post time 19-8-2009 09:35 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 19-8-2009 01:00 PM | Show all posts
Wing dia macam B2 bomber sikit, cuma tak sweptback jer. Patut boleh buat STOL.
Copy the Flying wing.

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Post time 19-8-2009 03:00 PM | Show all posts
design die cantik.....kalau wat tengok exercise ni molek jugak....tu pasal agaknya tudm pun minat...

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Post time 19-8-2009 04:22 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by thamrong at 19-8-2009 16:24

Low budget experimental aircraft.....too risky in terms of safety.  Aircraft design and development is a rocket science...need big budget, strong technology team and proper facilities, not at some obscure place and by one-freaking-mat-salleh-one-man-show....this guy is lunatic. I hope Malaysian government has nothing to do with this stunt otherwise it looks like another episode of wasting taxpayers money. I put Malaysia on par with country like Brazil....but Brazilian developed good indigenous aviation technology. Our southern neighbor must have a field day..reading this article. Please lah 'Do The right thing: Not do thing right'

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Post time 19-8-2009 04:37 PM | Show all posts
I don't think this one got to do with gov. Most probably private initiative...

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