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iPhone 3G

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Post time 10-6-2008 11:36 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
iPhone 3G suda kuar ...

Almost one year after the original Apple iPhone went on sale, Apple CEO Steve Jobs has announceda 3G version of the device, finally putting to rest months of rumorsand speculation. While some of the rumors panned out--the new handsetwill offer full GPS--other rumors, like the addition of a 32GB model, fizzled. But even with the long list of basic features that Apple still is denying us (hello multimedia messaging?), the addition of 3G supportis a big win. If data speeds hold up as Jobs demonstrated (more on thatlater), the new iPhone really will put the Internet in your pocket. Wealso approve of the new price: $199 for the 8GB model and $299 for the16GB version, a pleasing price for all but the poor souls who shelledout nearly $600 a year ago. The new iPhone will go on sale July 11.

Though the iPhone 3G is thinner at the edges than its predecessor, the phone measures a hair thicker (0.48 inches versus 0.46 inches) in the gut. The other measurementsare the same except that it weighs just the slightest bit less (4.7ounces versus 4.8 ounces). Otherwise, the iPhone 3G shows few cosmeticchanges from the front--same display size and resolution, and thesingle Home button sits just below the screen. We're very pleased tosee that Apple has done away with the irritating recessed headphonejack, which now is flush so that you'll be able to use any 3.5mmheadphones you like.
But turn over the iPhone 3G, and you'll see more significantchanges. A black, plastic skin replaces the current silver-aluminumback. The swap may cut the cost, but we worry about its long-termdurability. The 8GB model will come in black only, while Apple promisesthe 16GB version in back and white. The white model is a bit random--wewere expecting something in red--butcolor is a personal choice. The camera lens, volume rocker, chargerport, speaker, microphone, power button, and display locking switchshow no changes. Our colleaguegot a hands-on with the new device and reports that it feels similar inthe hand to the current model, with the exception of the tapered edges.

With support for three 3G bands (850, 1900, 2100) and bothUMTS and HSDPA networks, the iPhone 3G is well positioned for usinghigh-speed networks all around the world. Considering that Apple ispromising to bring the device to 70 countries, it had better be. Duringhis WWDC keynote, Jobs compared Web download speeds between the twoiPhones. On the original model, which runs on a 2.5G EDGE network, aphoto-heavy Web site loaded in 59 seconds, while the same site loadedin 21 seconds on the new device--impressive, but we take it with agrain of salt for now. After all, the demo iPhone in today's keynotewas the only iPhone in the room using AT&T's 3G network. Once amultitude of devices flood the same network, load times may change.

This is one feature that was on our original iPhone wish list.While the current iPhone location services find your position vianearby cell phone towers and satellites, the iPhone 3G uses Assisted GPSsupplemented by satellites. It also offers live tacking so you canmonitor your progress as you drive (or walk) along. We're excited tosee this feature as well, as it fills in another gaping hole on theoriginal handset. You'll also find photo geotagging, but we're not sureyet whether the iPhone 3G or any third-party applications will supportturn-by-turn directions.

Third-party apps
Speaking of which, the iPhone 3G will indeed support the collection of appsavailable through the iPhone SDK--no surprise here. Apple promises toopen apps store in early July (Apple didn't release an exact date);we're guessing by July 11. Gaming apps should feature prominently; manywill integrate with the phone's accelerometer.

Enterprise support
Worker bees will be pleased to know thatthe iPhone 3G will offer support for Microsoft Exchange Server. Thatwill bring push e-mail, contacts and calendar, remote wipe, globalcontacts access, and auto-discovery. That's another welcome change asit puts the iPhone in the hands of a whole new class of corporate userswho now will be able to get their work e-mail on the iPhone

Battery life
Last year Jobs said that Apple had not included3G in the first iPhone because it would have made too many compromiseswith the handset's battery life. But now it appears that Apple hassolved that problem. The iPhone 3G promises a solid 5 hours of 3G talktime, 10 hours of 2G talk time, 5 hours of 3G Internet time, 6 hours ofWi-Fi Internet time, 7 hours of video playback, 24 hours of audioplayback, and 12.5 days standby time. The audio and video times areunchanged from the original iPhone.

