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2 network, separate connection
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opis aku ada kabel network and wifi network. so, boleh tak aku connect both, tp kegunaan berasingan, i.e.:
Lotus Notes guna network cable; lain2 (net surfing/downloading), guna wifi. bagaimana nk setting, if possible. |
Balas #1 yowa2\ catat
wifi yg ko maksudkan tu
maksud ko ada 2 id berlainan atau 1 router?
2 id berlainan ni maksudnya 1 streamyx n 1 lagi wireless broadband cam celcom broadband tu?
masalahnya.... erk, kena cite la ni.
kat opis ni, lotus notes/sametime/pidgin IM, kena guna cable network, i.e. connect dengan company's network (with full of restrictions).
kalau connect dgn wifi lak, boleh le aku jalankan aktiviti download aku.
nope. bukan celcom or maxis broadband. ni mmg company's wifi.
rasanya, ID cable network n wifi, mmg berbeza. kalau aku connect wifi, mmg tak lepas IM aku. kalau aku guna wifi, then connect aventail, rasanya aku akan kena ape segala restriction being in the secured network.
so, itula objective aku. sambil wat keje, sambil donwload. ekekekeke |
Reply #1 yowa2's post
boleh, but you have to understand routing. you have to manually create route for each app/request so that each app/request will go to specific gateway. google about routing and understand it.
senang jer.
1. IP LAN (contoh
2. Gateway LAN (contoh
3. password admin (kalau windows XP, or kalau bukan admin vista)
1. pasti kan dah dapat IP LAN
2. cucuk wifi & pastikan dapat connection
3. Windows Vista: mesti cari command prompt kat start menu, right click command prompt kat start manu, run as admin. Windows XP: start, run, type cmd, OK; or boleh run dari start menu macam kat vista.
4. kat command prompt type:
route add mask
tekan enter
format dia:
route add [destination] mask [subnet mask] [gateway]
kat destination tu, tu, 192 tu part pertama IP LAN, yang 0 tu, memang kosong lah.
ni lagi contoh2 bagi paham
IP LAN: destination:
IP LAN: destination:
IP LAN: destination:
subnet mask tu bubuh jer
dah buat boleh test. nak test local susah la jugak nak ajar sebab tak tau kau punya network mcm mana. anyway, nak senang just download torrent, kalau boleh maknanya connection wifi tu dah ok. lepas tu try access network local, copy file dari pc kawan. kalau tak boleh, maknanya problem la.
yang terrer2 tu, cara nak test guna tracert. tracert ke node local yg di luar subnet kita, tengok dia keluar ikut gateway mana. lepas tu ping test wifi connection tu.
kalau dah berjaya, tiba2 1 hari wifi tak boleh pakai, masuk balik command prompt as admin, type
route print
kat bawah dia ada tulis persistent route.
just type
route delete x.x.x.x
x.x.x.x tu persistent route.
delete semua persistent route, lepas tu repeat balik step atas tadi.
[ Last edited by bobok at 17-12-2008 12:31 AM ] |
Reply #9 sayap's post
just want to add; after the first setting, create a batch file to delete and recreate the routes. this way you just double click on the batch file instead of having to manually create the routes.
lupa lak. kalau kompeni kecik pakai 1 subnet jer lagi senang. just set IP LAN manually tanpa gateway. |
batch file tu kat vista kena right click, run as admin.
Originally posted by oobi at 17-12-2008 01:17 AM
just want to add; after the first setting, create a batch file to delete and recreate the routes. this way you just double click on the batch file instead of having to manually create the routes.
Originally posted by sayap at 17-12-2008 12:09 PM
batch file tu kat vista kena right click, run as admin.
correct. but if you already gave youself appropriate permission, you don't have to. also, turn off that annoying user account control.
so kalo company ada buat restriction melalui wired LAN maknanya boleh bypass pakai wifi ker? |
Originally posted by saifulz at 18-12-2008 10:10
so kalo company ada buat restriction melalui wired LAN maknanya boleh bypass pakai wifi ker?
yup. LAN ade certain restrictions; klu keje luar mmg kena guna VPN (xpnh try). wifi lak ade sedia untuk tetamu; mmg xboleh akses company's network, just internet. so, websites not really restricted, (torrent, mirc blocked).
hm... rumit tu. aku ingat kena set kat browser ke ape ke, soh guna connection memane.
btw, kalau malas nk guna wifi (of course net cable better), aku guna Ultrasuft ntk bypass. tp connection jd kureng la. |
Originally posted by sayap at 17-12-2008 00:30
senang jer.
1. IP LAN (contoh
2. Gateway LAN (contoh
3. password admin (kalau windows XP, or kalau bukan admin vista)
1. pasti kan dah dapat IP ...
wow... menarik!
errr, fokus guna WINXP je, boleh? hohoho. |
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