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What Happen In Vegas~!
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aku da carik kat sume thread dalam nih tapi tak jumpe...
but kalu ada mod nampak tolg merge eg...
What Happens In Vegas
Cast: Cameron Diaz, Ashton Kutcher, Queen Latifah
Director: Tom Vaughan
Rating: 6.5/10
Joy (Cameron Diaz) is your classic yuppie-centric modern woman with her whole life planned out before her. Jack (Ashton Kutcher) is her polar opposite, a typical slacker who's definitely 'not boyfriend material.'
Unforeseen events cause these two to collide together in Vegas where they wake up the next morning to discover they're married and that one of them has won a huge jackpot after playing the other's quarter.
When the divorce they seek goes horribly wrong the two are left living together.
This sets the scene for the rest of the film as the two devise ever escalating schemes to undermine each other while trying to get their hands on the money.
While the plot for this film is as stale as the popcorn they serve at the cinema, the acting talent is definitely fresh.
Both Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz are born comedians and together with their supporting actors they transform the predictable plot into laugh-a-minute comedy gold (or at least silver).
Cameron gives a great performance, she seems to instinctively know her character 'the dumped fianc |
da release kn smlm? nmpaknye aku kene ngok gak ari nihh!
yehayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! t'ruja nk ngok Ashton  |
wah harus aku tgk dgr review ko noddyfarhana |
citer nie pasal adala satu kata hikmat kat kat situ popular...
what happens in las vegas... stilll in las vegs....
maknanya macam 2x akan berlaku, adakala diluar jangkaan kiter,.....
tahu 2x perkara tue dah jadi.... |
dh tgk isnin yg baru lps..
leh tahan la cite ni.. memula masa tgk gezet je aku rasa cite ni ntah apa2, tapi ok la.. klaka masa dorg nak kenakan satu sama lain.. |
Reply #6 laislabonita's post
spoiler alert......
Aku paling ske part yg si Jack & Joy lawan sape smpai dlu gi jupe kaunselor dorg.... mcm2 si Joy wat spaye Jack kalah... at last dua2 dtg saing pastuh 2-2 kusut masai  |
emmm....leh layan ni kat GC.... |
fly tgk semlm kat pavilion
tiket kul 6.35pm
mmg besh giler cite nie
lawak ... yg xtau nak ckp per
mmg x sangka diorg leh cam tuh
berdendam ... hehehehe
full house kat pavilion ...
cte ni agak best..tgk la aku mula2 tanak tgk sebab cameron ni LOL tapi bile da tgk tu cam ok lak |
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 11-5-2008 19:41 
fly tgk semlm kat pavilion
tiket kul 6.35pm
mmg besh giler cite nie
lawak ... yg xtau nak ckp per
mmg x sangka diorg leh cam tuh
berdendam ... hehehehe
full house kat pavilion ...
musti tk semayang mgrib..peot ke...
jgn mara aa  |
Sronot tgk smlm..kelakar..start dari awal sampai ending, gelak jerk!! Naperlah m抯ia tak leh buat lawak romantic yang cam nih..!! jalan crite simple, lakonan natural..!..
4/5 * |
Originally posted by generasi2 at 12-5-08 09:45 AM 
Sronot tgk smlm..kelakar..start dari awal sampai ending, gelak jerk!! Naperlah m抯ia tak leh buat lawak romantic yang cam nih..!! jalan crite simple, lakonan natural..!..
4/5 *
malaysia wat cite cam nie
huh ... berzaman la ...
kalau ada pun .. maybe gila-gila pengantin kot?
pelakon era, juliana banos n sape lagi ntah
tu kira boleh tahan la .... |
Reply #3 eddysheddy's post
ko kena tgk eddy...
rugi kalo tak tgk...
mae aku nak gi tgk wayang tuh secare spontan je...
tuh pon sebab kebosanan balik umah awal...
so aku pon megajak laki aku gi tgk...
ingat tak besh tapi starting je da besh...
ko memang patut tgk...
memang full hse mase aku gi ... |
Reply #15 fly_in_d_sky's post
ko da tgk gak kan?
cter nih memng besh akn?
aku tgk ari tuh tergelak aku dgn laki aku...
bengong tol ashton tuh kan..
dia memang serasi berlakon dgn cameron walaopon 1st time berganding dalam cter nih... |
Originally posted by arnabkiut at 12-5-2008 09:38 AM 
musti tk semayang mgrib..peot ke...
jgn mara aa
err.. mana hang tau tak solat maghrib..?
cite tu show kul 635ptg, mostly stat 10 minit kemudian after iklan, let say dlm 645ptg.. dan cite ni dlm 1 jam 30 minit je (slalunye org tak tunggu sampai kredit habis).. so, dan2 kuar tu lebih kurang kul 815ptg.. Isyak kat KL skrg ni dlm kul 833mlm.. so sempat nak solat maghrib..
tapi x tau la kut2 pasni ada yg dok berhujah lak, "tak elok lewat2 kan solat" ke..
tapi apa2 pun, aku rasa kat board movies tv ni tak perlu la nak bincang sgt pasal agama, itu hal masing2 dgn Tuhan, kite tak tau kan.. bukan aku nak kata avoid terus pasal agama ni.. tapi just bincang ikut kesesuaian.. lgpun forum Cari ni ada board MM, leh discuss sana.. (ni aku bukan perli, just bgtau je)..
kalau nak bincang hal agama, sah2 la tgk movie tu pun dh tak elok, pompuan nampak aurat bagai semua tu..
BTW, statement aku ni general je, tak tuju kat sesape..  |
FS tgk citer nie kat JJ Cheras selatan.. 2 PM.. kosong giler.. guess less than 20 people were in the cinema...
Tapi mmg best la citer nie... thanks to Farhana yang promote citer ni kat Board nie...
Member FS mula2 kinda sceptical biler ajak tgk citer nie.. last2 dia yang gelak lebey2 dlm wayang |
Reply #19 finest_solution's post
yay tanx 2 Farhana gak...
aku mmg pnh nmpak poster cite nih..... tp x tau bile kua.. bc thread nih trus t'ringat da kua rupenye.. then trus pi ngok.. mmg worth it.. beshh!  |
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