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surface to air missile (SAM) or ground-to-air missile (GTAM)
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dah ade ke topik yg bincang pasal ni??bukan ape,boleh share ape kelebihannya dan adakah ianya benar2 boleh menghapuskan ancaman udara.Sbb aku ade terbaca,kalau iran berjaya mendapatkan sistem s-300 terbaru dari russia,jadi us dan israel tidak akan dapat menyerang iran...
jadi mcm sgt berguna,terutamanya menentang negara yg mempunyai kekuatan udara yg kuat mcm negara selatan kite tu....
A surface to air missile (SAM) or ground-to-air missile (GTAM) is a missile designed to be launched from the ground to destroy aircraft. It is a type of anti-aircraft system.
Land-based SAMs can be deployed from fixed installations or mobilelaunchers, either wheeled or tracked. The tracked vehicles are usuallyarmoured vehicles specifically designed to carry SAMs. Larger SAMs maybe deployed in fixed launchers, but can be towed/re-deployed at will.The smallest SAMs are capable of being carried and launched by a singleperson. These types of SAM are also referred to as Man-Portable AirDefence Systems (MANPADS).Soviet MANPADS have been exported around the world and can still befound in many of their former client states. Other nations havedeveloped their own MANPADS. Ship-based SAMs are in widespread use.Virtually all surface warshipscan be armed with SAMs (see list below). In fact, naval SAMs are anecessity for all front-line surface warships. Some warship typesspecialise in anti-air warfare e.g. Ticonderoga-class cruisers equipped with the Aegis combat system or Kirov class cruisers with the S-300PMU Favorite missile system.
Targets for non-ManPAD SAMs will usually be acquired by air-search radar, then tracked before/while a SAM is "locked-on" and then fired. Potential targets, if they are military aircraft, will be identified as friend or foe before being engaged.
Development of surface-to-air missiles began in Nazi Germany (hard pressed by Allied air superiority) during late World War II with missiles such as the Wasserfall though no working system was deployed before the war's end. |
klu ade yg ni gerenti sg glabah punye. |
| harganya xdala mahal sgt..vietnam pun dah beli 12 launchers dlm 300 juta jer..pastu xpayah maintanance plak tuh..kire ok la xtahula russia nak jual ke tak... |
Balas #4 mamat2009\ catat
knp plak russia x nk jual sistem ni,hbngan malaysia-russia kan ok 2,3 thn ni??x slh vietnam beli
versi s-300 jer..maaf kalau salah kalau btl2 malaysia brminat utk bli benda ni lbih baik smbar
s-400 yg lbh hbat dr s-300 2.. |
Reply #4 mamat2009's post
tak yah maintenance? ini mazhab mana pulak nih?  |
hehe...mazhab??erm aku terbace ler...xtahu la betul ke tak...
ni aku paste kan balik...
he S-300 is a series of Russian long range surface-to-air missile systems produced by the Almaz Scientific Industrial Corporation all based on the initial S-300P version. The S-300 system was developed to defend against aircraft and cruise missiles for the Soviet Air Defence Forces. Subsequent variations were developed to intercept ballistic missiles.The S-300 system was first deployed by the USSRin 1979, designed for the air defense of large industrial andadministrative facilities, military bases, and control of airspaceagainst enemy strike aircraft.
The project-managing developer of the S-300 is Russian Almazcorporation (government owned, aka "KB-1") which is currently a part of"Almaz-Antei" Air Defense Concern. S-300 uses missiles developed by MKB "Fakel" design bureau (a separate government corporation, aka "OKB-2").
The S-300 is also capable of destroying ballistic missile targets, and is regarded as one of the most potent anti-aircraft missile systems currently fielded[2].Its radars have the ability to simultaneously track up to 100 targetswhile engaging up to 12. S-300 deployment time is five minutes.[3][dead link] The S-300 missiles are sealed rounds and require no maintenance over their lifetime. An evolved version of the S-300 system is the S-400 (NATO reporting name SA-21), entering service in 2004.
tak yah maintenance? ini mazhab mana pulak nih? 
tin Post at 19-6-2009 23:19  |
sebenarnya sistem ni boleh cover medium of course la,kalau combine dgn buk-m2 lagi cun kan..ape pendapat cifu2?
kasik ada MRAD dulu...
tin Post at 19-6-2009 23:20  |
Tajuk hang tu general sangat...kalau nak cerita SAM dalam ATM...dah ada dah...cuma kita berkehendakkan sangat MRAD....
p.s. nafsu hang besaq no....nak pakai S-400! |
hehe..bkn nafsu,tp keperluan.wlpun bkn s-400,s-300 versi baru dah cukup untuk malaysia.nak kate mahal sgt pun xdalah...contoh viet bayar 300 m untuk 12 pelancar...kire xdala mahal sgtkan...sbb contoh,18 unit astros II pun belanja rm750+++ juta..
jadi kalau ikut keperluan, pertahanan dari pencerobohan udara lagi pentingkan....
dah ade ke tajuk mcmni atau pun yg lebih khusus???
Tajuk hang tu general sangat...kalau nak cerita SAM dalam ATM...dah ada dah...cuma kita berkehendakkan sangat MRAD....
p.s. nafsu hang besaq no....nak pakai S-400!
alphawolf Post at 21-6-2009 08:00  |
11# mamat2009
Ye la keperluan...tapi kalau dah sampai level S-400..... |
hehe..aku xckp pun s400...lagi pun versi export russia cume s300 je...tu pun dah cukup nak cover dlm 200 km++....
so kalu beli dlm 24 launchers (1 bata:4 pelancar),jadi dpt 6 batalions..
2 di selatan,2 di utara,1 pahang,1 sabah/sarawak....
11# mamat2009
Ye la keperluan...tapi kalau dah sampai level S-400.....
alphawolf Post at 22-6-2009 07:54  |
beli kita beli ..
mr cool guy in da town a.k.a malik mesti setuju jugak .. |
sistem akash india pun ok gak kan...tapi kalau dapat sistem S300 lagi baguss. TUDM akan mempunyai kelebihan utk melakukan pemintasan pesawat asing secara jarak sederhana atau jauh jauh. Dgn ini TUDM mempunyai cukup masa untuk membuat persediaan melancarkan pesawat pejuang negara. . setahu aku TUDM tidak mempunyai sebarang sistem pertahanan udara yang beroperasi didarat. kecuali Starbust sahaja..adakh sistem jarak dekat mampu menangkis ancaman pesawat pejuang yang mempunayi keupayaan Stand off. |
14# mamat2009
Sori, salah orang...yang cadang S-400 tu uboat...hehehe |
weh.....bila kiter beli S-300 ni???? |
8# mamat2009
yang tak yah selenggara tu peluru berpandunya. sistemnya tetap kena selenggara.
pon begitu, peluru berpandu ni kena jugak dibuat test untuk pastikan dia tak kong. dan kena gak wat selenggara untuk pastikan dia boleh beroperasi dgn baik. |
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