What else?
Since the latest iPhone will support the 2.0software, additional new features will show up at launch and beyond,including contacts search, iWork document support, the capability toview PowerPoint attachments, bulk move and delete, a scientificcalculator in landscape mode, parental controls, and support for 16languages. You'll also be able to use a graffiti-style application forentering characters in Asian languages.

What's missing?
Unfortunately, we hoped for an even largerbundle of features in this round. Apple still leaves multimediamessaging out of the mix along with voice dialing and video recording.We still don't understand why Apple can't include these basic features,many found in even the cheapest and simplest cell phones. We were alsohoping for a landscape keyboard, the capability to cut and paste, Flashsupport for the Safari Web browser, expanded memory, and additionalBluetooth profiles. Apple, you left us hanging in a big way. It's alsodisappointing to hear that the dock is now sold separately for $49, butwe suppose that helped cut the price. No, you don't needthe dock, but it's nice to have. Even the power adapter and the SIMcard removal tool that now come in the box won't make up for its loss.

Should you buy it?
If you're an iPhone fence-sitter, now'sthe time. The addition of 3G and GPS, the affordable price tag, andextra features from the iPhone 2.0 software update make the iPhone 3G aworthy prospect. Unlike the previous iPhone, which we liked andrecommended with reservations, we're much happier with what this newhandset has to offer. iPhone 3G isn't perfect, but there's a lot tolike here and we approach the device with much anticipation. We'llupdate this page with a full, rated review once we get our hands on thehardware.



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Post time 10-6-2008 11:43 AM | Show all posts
ayo...bape plak ni?

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Post time 10-6-2008 11:54 AM | Show all posts
brapa harga benda nih? mau cecah RM3K nih

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Post time 10-6-2008 12:33 PM | Show all posts
xsampai rm3k pon rasenyer... kat US diorg jual 199usd(8gb) n 299usd(16gb).
Klu convert ke RM - 199usd=rm650, 299usd=rm970..
So harge die aku rase xkan lebih RM1500 bile smpai mesia..

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Post time 10-6-2008 12:39 PM | Show all posts

Reply #4 zuddean's post

simple math mmg nampak murah.. tapi bila dah masuk mesia mcm2 tax yg kena nanti..
most probably up to 3k nehh

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 Author| Post time 10-6-2008 12:58 PM | Show all posts
design lebey kurang dengan iPhone lama ..

cuma tepi die nipis skit ... and abit thicker than previous model ..

heres a few fact ..

  • We did a quick data test -- at our location we went from104Kbps on the EDGE iPhone to 215Kbps on the 3G model. 2x ain't bad, yo.
  • Theenable/disable 3G setting is real, and buried a few menus deep. Thereis no automatic switching, Apple just assumes you'll leave 3G on, andthat the iPhone has the juice to support that usage.
  • It's tri-band 3G, as we reported the other day. This same phone will ship worldwide.
  • WiFi is still 802.11b/g, no support for n yet.
  • Yes, that GPS is A-GPS, just as we mentioned.
  • Geotaggingphotos is a thumbs-up. We were deep indoors though, so native GPSwasn't working and we couldn't get a clear idea of satelliteacquisition time.
  • The screen looks exactly the same -- maybe a tiny bit brighter, but the unit was new, so it'd be negligible.
  • The camera is identical to the first -- 2 megapixels. No front-facing camera (of course).
  • It'scertainly thicker feeling, but they rocked it Treo-style and reallytapered those edges, so it just doesn't feel that different. Butbecause of that curved back, it'll dance around on your table a littlemore than your completely-flat original iPhone.
  • Theplastic back didn't feel too cheap. In fact, it felt pretty solid. It'svery glossy, so it'll pick up fingerprints just as well as the glass upfront (yay).
  • It comes with a ridiculously, absurdly smallpower adapter. It basically looks like a tiny square with a USB port onone side, and power prongs on the other. It will power any otheriDevice (iPod touch, 1st gen iPhone, etc.), and sell separately forthose that want a smaller adapter.
  • The dock (now soldseparately) and adapter (if you want an extra) will both go forsomething like $29, although that price is not yet confirmed.
  • No mention was made of copy/paste, MMS, etc.
  • Itdoesn't look like this thing is going to fit in your old dock. The newdock does look smaller and more sculpted to the new iPhone's curves.
  • Theheadphone jack is flush, as mentioned. It's still 3.5mm, so if youdon't like the out of box phones (which won't stay in our ears), bringyour own, no problem -- and no adapter needed!
  • Yes, original iPhones are totally gone, you won't be seeing those made anymore. Long live the aluminum back!
It looks like they took an amazing device and made it significantlybetter. If the battery life is as good as they claim, we think thiswill steamroll the competition in the enterprise space. And even if itdoesn't, at $199 it's going to be extremely hard for people to resist.


