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Author: iLYaNi

Tertanya-tanya tak.."where is the right guy"..dah pupus ke

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Post time 1-6-2010 08:54 AM | Show all posts
He is my "right guy " now.. for the time being.. even though he's 23 years older than me..

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Post time 1-6-2010 05:50 PM | Show all posts
aku dulu jumpa when i gave up trying to find him. hehehe. rezeki...

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Post time 2-6-2010 09:43 AM | Show all posts
Reply 728# kiki009

Mungkin akak kena luaskan skop pencarian akak kepada lelaki yang lebih junior dari akak. Mana tahu mr right akak junior dari akak.

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Post time 25-6-2010 09:30 AM | Show all posts
mr right guy dh xde... semue tinggal yg lebih kureng je...


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Post time 25-6-2010 01:59 PM | Show all posts
Reply 744# joss

    i have to agree with u......huhuhuhu

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Post time 15-7-2010 10:26 PM | Show all posts
Ada lah tu... cuma tak jumpa lagi... tapi jangan harapkan Mr Right kiter tu 100% perfect... so terima lah dia seadanya....

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Post time 16-7-2010 02:07 AM | Show all posts
ala...kat board sini ader sorang...kalau nk tahu sila pm CEO beserta no telepon skali yer...
nanti CEO bagitau sapa dia right guy tu...

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Post time 18-7-2010 01:55 PM | Show all posts
Reply 743# sauffie

macam kisah cinta ko ker??

aku pun fikir mcm tu..
rasanya aku dpt y muda dr aku..
coz y tua or sebaya dr aku mostly dh taken...
skrg ni pun byk berkenalan dgn y muda..
tapi so far y muda nie nak main2 jer..

so..i keep waiting..
rasanya ada je mr rite aku..cuma mr rite aku tu tak pandang aku...

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Post time 19-7-2010 10:29 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1# iLYaNi

    i pun tercari2 gak..sbb asyik dapat yg tak ryte jer..letih la nak hadap..huwaaa

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Post time 19-7-2010 10:34 AM | Show all posts
lama dah pupus....

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Post time 19-7-2010 12:53 PM | Show all posts
merah pon tertnya2 n entah la. mcm x nmpk ja calon2 nya. bayang2 pon x nmpk. adoi

susah btol la, takud laa. merah hope dpt jmpa sum1 gak. even merah bru 22 tp merah nk sgt ada sum1 d cc n maybe kawin? emmm. lambt lagi lah rsanya...

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Post time 19-7-2010 12:58 PM | Show all posts
merah pon tertnya2 n entah la. mcm x nmpk ja calon2 nya. bayang2 pon x nmpk. adoi

susah btol la,  ...
Merah_Lulu Post at 19-7-2010 12:53


never fear...nuox is here

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Post time 19-7-2010 01:04 PM | Show all posts
never fear...nuox is here
nuoxster Post at 19-7-2010 12:58

hahaha. yahh rite?

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Post time 19-7-2010 01:04 PM | Show all posts
hahaha. yahh rite?
Merah_Lulu Post at 19-7-2010 13:04

yes dear..i'm here 4 n forever..

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Post time 19-7-2010 01:07 PM | Show all posts
gelii. haha

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Post time 19-7-2010 01:19 PM | Show all posts
gelii. haha
Merah_Lulu Post at 19-7-2010 13:07

geli xpe, jgn giler suda..huhu

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Post time 19-7-2010 01:24 PM | Show all posts
prefer gila sndri dari gila bout love. hahaha

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Post time 19-7-2010 01:52 PM | Show all posts
prefer gila sndri dari gila bout love. hahaha
Merah_Lulu Post at 19-7-2010 13:24

sama la kita..hehe

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Post time 19-7-2010 01:56 PM | Show all posts
sama la kita..hehe
nuoxster Post at 19-7-2010 13:52

bagus lah kalau sama. no love, no cry. tp bila kna tnya2? cry jugakkk. wakaka

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Post time 19-7-2010 02:15 PM | Show all posts
bagus lah kalau sama. no love, no cry. tp bila kna tnya2? cry jugakkk. wakaka
Merah_Lulu Post at 19-7-2010 13:56

emmmm...betul3....errr..rasanya kita dah lari dari tajuk utama thred ni..sblm tok batin potong krdt, nuox nak larik dulu huhu

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