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Company Advertising (Billboard)
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Ade sape sape tak kat sni yg ada company advertising?
Company yang ade lesen untuk pacak billboard etc..
Owner only ek..
Please PM aku.
Tenkiu. |
Hello dear sir or lady : My name is tian bao long from china , i'm selling LED trivision billboard . it is anormal trivision billboard in the day and show three different posters , but at night , the face with LED lights will stop rolling and it will become a LED colour screen ,which can show many different advertising videos , i think that we could on business together Skype robinwanpersie International QQ 345256021 Email [email protected]
welcome to Hong Hai Group
skype ID robinwanpersie international QQ 345256021
Allah bless you God bless you |
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Category: Belia & Informasi