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Post time 11-6-2008 02:54 PM | Show all posts
aku tengok harga phone kat malaysia dgn overseas lebih kurang sama, tengok mana2 company kat us yg jual online dan bandingkan hp yg ada kat pasaran kita kadang2 sana lagi mahal pada sini. jadi rasanya iphone 3g ni tak akan mencecah rm1000 kot. masalahnya tak tau bila akan dijual di malaysia sebab malaysia memang takda dalam senarai langsung,

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Reign This user has been deleted
Post time 11-6-2008 03:34 PM | Show all posts

Reply #7 skimax2's post

Baru2 keluar Biasanya RM 1900++ punya...

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Post time 11-6-2008 04:44 PM | Show all posts
iphone 3G ni jangka mula jual 11Julai ni tapi Malaysia tak pulak masuk senarai penerima awal....mungkin sebab iphone ni hanya masuk pasaran yg ada tied-up dengan service provider saja, sebab tu harga paling murah USD199....paling dekat yg terima iphone S'pore.:victory:

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Post time 12-6-2008 12:22 AM | Show all posts
kalau aku jual iphone baru nih dlm RM1500 laku tak? aku tanya sbb aku skrg kat hk, antara country yg dpt awal iphone ni....kalau ada demand, aku nak jugak sambar few pcs dan jual kat msia....any comment?

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Post time 12-6-2008 08:44 AM | Show all posts

Reply #10 weera's post

HK jual iphone tak ada contract ngan service provider ke?.... kalau kat Matahari terbit ni iphone tied up ngan softbank...kurang2 2 thn contract.

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Post time 12-6-2008 11:44 AM | Show all posts
kat sini ada option whehter nak amik ngan contract atau, kalau nak bawak balik msia nanti, boleh la beli hp saja...tapi nak tgk feedback dulu...kalau ada demand, boleh la selit sekali kat dlm luggage.....

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Post time 12-6-2008 11:47 AM | Show all posts
apsal kita selalu je lambat dapat...........

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Post time 12-6-2008 12:09 PM | Show all posts
kat sini ada option whehter nak amik ngan contract atau, kalau nak bawak balik msia nanti, boleh la beli hp saja...tapi nak tgk feedback dulu...kalau ada demand, boleh la selit sekali kat dlm luggage.....

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Post time 12-6-2008 12:19 PM | Show all posts
aku rase kalo beli kat US...kalo nak guna kat sini nak kena unlock & jailbreak dulu laa...kalo tak takleh support local telco...dan mcm2 problem lagi...lagi satu kalo dah JB takleh nak update guna itunes...itu yg aku tahu la...semlm aku dah riki price utk iphone 3G kat supplier LYN...dia org cakap rega dia dlm lingkungan RM2K utk 8gb & RM2.5K utk 16gb...

Skrg nih dia org dah stop jual iphone yg lama...semuanye tunggu 11th July utk jual iphone 3G...aku berminat gak iphone nih...sampai hari masih lagi duk study pasal iphone & masalah far byk forum yg aku baca (malaysia punye la)...takde byk masalah tula..kalo beli drpd US direct...mmg nak kena unlock dulu...baru boleh pakai..kos utk unlock tak silap aku dlm RM80...itu je yg aku tahu...

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Post time 12-6-2008 12:33 PM | Show all posts

Reply #15 tossee's post

Latitude: 44

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Post time 12-6-2008 12:40 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by baba838 at 12-6-2008 12:33 PM
Latitude: 44

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Post time 12-6-2008 12:58 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by baba838 at 12-6-2008 12:33 PM
Latitude: 44

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Post time 12-6-2008 01:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18 medangmru's post

kampung halaman maria ozawa nih...

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Post time 12-6-2008 01:06 PM | Show all posts

Of course, $199 isn抰 the real price.  Don抰 be misled.  You, the customer, will be locked in a 2-year contract of monthly payments to the telco of your choice.
In the UK, O2 is offering the following:

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