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Post time 24-4-2008 09:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Acong at 24-4-2008 01:34 PM

mmg mai dari jepun laa........ CBU

kereta nasional cbu...

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Post time 24-4-2008 10:22 PM | Show all posts

Reply #21 archilless's post

tak pernah dibuat orang

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Post time 24-4-2008 11:12 PM | Show all posts
huh mahalnya

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Post time 25-4-2008 02:30 AM | Show all posts
bagus sangat ke kereta ni nak letak harga tinggi...?

tambah 30k da dpt mini cooper seken

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Post time 25-4-2008 07:36 AM | Show all posts
harga toyota rush berapa skang ek?

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Post time 25-4-2008 08:23 AM | Show all posts
Perodua Nautica: official name for new Perodua SUV

Perodua has officially unveiled the name of the new Perodua SUV: the Perodua Nautica 4WD. Shown above is Theophilus Chin’s artist impression of the little SUV which is based on the short wheelbase Daihatsu Terios. The long wheelbase version is also on sale in our local market in the form of the Toyota Rush.

The new Perodua Nautica 4WD will be a CBU import from Japan with Perodua badging and styling, though since the car will be a low volume unit there should not be any major changes with the design other than a minor grille change, as it would not be cost effective to do any major restyling with so little units expected to be sold.

Bookings are open from May 10th 2008 onwards. Also released are some official minor specs on the car - a 1.5 liter DVVT engine (likely the 3SZ-VE in the Avanza and Rush) and a 4WD drivetrain, unlike the Toyota Rush’s 2WD drivetrain. It comes in automatic transmission only and has two colour variant - Medallion Grey or Majestic Black.

Perodua will definitely get some flack for bringing in a fully imported CBU unit instead of doing the normal “national car manufacturer” thing and making it here. At the end of the day making a car has been degraded to mere routine assembly of CKD kits anywa

credits : PAULTAN

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Post time 25-4-2008 08:35 AM | Show all posts
CBU tuu... mcm mana la Perodua ni bley dpt status keta nasional kedua?  Kalu dulu ok lagi.. at least dtg CKD pastu rebadge.. skang ni dtg dah siap..tinggal rebadge

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Post time 25-4-2008 10:34 AM | Show all posts
Pendapat aku la kan....elok beli Toyota Rush je....nnt dah takyah nak tukar2 badge jadik toyota dah.... ....mcm yg dilakukan oleh segelintir pemilik myvi...

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Post time 25-4-2008 10:50 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Rempit_25 at 25-4-2008 02:30 AM
bagus sangat ke kereta ni nak letak harga tinggi...?

tambah 30k da dpt mini cooper seken

huh..kalau harga 90 k boleh dapat honda stream second woo lagi berbaloi

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Post time 25-4-2008 10:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by neotoxin at 25-4-2008 08:35 AM
CBU tuu... mcm mana la Perodua ni bley dpt status keta nasional kedua?  Kalu dulu ok lagi.. at least dtg CKD pastu rebadge.. skang ni dtg dah siap..tinggal rebadge

sekarang makin malas neo

rebadge pon malas, sekarang main import ja, harga biar mahal

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Post time 25-4-2008 11:03 AM | Show all posts
nda berbaloi la rm90K....aku tengok macam myvi yang ditinggikan je...sama cam kembara iaitu kancil lama yang ditinggikan...

tah pape...kete malaysia je...tapi harga mahal giler....hilang akal ke hape?

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Post time 25-4-2008 12:00 PM | Show all posts
okla kalau harga mahal pun asalkan kualiti bagus la..
bagi kereta harga murah, kualiti kurang sikit lu org dah meroyan komplen potpet potpet, kutuk kereta Malaysia..
klu minat dan berduit beli je la...
klu takde toksah byk komplen duk dendiam sudah, tgk je org lain pakai
pakai je proton kete kebal Iswara mcm aku ni (org bg free, baru lak tu, sape taknak beb? sapeee??)
buang ms je korg dok cotcet cotcet pasal harga...
kualit nk yg bagus je, bile mintak bayar lebih sikit dah meroyan mcm org gile...
bg la can kereta Malaysia tembus pasaran kereta yg lebih kompetetif sikit, sampai bile nk maintain kat kereta bajet je je utk serve org Malaysia yg berpendapatan sederhana?dah tu byk komplen lak tu
kang klu aku kata tak bersyukur kang marah lak

p/s - mod tolong semelih itik kat atas ni buleh dak

[ Last edited by  sharx at 25-4-2008 12:02 PM ]

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Post time 25-4-2008 12:41 PM | Show all posts

Reply #39 sharx's post

keta CBU mahal sebab import tax.. Sebagai pengeluar kereta nasional, sepatutnya boleh produce something yang berkualiti pada harga berpatutan kerana tak banyak kena cukai

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Post time 25-4-2008 12:51 PM | Show all posts
rm90k for a produa car? ada ke yg sanggup bayar?
dgn harga mcm tu.. baik beli suzuki sx4 cbu jugak..
design pun sporty..

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Post time 25-4-2008 02:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by archilless at 25-4-2008 12:51 PM
rm90k for a produa car? ada ke yg sanggup bayar?
dgn harga mcm tu.. baik beli suzuki sx4 cbu jugak..
design pun sporty..

Oh yea.... SX4... canteek... berapa regenye ye?

Bukanle Pak Abu nak beli... tak kena gaya le dgn orang "mude" mcm Pak Abu ni... saja nak tau je...

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Post time 25-4-2008 04:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #40 neotoxin's post

pada haku pulak..
takde masalh la diorg nk letak harga mahal sekalipun..
lgpun diorg takde tanggungjawab utk jg kebajikan pengguna di Malaysia (dalam konteks sediakan kenderaan harga rendah+kualiti tiptop)
diorg meniaga bukannya sj suka-suka
mcm org tettt selalu kata depa boleh bangkrap klu turunkan harga
aku taktau apa maksud kualiti pada pengguna yg lain...
pd aku kereta2 yg ada skrg ni boleh kira okla..
lgpun kite sbgi pengguna ada byk pilihan...
pilih ikut kemampuan bukan ikut mana yg berkenan

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Post time 25-4-2008 04:46 PM | Show all posts

Reply #41 archilless's post

mestila ada bang...
klu tak takkan berani diorg nk letak harga mcm tu...
tp harga masih rumours lg kan?
blum muktamad lg..
tunggu je pengumuman ms pelancaran rasmi nnt...
takyahla bandingkan kete ni dn kete lain,..
klu hang byk duit ambik jela mn berkenan bg can org yg kurang berkemampuan utk merasa,:victory:

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Post time 25-4-2008 05:26 PM | Show all posts
90K baik amik innova.........

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Post time 25-4-2008 06:06 PM | Show all posts
ye baik ambik inova, unser, avanza, merc, bmw, skyline,

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Post time 25-4-2008 06:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tossee at 25-4-2008 10:34 AM
Pendapat aku la kan....elok beli Toyota Rush je....nnt dah takyah nak tukar2 badge jadik toyota dah.... ....mcm yg dilakukan oleh segelintir pemilik myvi...

bukan ke harga pun lebih kurang sama ngan toyota rush??
at least kalau beli rush nampak gah sket pegi hantar service kat toyota SC...boleh la feeling pakai keta non malaysia katanye

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